Haven't visited you in a while.So sorry about your cat.I love animals and really can relate to the pain of your loss.Beautiful track.It makes me think of a cat and all the adventures and mischief a cat would get up to.I had a beautiful cat a few years ago and she was run over while roaming busy streets.Just could not keep her indoors.I cried for weeks and I still think of my beautiful Jemma to this day.This track means so much to you,it is heartfelt and that comes across in the so well crafted piece of music.love to you.g.x
This song is really comforting for some reason! It is nice and floaty, owing to those great pads! Really cool bass line too! Great drums, especially the fills! I really like how you've used the vocals on this track, especially the "that's right" sample. Really well done! Faved for sure!
Thanks for the review! I wasnt sure how this track would go down since its been collecting dust for a number of years now its from the "Back Catalog" so to speak of things I made but didnt do anything with and there are a lot more of these lol ... Will see what else I have.. Once again cheers for the review.
Thanks Blaze, actually lyrics have become something I have worked more on with newer tracks, most of my older tracks this one included have few lyrics and work more on simple themes ideas and base sounds.
Okay!By now you probably think I'm just licking ass?
No!I really am loving your work.Your reto dance style is just my kind of thing and I'm sitting here listening,losing myself in your world of music,and enjoying every bit of it!
Okay!I'm so totally hooked!
Your work is sublime!The production is fantastic,the music hypnotic and I just have to listen to all your tracks.I've discovered a handfull of really talented people on this site and you are definitely among them.
You are a great discovery!This is such a funky track and very good production.
I absolutely love the lyrics!Really put a smile on my dial!
Thanks for sharing this!!
To clear up any confusion for everyone the intro is tinny to simulate it being played on a small type radio... If I ever got to make a video for this track the opening would be someone listening to it on such a radio before the main track hits... If enough people think its worth it I will be happy to post a version without the intro .... P.S The original version in the megamix of which this was extracted does not have the intro in it. Cheers C.I.A - P.P.S Thanks for the review
Im guessing you didnt read the description for the track else you would realise that the intro levels are deliberate....... else thank you for the review
Jeepers! I kinda liked it. A bit of Retro Dance, if that is a good phrase to use. It's almost like the lost '90's sound, that I keep trying to find/capture/create/etc. Keep it up.
Wow. That is all I can really say lol
I love everything about it. Brilliantly made, just an amazing dance track dude.
I'd personally say it's more trance but that's just my opinion.
Although, the 'rap' section reminded me a tad of "Jizz In My Pants" by The Lonely Island haha
Thats what my partner thought as well same comment from her re the rap and The Lonely Island and I have to admit it does have overtones of the same style but yeah I am not sure how else I could of got it to fit ! Lol appreciate the review thanks ! :-)
i like i, honestly i thought t wasnt gonna catch my attention at all. but it did.. i actually played the track more than once.. not bad reminds of the tecnho tracks i heard growin up in the 90's i'm 25 so i'm all bout rehashin the mems. good job
Cheers Theory I think its one of those tracks that you do need to listen to more than once to fully get the feel of it I tend to listen to my tracks so much before releasing them that when they do get up here Im kind of sick of them lol. But thanks for the comments! :-)
Sorry for the long time in replying, glad u like it and more so that it made it to your ipod! Be sure to check back on new tracks that may also be worthy of your ipod! Thanks again for the review
Saw the Mandelbrot Set in your avatar and thought I'd have a listen. Very nice. Got some serious chart potential in this one, can see this being a number 1 in Europe somewhere.
You got good ideas man, keep going. You're well on your way. Sounding good.
Come check out one of mine sometime, got a feeling you'll like Tooth For a tooth. Take it easy man and keep them coming.
Cheers and yes its simply the title of the track is the only lyric. Its synthesised not an actual persons voice :) May need a little more engineering if people think its difficult to hear... Still mastering the engineering part
on I Miss Your Love by ChaosInAction
on I Believe In You by ChaosInAction
on Bass Goes Boom by ChaosInAction
on Bass Goes Boom by ChaosInAction
u proofd it here
sry 4 the bad english
greez blaze :P
on Detonator by ChaosInAction
on Reaching Out For You by ChaosInAction
No!I really am loving your work.Your reto dance style is just my kind of thing and I'm sitting here listening,losing myself in your world of music,and enjoying every bit of it!
on Self Belief by ChaosInAction
Your work is sublime!The production is fantastic,the music hypnotic and I just have to listen to all your tracks.I've discovered a handfull of really talented people on this site and you are definitely among them.
on Bass Goes Boom by ChaosInAction
I absolutely love the lyrics!Really put a smile on my dial!
Thanks for sharing this!!
on Run With Me by ChaosInAction
on Run With Me by ChaosInAction
on Here We Go by ChaosInAction
on Self Belief by ChaosInAction
I like it : good vocals, synths. The drums are too "classics", but it's still good. Nice work ;)
on Sun Kissed Summers by ChaosInAction
on Meet Me On The Dance Floor by ChaosInAction
on Meet Me On The Dance Floor by ChaosInAction
on Meet Me On The Dance Floor by ChaosInAction
I love everything about it. Brilliantly made, just an amazing dance track dude.
I'd personally say it's more trance but that's just my opinion.
Although, the 'rap' section reminded me a tad of "Jizz In My Pants" by The Lonely Island haha
on Meet Me On The Dance Floor by ChaosInAction
on Nate Monoxide vs CIA - Road Rat (Remastered) by ChaosInAction
on Detonator by ChaosInAction
on Nate Monoxide vs CIA - Road Rat (Remastered) by ChaosInAction
Good work
on Detonator by ChaosInAction
on Detonator by ChaosInAction
on Nate Monoxide vs Chaos In Action - Road Rat by ChaosInAction
You got good ideas man, keep going. You're well on your way. Sounding good.
Come check out one of mine sometime, got a feeling you'll like Tooth For a tooth. Take it easy man and keep them coming.
on Reaching Out For You by ChaosInAction