I thought of the vocal track, if it did get recorded, it was going to be the teacher from the Charlie Brown cartoons. (Wah wah waan wah wa.)But I figured it sounded better as an instrumental. Thanks for the listen and the comment.
the first thing that hit my mind was the staranger in a strange land poster from iron maiden you know the one with eddie in a bar wereing a duster and hat lighting a smoke. i can see this music in the background of this sean. very cool my friend.
Dude, you hit it on the head kind of, I was leaning more towards a gunslinger sleeping off a drunk in a saloon room and having nightmares about being gunned down in a fight. Still, the Stranger in a Strange Land poster kind of fits it too. If you get a chance, I have another track up, you havent heard. It needs a rework but I wanted you to listen and give me your feedback, so check it out bro!
This is pretty good. I like the lyrics, the song arrangement and the style which is quite a collection of positive points to kick off with.
The only thing it needs is a little work on the mix down at there's a lot of stuff crowding round the lower mid range.
If you dropped a bit of the low ends off the reverb effect on the "no one in this world" vocal that would help. Possibly a little more volume and eq on the drum section as well.
All in all though this is a good track and i'm suprised that i'm the first to comment on it. It's a propper song and there's not too many of them about on this site.
Keep it up, You are a lot better than the lack of comments suggests.
Hey, thanks for the listen and the feedback. As I listened to this again from the site's player, I noticed it needed some things redone, and You hit a few of my own thoughts, and one I hadn't thought of. Keep an eye out, I will rework this and re-post it. Thanks again for the input, much appreciated. Peace, Love, and Animal Crackers.
hahaha, i wasnt too sure about it at first then the bass and guitar came in... now it makes sense, really a cool take on this track with the piano, man i just love that beat....
pretty compelling stuff, hypnotizing, might work well to start a little riot in a punk club. there is this artist I know who paints some pretty dark stuff. you might want to check her out. here is the link. she is actually a very sharp lady - but yeah, some of her stuff is dark.
Good tune, first thing that came to mind when you started singing was Pink Floyd. As a side not nothing wrong with country music if you know what you are doing, never hurts to branch out. Keep it up man, good stuff.
Thank you for your kind words. I really loved putting this track together, have you ever had one that just falls together? This one did. I tried to do something a little different with the drums and I was very pleased with the way they sounded, glad you liked them. Thanks again.
Pretty kick-ass, if you ask me. I do think the kick drum is a bit overpowering though. Maybe you should EQ the guitar a bit to bring it out in the mix a bit more? All in all, damn fine work though...
I appreciate the reply. The whole idea behind the loud kick drum was meant to be the big dude holding a 50 cal. rotating gun shooting non-stop while crying "come get some!" then the random shots are the poor slob being shot at by the giant with the hand cannon. Sorry to go into total detail but, that's why I brought the kick up so much. Still, thanks for listening and for reviewing.
I like the improvements, it just sounds a lot more hollow than the instrumentals. I hear reverb, but it still sounds like a small room. You could try some other effects, maybe make it sound like Pantera's cemetary gates. Idk, i'll think about it. Well, break's over, talk later.gtg.
I checked out part one, and must say that this is well done, though part one fits the song better. You could try clean vocs with reverb and metal guitar, you know, Metallica or early Pantera (cemetary gates style). It has awesome, ballad like lyrics, could make an amazing Metal-Ballad.
Thanks for the listen and review. This one wasn't so much going for ballad as just truly going for raw metal. The title explains why it sound the way it is. Like the end of that one relationship you didn't want to give up, you have days where the memories are okay, but sad, and nights where they haunt you and never let you alone. Thanks again for the review.
Just out of curiosity, what kind of work do you think the vocals needs? I felt the same way but I haven't been able to fix it, it has eluded me. Let me know, maybe you can fix what I couldn't.
Actually, go listen to it again, I just re-posted it and it is redone, completely redone vocals and better arrangement, check it out.
Those kicks were too cool! I liked the description, made me want to hear this one. This is thick and heavy and you did a great job on it, pretty intense! Good luck to your friend.
LoL ! I was listening to this track and my 3 year old daughter starts dancing!! lol She asks me "is that Yo Gabba Gabba!! Lmao!! Fun song man i like the blast beat at the end, ha-ha didn't see that coming!
Your three year old? How cool is that. Although I am not sure if the Yo! Gabba! Gabba! reference is good or bad, but my One year old loves the show and she has never danced to any of my music yet. Thanks for the review, I do it for the children. LOL.
on Charlie Browns College Band by nosnhojnilremus
Nosnhoj Nilremus
on WCADTR by nosnhojnilremus
on Saloon-Soaked Dreams - A Gunslingers Nightmare by nosnhojnilremus
on No One In This World by nosnhojnilremus
The only thing it needs is a little work on the mix down at there's a lot of stuff crowding round the lower mid range.
If you dropped a bit of the low ends off the reverb effect on the "no one in this world" vocal that would help. Possibly a little more volume and eq on the drum section as well.
All in all though this is a good track and i'm suprised that i'm the first to comment on it. It's a propper song and there's not too many of them about on this site.
Keep it up, You are a lot better than the lack of comments suggests.
Nosnhoj Nilremus
on Saloon-Soaked Dreams - A Gunslingers Nightmare by nosnhojnilremus
on Saloon-Soaked Dreams - A Gunslingers Nightmare by nosnhojnilremus
Nice job.
on Saloon-Soaked Dreams - A Gunslingers Nightmare by nosnhojnilremus
on S-T-F-U by nosnhojnilremus
on S-T-F-U by nosnhojnilremus
on S-T-F-U by nosnhojnilremus
here is a page from one of her sites: http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/rachel-nowicki.html?page=2
here is a page featuring her work on my site: http://www.audiosparksforart.com/thedeceiver.htm
if this interests you, let me know. her stuff is too dark for me.
on Why dont You by nosnhojnilremus
on Newest Track Yet by nosnhojnilremus
on Why dont You by nosnhojnilremus
on Why dont You by nosnhojnilremus
on Newest Track Yet by nosnhojnilremus
on Newest Track Yet by nosnhojnilremus
on Newest Track Yet by nosnhojnilremus
LOL. Thanks for the words, glad you liked it.
on Ambiance Distorto by nosnhojnilremus
on Come Get Some by nosnhojnilremus
on Meth-Fueled Nightmare by nosnhojnilremus
on The Sound of the Wind Pt 1 - Haunting Memories by nosnhojnilremus
on The Sound of the Wind Pt 2 - Forbidden Nightmares by nosnhojnilremus
on The Sound of the Wind Pt 1 - Haunting Memories by nosnhojnilremus
Actually, go listen to it again, I just re-posted it and it is redone, completely redone vocals and better arrangement, check it out.
on Meth-Fueled Nightmare by nosnhojnilremus
on Ambiance Distorto by nosnhojnilremus