i have to admit there defo distortion in there sorry to say and i am using top quality heaqdphones covering the widest frequency so i know its not my soundsystem lol
also seems a little to repetitive not much variety in it but otherwise its fine, always good to hear something different :)
Sounds way too much like dubstep and your kick distorts the whole thing. No offence, but if someone helps me with a track, I'd train them 1st to a level of my standerds, even if It's a girlfriend. Hehehe thats why I always chase them ladies out while I'm busy lol. But if you love her so much, keep em coming. Girls are good insperation to your music. Great stuff
on Because I Love You by LuckySexyDevil
on Because I Love You by LuckySexyDevil
also seems a little to repetitive not much variety in it but otherwise its fine, always good to hear something different :)
on Because I Love You by LuckySexyDevil