This is one trippy house track! The drum beats are spectacular! Nice arrangement and transitions too! Very cool synthesis on this one! For some reason I think I've heard another song called don't stop that used a similar sample, not the same don't worry. haha. Nice track!
the digi bass, the swoops, the synths the slight vocals i think i can hear all works perfectly! Very professional with the mastering as well. this is just a plain nice track :)
gr8 drums man! Love the subtle synths too...very housy bum shakin at the bar type track...I could imagine bein at the bar bumping ass with some sexy babes to this track!!!
Ez mate, you got to work on the mastering a little, it`s distorting a wee too much.
Vocal is nicely used.
Nice bring in of the keys at ~1:10 but they fad from the lack of mastering...
Keep it up though,
on Dawn by Plainsman
on The Generation by Plainsman
on Don t stop by Plainsman
on summer by Plainsman
on Duality by Plainsman
on Sequence Activated by Plainsman
on Virus Love by Plainsman
on Shy by Plainsman
Vocal is nicely used.
Nice bring in of the keys at ~1:10 but they fad from the lack of mastering...
Keep it up though,
on Shy by Plainsman