Hey, enjoyed the track, kind of reminiscent of some old Drum and Bass(the digital type from England in the 90s not the traditional reggae drum and bass vibe) with the quick percussion when the bass kicks in for the last while. If I can add anything, for the forementioned part, it'd be to push the bassline line and maybe EQ it more and layer stuff on it, maybe roll around with some compression or delay effects as the bassline progesses from bar to bar???
on My Blues 125bpm - ebeats feat Rasputin 1963 by ebeats
on om namah shivaye part 2 edit by ebeats
Freakin' Cool Track! I really dig your drum and bass approach to it. Nice work.
on Here to Stay ft Sehya and Wormfist by ebeats
on My Blues 125bpm - ebeats feat Rasputin 1963 by ebeats
on My Blues 125bpm - ebeats feat Rasputin 1963 by ebeats
on My Blues 125bpm - ebeats feat Rasputin 1963 by ebeats
on One For The Money xtra rap feat Sireone by ebeats
on One For The Money xtra rap feat Sireone by ebeats
Check out my version
on I Am Alive by ebeats
i enjoy your track
good job----good sound