I like all the sounds and all the melody's. I think it should be more heavy. Everything sounds really light in a way. Its hard to explain. You just need to make everything hit harder i guess. But keep working on this because i love all the melody's! Its gonna be awesome in the end.
whoah, this is really something! You got some great ideas put into this track. The only thing it needs is some serious vocals and it's good to go. Like it!
Thanks, John! I started this track in school and the harddrive they gave me crashed so I lost all of my things. Then got a new one that did the same thing!
Anywho, thanks for the review!
I have one space left on my Matthew tribute album and would be honored to include this track.Album goes out in a week.Let me know if you would like to be a part of it!
I like this track. Have you found anybody to lace it yet? Anybody singing on it yet? What's the topic of the song? Take a listen to my accapella and tell me if you would like my voice on this track.
Maannn I Love Those TomTomm That Come In This Track..... DUUMDUMDUMDDDDUMMMDUMM.... Sounds Like A T.I Track To Me Man.... Smooth R&B Flavour Over Here !
This is HOT fam!
Been a while since I saw a stalju track
and imma never disappointed!
Tight arrangement and smooth transitions
all tha sounds mesh together nicely
SICK SYNTH WORK TOO and excellent drums...
Luv those toms at tha end of tha loop...
Piano was perfect and yeah that organ KILLED IT!
I think tha organ should be a wee bit louder in me opinion
I could barely hear it behind those PHAT synths... but that's
just personal preference for me though ;)
Hehe, thanks for the review and fav!
I still havent heard it on speakers. But i will definitely check the levels on everything! Will check your stuff out now as well.
I like the beat. I wish it could be a little bit longer. I think, you should have added some singing in some parts of the track. It's very smoothing, the piano is a great touch.
Ill add some vocals as soon as someone wants to put some on there! I wish I had a vocalist on my pc that i could just tell to sing, but i dont. haha.
THanks for the review! And I am working on the rest of the track. Just wanted to get some feedback.
Modern pop/hip-hop track with freaking hot and fresh sounds! Find someone to spit to this and that's a guaranteed HIT! This needs to be on a radio. Great production ;)
Hehe, yeah. I had a girl group in mind when i made it. No specific band but still. Like a happy kind of track with a lot of energy. Thanks for the review :D
on Testimonial by SweeneyMusic
very good work
on Testimonial by SweeneyMusic
on Testimonial by SweeneyMusic
on Doctor X by SweeneyMusic
on Popsicle by SweeneyMusic
Anywho, thanks for the review!
on Doctor X by SweeneyMusic
never mind.
on Doctor X by SweeneyMusic
on Doctor X by SweeneyMusic
on Doctor X by SweeneyMusic
This is just to good to ignore!
How brilliant are you??
on Doctor X by SweeneyMusic
Bloody good track!YES!
on Doctor X by SweeneyMusic
on White Sand by SweeneyMusic
on Doctor X by SweeneyMusic
check out my newest joints and tell me what u think.
i shoot slugs
hey pt 2
the nicest
like this
no charge
on Doctor X by SweeneyMusic
on White Sand by SweeneyMusic
You have made some great music here,glad I found it!
on White Sand by SweeneyMusic
on White Sand by SweeneyMusic
Much respect!
on White Sand by SweeneyMusic
on White Sand by SweeneyMusic
on White Sand by SweeneyMusic
Been a while since I saw a stalju track
and imma never disappointed!
Tight arrangement and smooth transitions
all tha sounds mesh together nicely
SICK SYNTH WORK TOO and excellent drums...
Luv those toms at tha end of tha loop...
Piano was perfect and yeah that organ KILLED IT!
I think tha organ should be a wee bit louder in me opinion
I could barely hear it behind those PHAT synths... but that's
just personal preference for me though ;)
Great track fam!
Much Respect from LA
I still havent heard it on speakers. But i will definitely check the levels on everything! Will check your stuff out now as well.
on White Sand by SweeneyMusic
on White Sand by SweeneyMusic
Good Job.
THanks for the review! And I am working on the rest of the track. Just wanted to get some feedback.
on No Nothing by SweeneyMusic
on Naturally by SweeneyMusic
good work
on Watermelon by SweeneyMusic