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stafford, United Kingdom
Joined : 17th Aug 2009 - 15 years ago
Comments on Soletik tracks

Other users have posted 58 comments on tracks by Soletik

Comments 1 - 25 of 58
smallpaul 5th Mar 2020 22:39 - 5 years ago

on FLOAT feat Emily Coy by Soletik
Missed this first time round, glad I stopped by this time though. Its like minimal techno meets a bit of deep house. Its really comfortable on the ears (in ear buds) and is just perfect! IMHO!!
crucethus 22nd Feb 2018 20:27 - 7 years ago

on hide indifference by Soletik
Very Cool work. love the sounds. sounds horrific and daunting at the same time. Sounds like you only used the effects filters on the mod-synths as well for a very pure modular sound. And I like how the ending just tails off with that kick pulse.
good work.
crucethus 30th Jan 2014 20:38 - 11 years ago

on FLOAT feat Emily Coy by Soletik
Nice remix, With Emily's voice and your very house-industrial-minimal approach to the song I was reminded of "How to Destroy Angels" With Trent Rezor and his wife. Good idea and work so far. i would want you to build with somes strings or pads toward the last 3rd of the song and build it up to something fantastic and then bring it back down to the beautifuly simple percussion. Then it might be something else... IMHO.
ViralSilenc3 12th Sep 2013 23:37 - 11 years ago

on obey-030 feat emily coy by Soletik
nice track! really groovy, And the vocals work so well. :)
DanGoldstein 12th Sep 2013 02:26 - 11 years ago

on obey-030 feat emily coy by Soletik
nice groove. like it a lot. like the "cowbell" breaks! you mix in the voice beautifully. nice to hear your stuff. lookin forward to more. keep it up!
ScottB55 24th Jun 2013 23:44 - 11 years ago

on Dukes by Soletik
Usually I'll click on tracks in this genre for S&G and click off after a few seconds, but this track was so hypnotic I couldn't help but play the whole thing! I'm not even sure why, but it was just so catchy. I guess what I'm saying is...I like it...Period!

Soletik replied 25th Jun 2013 - 11 years ago
Thanks for taking the time to listen and for your nice comments, glad you liked it. Cheers.
drmistersir 8th Feb 2013 14:22 - 12 years ago

on Dukes by Soletik
it's like you built this one out of bricks
each part is supporting all the others
and it's sooo damn tight, couldn't jam a folded dollar into the cracks

them sharp synths ride the top so well

i don't even like this stuff... but it's right propper
and i respect the shit out of that
Soletik replied 9th Feb 2013 - 12 years ago
how can you not like it? haha
great review,gratefully recieved.
you have a way with words lol
thanks again.
Eato 6th Feb 2013 17:05 - 12 years ago

on Dukes by Soletik
Really nice track, constructive criticism........nope just a lovely slice of electronica
Soletik replied 7th Feb 2013 - 12 years ago
thanks for taking the time, glad you enjoyed it
DeadStringer 5th Feb 2013 21:24 - 12 years ago

on Dukes by Soletik
What the hell?! I hate it when I get ready to review something and I can't find anything negative to balance my view!

You've done too good a job man! That's my criticism!
Soletik replied 7th Feb 2013 - 12 years ago
perhaps you`re not trying hard enough haha, thanks mate, appreciate it.
edzwood 1st Feb 2013 22:57 - 12 years ago

on Dukes by Soletik
Nice funky intro / I like they way the melody comes in and the way it works with the bass/ lost my attention a little before it changed up. overall nice funky groove. I will listen some more and get back to you.
GramoChopin 6th Jan 2013 00:25 - 12 years ago

on Dukes by Soletik
Agree with the others, the beat is pretty great in this. If computers chips could dance, they would use this to dance to. No problems on my side. keep it up. regards

Soletik replied 7th Feb 2013 - 12 years ago
thanks for your continued support/input. your comments always eagerly anticipated and appreciated. peace.
mackit 31st Dec 2012 04:05 - 12 years ago

on Dukes by Soletik
Electronicly funcky. Sweet synth work. Great mix. Wish i could download. Had to fav. PEACE. THE MACK MAN OUT.
Soletik replied 31st Dec 2012 - 12 years ago
thanks, downloadable on soundcloud.
oasisduke 30th Dec 2012 07:58 - 12 years ago

on Dukes by Soletik
...grinning from ear to ear...
a playful, sexy little beat youve got here. synth work is positively supurb and mixing is top notch on this retro badboy.
i adore.

*hits play again*
Soletik replied 30th Dec 2012 - 12 years ago
ha, glad you enjoyed it and, putting on best Rocky voice,
I did it for yooooo lol.
Bindanox 28th Dec 2012 20:23 - 12 years ago

on Burn Your Label by Soletik
I really like the Autechre impressions on the intro and breakdown,great drum programming.That lovely melody that comes in around the 2:25 mark,kinda reminds me of Rez by Underworld.
Great work Nufoxx!!!

Soletik replied 29th Dec 2012 - 12 years ago
thanks, this is one of ythe first tracks i put on here, a while ago, i hope i`ve come on a bit since then :)
think i was just starting to get to grips with my DAW when i did this,and it did feature on a compilation thats out there somewhere, but the big deal never happened lol.. still waiting for it!!! thanks again mate.
oasisduke 16th Dec 2012 21:41 - 12 years ago

on In The Glow - SOLETIK feat JJWeekz by Soletik
youre really showing off your mixing/engineering skills on this track. it sounds ridiculously crispy clean in the phones.
really professional work.

well done!
Soletik replied 17th Dec 2012 - 12 years ago
i didn`t realise i had any skills!
but crispy clean sounds good to me, don`t know about the ridiculous bit though, thanks for the listen and comments, every positive one is a little bit more confidence.reckon i got about a tablespoon of it now :)
Decnet 2nd Dec 2012 06:55 - 12 years ago

on Higher by Soletik
When a tune starts to sound like something i would have produced myself.. Im impressed.. Lets just say its that narsissistic gene of mine speaking...

I believe in the small things when creating music.. one akward chord, a misplaced snare, and loops that uses the entire spectra of the claviatur or midi-board and not just 3 notes... What im trying to say it that what youve done here is MUSIC to my ears..

I know from personal experience that a voice or acapella can make a tune go from crap to awesome, but in this case, im wondering if the voice is nessesary? You should experiment with the idea of extracting the voice and just let the tune speak for itself since you manage to incorporate feelings with the loops and sounds you are using.. just an idea..

All and all.. Awesome.. F´real... ///Dec
Soletik replied 10th Dec 2012 - 12 years ago
its the same old problem for me,listening to a track after i`m sure its the best it can be and then realising i could change so many things about it, but you cant hold on to them forever :)i really appreciate the effort you put into your comment, it takes time and is important( feedback = awareness and growth imho ) .its easy to stitch pre fabs together and get genre specific white noise. Creating something, even if its not that perfect will always win in my book. It may mean slow output but comments like the ones i have been recieving make it worth the extra effort. once again thanks Dec.
LazarusBlack 1st Dec 2012 05:56 - 12 years ago

on Higher by Soletik
Great production on this track.very the way it transcends the gap between chill and dance type genres. this reminds me alot of Groove Armada. Chill enough to mellow out to and still maintain that head nod effect. Great Work!

SS3LDOG }:)-
Soletik replied 10th Dec 2012 - 12 years ago
thanks, this is probably my best work so far, so its nice to know its hitting the spot :) thanks again
edzwood 30th Nov 2012 13:00 - 12 years ago

on Higher by Soletik
Nice intro and build up into really cool melodic hook.
Than you just keep layering other cool stuff (vocals).
Nice break down than you take us home with the hook and vocal. really nicely constructed song. You used Acid or something similar? Anyway it's just a great feeling head bopping little gem a mellow and positive groove through and through.
edzwood 28th Nov 2012 01:37 - 12 years ago

on Higher by Soletik
Sweet groove love the understated power. There's no way a human being could listen to this and not at least bob therir head.
Soletik replied 29th Nov 2012 - 12 years ago
thanks, it`s all about the head bob !! great yardstick i find . :)
3rdNippleMusic 23rd Nov 2012 23:25 - 12 years ago

on Higher by Soletik
Great sound and mixture, a little to 'nice' or 'happy' for my tastes, but I can recognize quality aside from any biases I may have.

Just the right amount of vocal, fits perfectly and in key too lol thanks ! Love the arpeggios, great timbre as well.

Soletik replied 24th Nov 2012 - 12 years ago
thanks neal, even if you are too miserable to like happy music LOL.. probably one of my personal faves, so thanks for the kind comments
GramoChopin 23rd Nov 2012 18:56 - 12 years ago

on Higher by Soletik
Haha oh wow the irony, i've used that higher vox before too in a veryyyyy old project of mine. back when i was using acid pro still. This is sounding pretty clean cut though, the arps are nice. Would like to hear more effects of some sort to juice up the sound. Sometimes some distortion can help with that, if you know how to incorporate it. great track though man. peace

Soletik replied 23rd Nov 2012 - 12 years ago
yeh, was going through some old stuff and liked the sample, my first tack trying to aim for a more dancier feel, thanks for lisstening and commenting, duly noted thanks again :)
mrchewson 20th Nov 2012 20:31 - 12 years ago

on In The Glow - SOLETIK feat JJWeekz by Soletik
You should give yourself a "hearty" handshake and a firm pat on the back for these drums the hats really bring it to life.

only suggestion I would have to make is I feel it needs a hooky bass line to compliment the main synth,

But maybe for this Genre its not needed, :)
Soletik replied 21st Nov 2012 - 12 years ago
thanks for the listen and comment, drums are my least favourite part, always struggle with them so its nice to know ppl like em, hooky bass lines are even harder LOL.
TaraToxic 20th Nov 2012 19:55 - 12 years ago

on In The Glow - SOLETIK feat JJWeekz by Soletik
LOVE the vocal snipping in with the intro. kinda has the 'funky house' element in places. i like :)
Soletik replied 21st Nov 2012 - 12 years ago
glad you like :) might try one of yours in the next one (so apologies in advance haha )
Spivkurl 8th Nov 2012 21:37 - 12 years ago

on In The Glow - SOLETIK feat JJWeekz by Soletik
This is fun and uplifting! Love the beats! Great use of the vocals! Very good mixing and mastering! This song makes me wanna move! Great work!
Soletik replied 14th Nov 2012 - 12 years ago
thanks, your comments mean a lot , glad you liked it.
Decnet 2nd Nov 2012 11:51 - 12 years ago

on In The Glow - SOLETIK feat JJWeekz by Soletik
There is two things that makes me hooked on a specific tune, and the first one is the combination of unusual chords and still make it "work" in the end, the second is playfullness with the beat itself. Just because it says 1/4:th of a note doesnt prevent it from being a delayed 1/5:th note so 2 speak. Meaning that you put something "out of sync" and are capable of making that work as well.. This tune has both of those criterias witch makes it extremly enjoyable to listen too.

Awesome work.. ///Dec
Soletik replied 2nd Nov 2012 - 12 years ago
thanks for your thoughts,and taking the time to put them down, not sure about the awesome LOL, this place is home to some amazing stuff and i`m enjoying being here, its definately expanding my musical side. thanks again !!
Comments 1 - 25 of 58