

Nicolas CAT
baku, Azerbaijan
Joined : 25th Jun 2009 - 15 years ago
Comments on nickCAT tracks

Other users have posted 39 comments on tracks by nickCAT

Comments 1 - 25 of 39
DJHighDefine 10th Sep 2013 22:42 - 11 years ago

on First Hands ( Dutch House 2011 ) by nickCAT
"Go outside and play Hide and Go f**k yourself" Haha! LOVE THE SONG!
conohamaru 15th Aug 2011 18:29 - 13 years ago

on Nicolas CAT - Kick Ass ( house ) by nickCAT
This is a real jumper. Good work with this one.
nickCAT replied Unknown
thaks dude!
DonnieVyros 24th Jun 2011 14:15 - 13 years ago

on DJ Nicolas CAT - Nobody knows me better than You ( by nickCAT
Play 2 now...

Yeah, this is a pretty cool tune. As for what sergio said about 'repetitive' it is, but it isn't. I'm thinking that if you want some more variation on this I'd consider throwing in 1 or 2 more stops like you had @ around 2:55). Also, try dropping out certain elements here & there (like the drums from this one spot, the bass from the next, etc.). Lastly, I would highly recommend adding some pads to this (as that would make this complete, me thinks). Otherwise, decent stuff mate. Lates!
DonnieVyros 24th Jun 2011 14:14 - 13 years ago

on Dj Nick CAT - Guetta stlye by nickCAT
Play 2 now...

Interesting little teaser ya threw at us mate. About vocals, what kind were you looking for (male/female, singing/rapping, language, etc.)? Of the stuff on here I'm thinking that AnomalyJ's stuff might really suit this (something soulful, ya know?). Only thing I could think to suggest is to add more to the bass on the low-end (like copy the saw-like synth, drop it down by 2 octaves to, say C2, and go with a sound font like a sub-hum or something). Otherwise, this is a pretty nice foundation track ya got going. Lates!
I like the way you used the samples in the beginning. Very intoxicating. Nice Filter sweep.
rfalkenburg 19th Jun 2011 03:46 - 13 years ago

on Benny Benassi - Satisfaction ( Nicolas CAT remix ) by nickCAT
Enjoyed it greatly. Not much else to say.
nickCAT replied Unknown
Thanks Man))
KillaKeishh 17th Jun 2011 19:15 - 13 years ago

on Nicolas CAT - Cairo (electro dutch) by nickCAT
yes lovin that build up!!! can't think of anyting to make this track better... i hear a bit of reggaeton, middle eastern, and euro influences on here, NICE TRACK i agree
ThomasSwanson 17th Jun 2011 18:31 - 13 years ago

on Nicolas CAT - Cairo (electro dutch) by nickCAT
I like how this builds chose the perfect synths!! Very clean sounding!! Please check out my song "Keep It Movin" Im a teenage producer and I need all the reviews I can get!! Thanks :)
DJSupernova 9th Jun 2011 19:59 - 13 years ago

on tiesto - adagio for strings (Nicolas cat Remix) by nickCAT
Nice work man! but I think it's a lil fast in the notes. Try dragging them out longer :) And check out my tracks alright?
digitalSKYY 4th Jun 2011 02:31 - 13 years ago

on tiesto - adagio for strings (Nicolas cat Remix) by nickCAT
Pounding hard and an amazing progression!
I really love this dude

Keep Em Coming!

Kenny Lee

nickCAT replied Unknown
Thanks man!) Full Version Soon...
JohnBoutilier 4th Jun 2011 01:00 - 13 years ago

on LMFAO - Party Rock Anthem ( Nicolas CAT House Maf by nickCAT
Great track. The drum track reallyu did it for me.

Keep them coming

nickCAT replied Unknown
Thanks man)
Lale 24th May 2011 17:52 - 13 years ago

on Sex And Drugz and House ( n-cat Remix ) by nickCAT
There are many good studies.....
nickCAT replied Unknown
sag ol lale!))) turkiyeye selam!)
Nice one Nick. Piano based House & then a bit techno about 90 seconds in. And a vocal by you to help it along. Excellent fade out at the end as well. Good stuff mate
nickCAT replied Unknown
Thanks BRO!)
SERGEJ77 18th May 2011 21:05 - 13 years ago

on DJ Nicolas CAT - I cant sing ( Dutch House Short by nickCAT
Well, on the first place long inro - for my taste-
second-I would like to here your voice more - good voice...
Third - this is very interesting track...
Some things I like very musc...
sergio81 1st Mar 2011 01:12 - 14 years ago

on Sex And Drugz and House ( n-cat Remix ) by nickCAT
hi man... great perc and voice intro!! arrangement of the track is really funny, many transitions and changes.good work
lukesmooth 20th Feb 2011 09:27 - 14 years ago

on First Hands ( Dutch House 2011 ) by nickCAT
Hey dude. i do live DJ sets, i think this is a pretty sick track. One thing tho. I reckon if you lift the pitch of that synth a bit higher it would sound hectic. not sure what the BPM of that track was. but 128 is the best speed for all Dirty house mixing in my opinion. I keep the BPM at 128 for all my Live sets :)

Good luck man :)
keep it out.

- DJ Crimewave
Kgomotso 17th Feb 2011 06:49 - 14 years ago

on Sex And Drugz and House ( n-cat Remix ) by nickCAT
This is really cool stuff. Keep it up and God bless
djquickrick 7th Feb 2011 21:21 - 14 years ago

on First Hands ( Dutch House 2011 ) by nickCAT
I liked it. Good House rhythem. I have that guy's voice on an ooold record. But not that version! lol. love it if you could send me a copy.
peace n thanks
angler234 5th Feb 2011 02:50 - 14 years ago

on Party people ( 2011 ) by nickCAT
Realy liked the sound of that there m8.Cool stuff would av been real good to hear the same riif continue but change the sound of it an then maybe change bk(as a suggestion.:-)
djmiki 29th Jan 2011 04:44 - 14 years ago

on Fight or Die ( demo version ) by nickCAT
Hi Nick,

I like your Fight or Die ( demo version ) track, can I use this for a school project(a video)?
nickCAT replied Unknown
ok Dj miki) no problem)))
WongKiShoo 28th Jan 2011 00:55 - 14 years ago

on DJ Nicolas CAT - Arabian Streets ( house ) by nickCAT
I have to say this is the best I've heard today so far :)

Definitely original...

Around the 1:20 marker what I was expecting was a big drop into a nice bass line and a pounding beat instead of a break. The percussion break IS nice, but I wouldn't expect to hear that until 3/4's of the way through the track.

I know this is a demo version, but I would expect a house track to be a lot longer than it currently is.

What I hear at the moment is:

- Intro/build
- Verse
- Verse
- Break
- Break/build
- Verse
- Verse/Break
- DJ Nicholas CAT - (nice touch by the way)

This has the potential to be an absolutely brilliant track. But it really really needs a big catchy bass line, so in my opinion, do some rearranging.

- Move the percussion break and save it for later in the track
- Insert in it's a place a chorus with a bass line for like 16
- Roll the arabian string again
- Back into the chorus
- Back into the chorus for a final time
- Then your outro

As it stands, what I hear is very good - but it could be brilliant. That's why I've taken the time to give my advice in this long post. It's down to you whether you take it or not. I'm not a professional but I do know a little about track structure...

I would absolutely love to hear this track when it is finished, hopefully with a chorus and a bass line

Hope this helps,

nickCAT replied Unknown
wow)) what a Comment!) Thanks Bro!!!
typeMARS 24th Jan 2011 12:03 - 14 years ago

on Run ( Minimal 2011 ) by nickCAT
minimal house, eh? nice composition.

shamas 7th Jan 2011 03:53 - 14 years ago

on in the spaceship Demo version by nickCAT
ha soon as the beat started the first thing i imaged was some one doin the robot to it lol when we goin to hear the full version
MiceleMulero 5th Jan 2011 14:04 - 14 years ago

on be Crazy ( benassi style ) by nickCAT
Now that heard your 2. song, i think your music isn`t only big in only one song... You have fought with fruiy like I had to, too. so if you wanna collaborate in a thing, let me know!

MiceleMulero 5th Jan 2011 14:02 - 14 years ago

on Party people ( 2011 ) by nickCAT
The Hammerbeat! I like it so much! It`s the right way betwenn harmony and hardness!

Comments 1 - 25 of 39