

Rheinhessische Toskana, Germany
Joined : 25th Sep 2009 - 15 years ago
Comments on MichaelBork tracks

Other users have posted 57 comments on tracks by MichaelBork

Comments 26 - 50 of 57
ParkerMusic 21st May 2010 05:01 - 14 years ago

on Whats loves about by MichaelBork
Like this one too! The melody is sweet and simple.
MichaelBork replied Unknown
Thank you very much. I love the positive simple melody really. ok, the quit part between is very strage to the positive melody, but thats the rollercoaster feeling. melody from february, the part between from this time.
ParkerMusic 21st May 2010 04:57 - 14 years ago

on Give me a sign by MichaelBork
Nice job. I like your sound. The mix is well blended.
MichaelBork replied Unknown
very cool to hear your comment. thanxs for it. the feeling behind the track is the changing parts in your life.. you wait for a sign and you are depressed, but the life goes on and on, the blood is running through your vene, and then there is stillness and you alway waiting for a sign... but the blood comes once again.... Hope that nobody must wait too long for this sign.... life is so beautiful.
ParkerMusic 21st May 2010 04:52 - 14 years ago

on Walking through the rain by MichaelBork
Oh man, I really love this track. The vocals are wonderful. I hope you have more to share! Already on the ipod! Very nice.
MichaelBork replied Unknown
this ones the first really vocal track from me. it was really stupid, first i wrote the cracy house bassline and formed an instrumental track. but i missed something special and so i searched my whole soundpool collection for a voice... and finally i have found it, and its now a complete track.... i am proud of the result. great, that you have listen to my music and gave me an review. it is very important for me to hear the meening of others. thanks once again.
CSoul 3rd May 2010 10:55 - 14 years ago

on Kosmos by MichaelBork
Cool flowing and clear sound.I liked to lisen it.Nice work.
MichaelBork replied Unknown
thanx for your review man.... love to hear more opinions from your side.....
peace michael
DjAotaka 18th Apr 2010 15:49 - 14 years ago

on Song Nr. 1 - Hoffnung by MichaelBork
Awesome song!! The melody is so beautiful man
I don't think the quality is bad!

It's one of the best song i've listened on Loopermam
I add this one to my favorite.
MichaelBork replied Unknown
thaaaaaaannnnnxxxxx a lot for your compliment.
this makes me proud, cause its my first song written with an old software and only 3 or 4 differents synths. without fx and filters.... but the melody is the key.... thats it.
thanks for listening my production. greeeetz micha
Enhouse 14th Apr 2010 00:23 - 14 years ago

on Nightflight by MichaelBork
I like this track thats a crazy beat.
MichaelBork replied Unknown
Thanks for your review. Its one of my earlier tracks starting composing music. please be so kind and hear my newer songs and make reviews. this will help me getting better. Cheers Michael
Mosaic 11th Apr 2010 05:43 - 14 years ago

on Tegucicalpa by MichaelBork
Hey Michael

man you are so good with your intro's, gets you interested right from the start, as always mate, another very enjoyable listen, nice beat and bass my friend, pucky synths very nice touch, main synths very nice, great choice for this style of track, mate can not believe no one has review this great piece, oh well I am the lucky first :)...very nice work my friend..Thank you...Peace...Estefano...Fav'd...
MichaelBork replied Unknown
dear estefano,
thx once again for your opinion. well, this ones is one of my first writing songs. when i hear it now, i think its a kind of boring and to slow. perhaps i will make an remake in years, cause i love my intro too. the pads are amazing.... you are my favourite reviewer..... thxs.... michael
Mosaic 2nd Apr 2010 08:27 - 14 years ago

on Nightflight by MichaelBork
Hey Friend

Knew I was going to like this track right from the very first beat, good dance beat, affects and synths used are very good,I have track with Elaines same vocal, she has voice of an angel, wow man this one very nice track, everything flowing together so well, one of my more fav tracks of yours Michael..Excellent...Instant Fav...Peace good friend...Estefano...
MichaelBork replied Unknown
dear estefano,
thx once again for your review. we have the same opinion about elains voice.... i love it too.
for me it is very important to hear your review man, cause you are one of the biggest trance producer i hear on this platform. for me it is a surprise to hear from you reviews of my older traxxx. i think my newer traxs are on a higher level... but thxxxs once again... peace michael
Mosaic 2nd Apr 2010 08:24 - 14 years ago

on 2 Step by MichaelBork
Hey Michael

man this is one very sweet piece, with nice thumping beat and great bass, man love the synths etc that you have used,has nice fresh sound about it, mastering and arrangement first class, great work Michael...Peace friend...fav'd...Estefano...
MichaelBork replied Unknown
ooohhh estefano,
this track was only a try to change in another style.. from trance to house, but i quit this after this song.... i think house is not my world today... every try to start once again ends with an techno or tance track.... thxxx for your review.
CSoul 23rd Mar 2010 22:45 - 14 years ago

on Transfer by MichaelBork
Good track my friend.After 2 or 3 second , İ joined your music with my whistle.Very cool flowing melody.Listening and shaking my body was really good experience.But it is so short as a trance track.
MichaelBork replied Unknown
thx a lot for your review. all my tracks are between 3 and 4.3 minutes, cause in my starting phase everybody say to me... the beginning is to boring and the middlepart to... so i decided to make trance tracks in a pop-time-style....
after one minute latest my tracks are started with the main part.... when i hear from other producer to make minimum one minute only with bassdrum and percussion to mix it in and out it´s for me to boring. but this is only my view.
once again thank you for listening my track and making a review. :-)))
greeeeeeetz michael
BlaqhstarrMusic 22nd Mar 2010 06:21 - 14 years ago

on Song Nr. 1 - Hoffnung by MichaelBork
Well I have say that this is an amazing track you got here Michael. Kodos to You!! **clapping**
MichaelBork replied Unknown
thanx for your review. as told it was my first written track. from august 2009 to now my quality of songs are changed.... hope it is growing up :-)) i like the trance flavour... hope to hear some more reviews - it is very important for me to continue and bring my melodys to an higher producer level..... greeeeeeeetz michael
FloridaboyFlava 21st Mar 2010 23:06 - 14 years ago

on Clubmusic by MichaelBork
this is awsome work it move u 2 another realm. a floor mover this.keep up the good wrk
MichaelBork replied Unknown
thanks for you review...makes me happy and a little proud.
Mosaic 21st Mar 2010 08:49 - 14 years ago

on 2037 by MichaelBork
Hi Matey

Michael love the start to this one so diff from some of your others but wow loving it, synths that kick in when beat come is very good, man you are getting better with every track that you are doing, always a pleasure to listen to your work Michael, dont think the vocal is to loud maybe down one notch that is all, overall great track man...Fav'd....Peace mate...Estefano...
MichaelBork replied Unknown
Hi Estefano,
this track was written in the beginning period last year. Some friends told me to do other starts of tracks, so i changed my views and beginning style. Thanks once again for your review.... it is important to me... michael
Mosaic 21st Mar 2010 08:46 - 14 years ago

on Worms Calling by MichaelBork
Hey Michael

This is very good my friend, everything working very well together in this one, again you have choosen nice synths, beat and bass in this one is spot on, giving it a fullness of sound, pleasure to listen to this one man, you are good at doing trance yourself friend, thank you for sharing your talent Michael, peace man...Estefano...
MichaelBork replied Unknown
Hi Estefano,
lovley to hear from you. Thnx once again for your review.. it´s such a pleassure to hear reviews from other people. I love the song, it is my own favourite track !!! waiting for your new songs... greetz michael
Mosaic 21st Mar 2010 08:41 - 14 years ago

on Unterwegs by MichaelBork
Hi Michael

man nice track, very nice synths, maybe beginning little slow, but can not fault rest of track, sweet synths, very nice indeed, good beat arrangement is spot on my friend, do agree maybe lift bass a little, to give it fullness, this piece has a nice happy tap your toes affect to it, great work my friend...Fav'd...Peace Michael...Estefano...
MichaelBork replied Unknown
Hi Estefano,
thanks for your review. as you know it is difficult to find your own music style, so it was one of my first tracks... when i hear it nowadays i see a lot of things who has to be changed, but it is my music history. you are wright with the bass - i have the same opinion. thanks for adding it to your fav. make my very proud. bye michael
JohnBoutilier 14th Mar 2010 20:00 - 14 years ago

on Song Nr. 1 - Hoffnung by MichaelBork
Dude the quality is fine, this is a sweet piece. You could have called this cinematic because it does bring images to mind. Do you know what that means? It means it's art. Well done.

MichaelBork replied Unknown
dear john, thx for your review. it is called song nr. 1, cause it is really my first song starting last year. it has a very optimistic atmosphere, and it gave me a lot of positive energy in a very deep part of my live. i think the quality of my other tracks are better, but the melody of this is amazing. As you know a review is very important for me to hear other opinions and continue my works with a higher quality. thanks once again, greeeetz michael
3Monkeys 9th Mar 2010 21:56 - 14 years ago

on Fusion by MichaelBork
didnt really like the vocals saying"fusion" at the start but you could nearly do a 2 minute build up and then have the melody at the start come in at the breakdown. lovely sound.
MichaelBork replied Unknown
thanks a lot for your review. i think a review is for me the main reason to do work with these platform. it will help me getting better each time. i have the same opinion about the vocal at the starting time. it is for me very difficult to work together with vocals, so it is just a try for me.... thanks once again for your review.... it is so important to me. greetz michael
3Monkeys 9th Mar 2010 21:53 - 14 years ago

on Immer weiter !!! by MichaelBork
lovely melody but sounds a bit too overworked with fx at the would build to be amazing if you take a bit longer to get there.. great work!!
MichaelBork replied Unknown
dear 3monkeys.... you are right, man... it is the second review.... many thanks !!!!!! i have in my head, that latest in one minute all my songs have to start up... cause i dont want to be boring... my thoughts on this track was to start from the first second with energy.... so perhaps it is too overworked.... once again thnx for your review.... it is so so so important for me to hear from other people and (perhaps :-) )reaching a higher level.
regards for YOUR GREAT WORK, michael
Mosaic 31st Dec 2009 08:32 - 15 years ago

on Freitag 18 Uhr by MichaelBork
Hey man

Nice trance track, with a housey type sound about it,like what you have done here my friend...

MichaelBork replied Unknown
Dear Estefano,

thanks..... it is a early track written in september... i had a bad time and want to take all my feelings, dreams and wishes in sounds.... started with making music in august.... to get good vibrations and new energy to solve my problems....
my first opinion is to make a house track... but it still ends with a trance character

thanks my friend for your review.....

happy new year.
Mosaic 31st Dec 2009 08:29 - 15 years ago

on Spacefly by MichaelBork
Hi Michael,

Nice track Michael, nice build up to the main track, when main track kicks in, it has a very magical sound and affect about it, yep close your eyes and float away listening to this very nice track, well done man...

MichaelBork replied Unknown
hi estefano,
thanks for your review once again.... also written in september in searching for energy..... love also the hypnotic magical gated effects - pictured a fly through the deep space, so i called it spacefly.
kindly regards, michael
JoyfulWAVE 15th Dec 2009 18:27 - 15 years ago

on Norderney by MichaelBork
hi michael...
höre zum ersten mal was von dir...
klingt nicht schlecht...die sounds sind gut...
schön chillig das ganze...was mir nicht gefällt sind die drums...
da könntest du noch was dran tun...
ich hab ihn zweimal gehört...gefällt mir wirklich gut...
ich mag schöne melodien...
cheers...JW...aus NRW...zwichen köln/düsseldorf...
MichaelBork replied Unknown
Hallo JoyfulWave,
vielen Dank für Deine Rückmeldung. Bzgl. den Drums: ich benutze im Moment, ausser einer BD und Hihats, immer noch gesampelte Drumloops... brauche hierzu erst einmal das richtige vsti-material, dass ich mir aber bestimmt noch besorgen werden. Seit August diesen Jahres habe ich angefangen mit dem musizieren und da sprudeln die Melodien einfach so raus, die zuerst einmal verarbeitet werden wollen.... es freut mich, dass Dir die Melodie gefällt...vielleicht findest Du auf meiner Seite noch andere interessante Tracks !?! LG Micha
CrissNickssonn 5th Dec 2009 16:09 - 15 years ago

on Fatigue by MichaelBork
nice piece of work mate.
MichaelBork replied Unknown
Thank You.
Monodrone 5th Dec 2009 06:22 - 15 years ago

on Music by MichaelBork
Very relaxing. I likr the vocals and synth melodies in it. And I totally agree with your description - music is a great medication. It always helps me feel better no matter what mood I am in.
MichaelBork replied Unknown
i have the same feeling
thanks for your review
siensystem 4th Dec 2009 23:13 - 15 years ago

on Music by MichaelBork
very nice melodies. Like how the vocal compliments the track. Cool chord progressions and everything fits nicely. good job.
MichaelBork replied Unknown
thanx !!! the vocals are only 4 words - and the feeling is born.
Mosaic 28th Nov 2009 05:03 - 15 years ago

on The deep blue by MichaelBork
G'Day Michael,

Fav track of all your works so far, in saying that love all your works but this one is special especially when the vocals come in, very lovely voice Elaine has, brilliant work man...

Downloading and making Fav man....

MichaelBork replied Unknown
Hi Estefano,
love the lovely voice from Elaine too....
Thanks for Downloading my track.....
Greetz from germany ;-)
Comments 26 - 50 of 57