


denver, United States
Joined : 26th Nov 2018 - 5 years ago
Comments on jobantwisp tracks

Other users have posted 22 comments on tracks by jobantwisp

Comments (22)
Interesting track. Great work.
jobantwisp replied 11th Apr 2019 - 5 years ago
much appreciated
DijamMusic 10th Apr 2019 00:41 - 5 years ago

on same poison different bloodstreams part2upload2 by jobantwisp
Wow, jobantwisp.
Very nice work I like it.
Vocal is nice too.
Well done.
jobantwisp replied 11th Apr 2019 - 5 years ago
right on,, thankye muchly
Shaman77 9th Apr 2019 20:02 - 5 years ago

on same poison different bloodstreams part2upload2 by jobantwisp
jobantwisp replied 9th Apr 2019 - 5 years ago
My favorite part is 1:52-2:13. In my opinion you should add a snare into the beat on the verses. The breakdowns are great, and then there's that feeling that it should land on the snare on a tight beat on the verses. It might need to come down in volume as well, the track as a whole. Who am I to talk, I end up mixing loud half the time. Good work!
jobantwisp replied 6th Apr 2019 - 5 years ago
definitely hear it,, re-working this weekend before off to the next,'ve added checking those out to the to-do,,much appreciated
As i written in the mail yet, YEAAH MAN, YOU GOT IT! Check up for further minor fixing! I'm glad to help you to reach to a pro track!
jobantwisp replied 6th Apr 2019 - 5 years ago
!!awesome wake up,,thankye very muchly,will do!
HenryPascal 5th Apr 2019 01:23 - 5 years ago

on same blood different bloodstreams part2 by jobantwisp
Agree with RichMich... more emphasis!!!
jobantwisp replied 5th Apr 2019 - 5 years ago
me,too,,gotta figure that out,, much appreciated
RichMish 5th Apr 2019 01:20 - 5 years ago

on same blood different bloodstreams part2 by jobantwisp
Not bad. The beat was pretty unique. I enjoyed it. Your vocals are still super muffled and hard to hear. If your going with that lo-fi sound, thats fine, i would perhaps boost some high end frequencies in the E.Q. to bring out some clarity.
Also from a rap perspective, the flow is fine, but the delivery could use some work. Delivery aka how you deliver your rap. Kinda one-tone, and doesnt change at all throughout the song. Just a couple things to think about! Hit me up if you want further assistance! Keep it up
jobantwisp replied 5th Apr 2019 - 5 years ago
gewd stuff,much appreciated,, i went back nd(methinks) did all that,m thinkin it at least cleared up the vocals,,
but you're totally right about the flow,,kinda boring,,bousta hyu
HenryPascal 4th Apr 2019 22:21 - 5 years ago

on same blood different bloodstreams part2 by jobantwisp
Yeah man, so much better than before, but there are further improvement you still can do. For example, it is still hard to understand the verses you declare, and, once again, the low frequencies of the voice are still too strong. Very nice the transceiver effect, however it still makes the lyrics unintelligible. Try this: insert the (same) vocal track on multiple patterns in the rack, for each of these apply different filters, enhancing the mid-high frequencies and cutting off the low ones. Then play them all together and in the mixer you can adjust the volumes on each track, until you find a better sound! If you don't want to do it on the entire song, you can treat the voice within another project, when you're satisfied with the result, export, then add it to the instrumental.
jobantwisp replied 4th Apr 2019 - 5 years ago
off to check it out,,much appreciated
RichMish 3rd Apr 2019 23:35 - 5 years ago

on same blood different bloodstreams part1 by jobantwisp
The lyrics are pretty good, and flows not bad for your first song ever. Obviously the quality of the song is pretty rough, but that will come in time. Your vocals are muffled. Sounds like you need a new condenser mic. But keep me in mind if you need an engineer to mix and master your tracks. Shoot me an email. Peace and keep it up
jobantwisp replied 4th Apr 2019 - 5 years ago
thankye muchly yea iz rough,using a free app will do,tho,much appreciated
HenryPascal 3rd Apr 2019 21:50 - 5 years ago

on same blood different bloodstreams part1 by jobantwisp
Totally agree with Alien! I really like the music, the final mix/mastering... something to fix. Maybe you got no money for a mic, but for sure you can apply fix and tricks on vocals before put on mix, do you? My tip: add a filter to cut the lowest frequencies (your voice is too low), then add a 4:1 compression (to balance the waveform) then add a dynamic volume envelopment all the track long (to make the vocal track more intelligible and to ensure that it does not bury or be buried by the music in the background) and, optional, some weird effect (like the one used all the vocals long in "Your Woman" by White Town.)

Try these, then let me know.
jobantwisp replied 3rd Apr 2019 - 5 years ago
ll check em out,,much appreciated
DijamMusic 22nd Feb 2019 20:54 - 5 years ago

on takingallthecrescentrolls by jobantwisp
Very nice work I like it too.
Well done.
jobantwisp replied 22nd Feb 2019 - 5 years ago
awesome to read,,much appreciated
Magiq1 22nd Feb 2019 02:02 - 5 years ago

on cucumbershavewickedsouls by jobantwisp
Very nice track enjoyed!
DrowsyCarnivore 21st Feb 2019 23:03 - 5 years ago

on cucumbershavewickedsouls by jobantwisp
This was more challenging that I thought it would be!
Baxuvis 21st Feb 2019 22:35 - 5 years ago

on takingallthecrescentrolls by jobantwisp
Goodluck! I've been doing this for 8 years Haha! I've had learned all this on my own so it took me a bit longer. Wish I would had gone to school for music.
Baxuvis 21st Feb 2019 22:14 - 5 years ago

on takingallthecrescentrolls by jobantwisp
I got some advice, if you know how to, definitely spread the sound out further with some stereo enhancements
jobantwisp replied 21st Feb 2019 - 5 years ago
still figuring that out but i technically know how to,,gonna check it out,,'ppreciate it
DrowsyCarnivore 21st Feb 2019 19:30 - 5 years ago

on cucumbershavewickedsouls by jobantwisp
Im gonna give it a try
Baxuvis 21st Feb 2019 12:16 - 5 years ago

on takingallthecrescentrolls by jobantwisp
Love it
jobantwisp replied 21st Feb 2019 - 5 years ago
right on,,much appreciated
royalnation 12th Feb 2019 03:08 - 5 years ago

on offtheFace by jobantwisp
I really like the drum track. The song makes me want to move.
jobantwisp replied 12th Feb 2019 - 5 years ago
right on,,much appreciated
BLEEP 10th Feb 2019 17:11 - 5 years ago

on bearnicorn by jobantwisp
hi there!

Really cool track, i don't know how to translate it but in french we call it "un tambour roulant", it usually used in the military walk and i liked the render is this track!

Nice work

royalnation 5th Feb 2019 14:50 - 5 years ago

on noCatchphrase by jobantwisp
It has a nice feel to it.
nln1 2nd Feb 2019 18:24 - 5 years ago

on coffeTable by jobantwisp
:25 second mark i can hear a melody thats getting washed away from the distorted bass going on, some eq to balance things and some more drum sculpting to get rid of rigidity and it would be sick

love the violins that came in

keep it up
jobantwisp replied 2nd Feb 2019 - 5 years ago
thankye muchly! methinks you're dead-on,,gonna check it out for ze remasters once'm gewd enough
ClickbaitCabaret 1st Feb 2019 18:22 - 5 years ago

on cucumbershavewickedsouls by jobantwisp
Mice piano melody & I like the "big drum" sound in it. Definitely has a kind of quirky old world sound. Like the last days of the Czar kind of a thing. Great work.
jobantwisp replied 1st Feb 2019 - 5 years ago
we have Rasmus Ryberg Andersen to thank for the piano,gewd sir,,'ve loved it since theaters,,the original's 'only' piano,jus tried to make sumpthin awesome for it
glad ya dug it,,!much appreciated (your current featured is killer,by the by,,gotta check out more'a your stoof
Comments (22)