There is a beautiful haunting quality to your voice minette..It is the star of whatever you may accompany it with...I downloaded your Nova track as it just grabbed my attention immediately. Don`t know when/if I will have a chance to try adding to it (but have a few ideas)..Would sure like to have the vocal mix separately as it is and should always be the star..Have moved it (yourMP3) over to my studio PC to see what I can come up with....all the best...ED
Beautifull Haunting piece - I certainly dig the slightly off-time beat, but for this song I think it should be a bit tighter. Love the vocal harmonies, mmmmmmmmmm - I wish I had a wider range, I have like a 3/4 octave range. hahah, maybe 1 octave
hmmm, perhaps it's just that distorted hihat sound that need to be tighter, not totally sure - but this is beautiful - as for Nova going super nova, maybe you need some electric guitar to bring it up like either slowly until it's big without anyone noticing how it got so big, or like an epiphany/explosion sorta thang.. have fun !
Yes...I cettainly think it deserves to be finished minette...its a piece of music with big potential, and I think the biggest challenges are in the production side...sometimes we add too much clutter (bad habit of my own) and I think the additions here could be quite subtle and just embelish the main ingredients that you already have.....hope you get some support in shining this one up....will move the mp3 over to my studip PC fpr a better listen.....very nicely done....Ed
Apart from some problems of mixing, the frame, and the concept are very good. Music and voices are in unison.
I truly believe is needed to review the basis of the mix for this song is its best to listen ....
Thank you for sharing.
Your stuff sounds good i think maybe u could triphop this track out by putting a slow break in it later in the song after the slow build up for instance check out lamb - gabriel
Wow! some little mistakes in the vocals but really nice songwriting, nearly perfectly arrangement, mixdown not HQ but listener knows the direction of this cool track. In near future, I would like to do something with this vocals :-) 10/10 points for Idea, arrangement, songwriting! Greetings from germany, Chris
Wow!!! This sounds very professional. I asume that you've made/sing/played the lyrics, voice and piano yourself. Great performance and mastering. I faved it for sure, what can i say more.
How on earth does this track only have 5 reviews? That is criminal! What an incredible song. Those drums are sick. I am in awe at the chords that you always come up with. They truly are epic! I have given up all hope of ever learning to play the piano like that so I shall bask in the aural paradise of your playing. How have i never heard of you in SA? You’re awesome Minette. You truly are!
Wow, this is an absolutely beautiful peace of music!
Most beautiful voice, superb arranged track!
Sounds really pro. You could be HUGE, and I'll look forward to see your CD in the stores ;)
A beautiful song, the musical is perfect ... but the voice is amazingly beautiful and sweeping perfect. A wonderful song with a performance as the voice, great.
its agonizingly haunting and pretty. I hear the tori sound in there too... pele made my heart bleed lava, and your voice evokes that emotion too. you are my first favourite here.
Amazing! The mix is perfect. I can imagine this in a film. Love your voice and the harmonies. Fantastic stuff!! I'd love to hear your voice in a dubstep mix. Thanks for sharing
some days my life feels like it should be a film :)
the leading man in this one is rather dashing too... thanks for your continued support and love shown here on looperman.
Cool, too cool! You have a great approach to singing and a distinctive voice that really adds to the music you've created. Nice effects at the beginning and end. You really hit the mark with this one, this one speake to me. So beautiful Minnette, the music is great too! ;)
on Chariot by minette
on Chariot by minette
on Proximity by minette
on Chariot by minette
on Chariot by minette
on 17 by minette
on Nova by minette
hmmm, perhaps it's just that distorted hihat sound that need to be tighter, not totally sure - but this is beautiful - as for Nova going super nova, maybe you need some electric guitar to bring it up like either slowly until it's big without anyone noticing how it got so big, or like an epiphany/explosion sorta thang.. have fun !
Neal Visher
on Feel Fire (Leave A Mark) by minette
on Nova by minette
on Nova by minette
I truly believe is needed to review the basis of the mix for this song is its best to listen ....
Thank you for sharing.
on Nova by minette
on a little thing by minette
on A Real Man (Demo) by minette
on perfect by minette
on A Real Man (Demo) by minette
Djinn XS
on Wait (A Thousand) by minette
on Temptation by minette
Most beautiful voice, superb arranged track!
Sounds really pro. You could be HUGE, and I'll look forward to see your CD in the stores ;)
on Wait (A Thousand) by minette
on Wait (A Thousand) by minette
on Wait (A Thousand) by minette
on Wait (A Thousand) by minette
on Wait (A Thousand) by minette
the leading man in this one is rather dashing too... thanks for your continued support and love shown here on looperman.
on A Real Man (Demo) by minette
on A Real Man (Demo) by minette
on A Real Man (Demo) by minette