You are right about that it is catchy. Great vocals and nice sounds :) Altough, maybe there was a bit too much vocoder/effect's in your voice in some parts :/ But that's just my opinion.
But I must say, I listened it few times and would like to listen some more, so that can't be a bad thing :D
Great job here! Keep doing your thing, who know where it takes you ;)
Music and vocal arrangement, a very modern style .... The mix may require to be reviewed, and adjusted, but the whole is still very consistent.
I wish you much success, for you are very talented ....
I think the voice is the magic of this song. The voice is beautifully wrapped in music and gives off an air of which I personally leads me to think of some songs (the best) of Yazoo. A very good song. Great job.
I love the pop feel to this track. I can imagine this with lady gaga singing something to it haha overall I think the electronic bass you have going on is what drives the beat forward
on Dont Give Up On Me (feat Noelle) by Kyleee
on ShowOff by Kyleee
But I must say, I listened it few times and would like to listen some more, so that can't be a bad thing :D
Great job here! Keep doing your thing, who know where it takes you ;)
on ShowOff by Kyleee
I wish you much success, for you are very talented ....
on Unity by Kyleee
on Cool by Kyleee
on Get Together by Kyleee
on Get Together by Kyleee
on Get Together by Kyleee
Love the guitar and synths, wow i must ask you to sing on some of my tunes some day....: )
This makes me feel like having a good drink with you mate...
Good job
on Get Together by Kyleee