

omaha, United States
Joined : 4th Oct 2009 - 15 years ago
Comments on bobbyhalldorson tracks

Other users have posted 23 comments on tracks by bobbyhalldorson

Comments (23)
thegabe23 7th Jul 2010 21:57 - 14 years ago

on u are da one by bobbyhalldorson
tht sht is tight
bobbyhalldorson replied Unknown
wassup wit it good lookin out. im bout to be done with my vocal booth. then ima get some vocals on my songs.
PikeNinja 31st May 2010 17:17 - 14 years ago

on dramatic by bobbyhalldorson
like the deep dark beats and bass
bobbyhalldorson replied Unknown
wassup ae thanks for da review. dats wassup I usually try to make dark beats for da drama type beats but sometimes I mix it in wit da beats I make for dis girl. emotional type beats.
Kinn 30th May 2010 21:43 - 14 years ago

on I tried to explain by bobbyhalldorson
Man, This is smooth, I likes this
bobbyhalldorson replied Unknown
wassup wit it apreciate da review. Good lookn out on da positive feedback.
Danzel415 21st May 2010 08:15 - 14 years ago

on why do we change by bobbyhalldorson
I like it alot,but only thing i would do, is layer the instruments if you know what i mean, you use fl studios, you could really bring out sounds and the bass and drums if mess with the mixer or a tool that can master, i use fl 9 i just go to where it says view or hit the f9 key to bring up the mixer you probably already know this but just in case
bobbyhalldorson replied Unknown
wassup good lookn out on da layers thang. I forgot all about dose. Ima have to look more into dat mixer thang. I know how to do some stuff but not everythang. thanks for da review.
Kinn 20th May 2010 04:09 - 14 years ago

on I got ya back by bobbyhalldorson
Mane, I love the slow but groovable rythm on this hoe. It kan really be used at its full potential of someone like (Me) Kane along with a few bars on it...but a nikka kan dream huh?
bobbyhalldorson replied Unknown
wassup wit it ae it's straight for anyone to get on dis track if you thank you got what it takes. I dream and then I make it reality if it's a good dream.I had a dream about dis one girl and started making a vocal booth. Good lookin out on da review doe.
donmega 18th May 2010 17:30 - 14 years ago

on like hugh hefner im a pimp by bobbyhalldorson
there u go dropping
those head bangers
tight sh#t
bobbyhalldorson replied Unknown
wassup donmega you ever need beats let me know i make a different beat everyday.appreciate da review doe.
ProphetProductions 12th May 2010 02:43 - 14 years ago

on Bring it in da frontyard by bobbyhalldorson
yo man ill as fk
i lovee the hook i mean love it
beat itself is so sikck especially that cello
damn fam'
nuiff said
bobbyhalldorson replied Unknown
wassup thanks for da review.I was tryna make da west coast slide technique.
donmega 5th May 2010 07:10 - 14 years ago

on Bring it in da frontyard by bobbyhalldorson
i got a pit for that beat that will bite hard nice beat homie
u on a come up
bobbyhalldorson replied Unknown
wassup wit it good lookin out on da review. Im tryna build a vocal booth in my garage right now.
HustlerbyNature 29th Apr 2010 15:26 - 14 years ago

on they think I got jokes by bobbyhalldorson
nice work homie keep doin ya thang!
Jpipes24 27th Apr 2010 22:15 - 14 years ago

on when i got beef im buck by bobbyhalldorson
Sounds pretty good man... Just keep working at it and maybe add some vocals and it will sound great... Keep up the good work!
bobbyhalldorson replied Unknown
wassup thanks for da feedback. yea im a try and get some vocals on dat within a couple days. Im tryna remix a ceelo song "i'll be around". good lookin out on da review.
donmega 23rd Apr 2010 06:31 - 14 years ago

on im da top boss on da block by bobbyhalldorson
when i first seen u on the site your music was ok,
but now u are the mann.. keep up the good work
bobbyhalldorson replied Unknown
wassup im tryna make each beat that I make better than da older ones. dats wassup doe thanks for da review.
RoCkYPRODUCTION 15th Apr 2010 21:36 - 14 years ago

on im da top boss on da block by bobbyhalldorson
i like the bass soooooooo mucho bro...nice work.............
good one..aaaa but this i em just scrachig for me fits not....
NICE WORK,,,,,,nice underground rap track!!!
bobbyhalldorson replied Unknown
wassup good looking out on da review.Thanks for da positive feedback.
senciman 23rd Mar 2010 15:34 - 14 years ago

on dramatic by bobbyhalldorson
OK THIS JUST MY OPINION its a good beat realy fresh kiscks and snares but that melody and brass playin in the background just doesnt do it for me id go more 3 6 mafia with the base too a dark deep base and some heavyer synth that flow together rather than just stabbing at ya would be alot better nice beat shame on the melody,. try putting some lyrics to it some background vocals or something just to make it sound hole and not hollow ya gets me . but all in all good beat.
bobbyhalldorson replied Unknown
dats wassup good looking out on da review. Im bout to get a proffesional mic in 4 days and i'll put some vocals on it. Your right abou dat one sound doe.
ReignMD 23rd Mar 2010 15:12 - 14 years ago

on dramatic by bobbyhalldorson
This sounds like some of the stuff my boy Darnell was making when he first started taking it serious about 7 years ago. U should hear him now. Keep it up.
bobbyhalldorson replied Unknown
wassup wit it thanks for da review i'm tryna have a beat buisness and each artist has their own studio. i have to wait till i get da cash doe.
Masta_KS 2nd Feb 2010 10:22 - 15 years ago

on im a boxer homie by bobbyhalldorson
This is nasty, great job. Stay Ill
bobbyhalldorson replied Unknown
dats wassup good looking out on da review
bobbybooth 29th Jan 2010 19:52 - 15 years ago

on when i got beef im buck by bobbyhalldorson
you know what - i really like this. im not usually a fan of synth strings and trumpets and what not but this is skillfully done. Its got heart and soul - really like what im assuming is the chorus or bridge - that first change with the extra keys anyway.

Id like to hear it with some good rhymes over - i think its quite an accessible and cool flava - slightly 80's playful vibe.
Nice work!
bobbyhalldorson replied Unknown
Wassup wit it thanks for da review and da positive feedback. Im going to try and do some vocals either today or tomorrow.
kosmin 27th Jan 2010 21:06 - 15 years ago

on im a boxer homie by bobbyhalldorson
sounds good in my opinion .... you did a good job here ... keep it up
bobbyhalldorson replied Unknown
dats wassup good lookin out on da review. my next beat is going to be west coast style.
JaySkills 18th Jan 2010 17:20 - 15 years ago

on im getting followed by cops by bobbyhalldorson
sup man. first off great song u got here. im impressed at what u did with fl. i use ableton and reason because for some reason i suk with fl. people tell me its easy but i get so confused with it. although its a VERY good program. great work man
bobbyhalldorson replied Unknown
Wassup wit it thanks im probably going to switch to pro tools when im good enough. dats wassup doe good looking out on da review.
victormusic01x 15th Jan 2010 23:32 - 15 years ago

on like hugh hefner im a pimp by bobbyhalldorson
yeah I like the pfunk george clinton feel you got going here...this bass can go all night, keep it up man

bobbyhalldorson replied Unknown
thanks for da positive feedback ima have some better beats posted up soon.
MrJoKerFaCe 6th Nov 2009 19:10 - 15 years ago

on for my homie fallin by bobbyhalldorson
Nice beat man really diggin the flow like how the format of the beat was setup, good job!!! and many respect to ur homie Mitch
bobbyhalldorson replied Unknown
thanks im bout to start writing vocals for da song. i appreciate da positive feedback. he overdosed on seven different kinds of pills. we miss him and im a shout it out on tracks to let him know we still care. good looking out doe.
lofthouse 4th Nov 2009 19:01 - 15 years ago

on im getting followed by cops by bobbyhalldorson
You are hot!
This is an interesting piece,and the title is so apt!
Funky and fresh.It's got appeal!
I find it really fun!!!
bobbyhalldorson replied Unknown
thanks i was going for a rock/rap beat dat people can relate to and off thangs dat i see around me.good looking out on da positive feedback. I'm bout to check out your tracks and review dem.
iLLieSwitch 3rd Nov 2009 15:22 - 15 years ago

on if you mess with my little brother by bobbyhalldorson
I'm really diggin' your sound man. Good work on this one.

Much Luv
bobbyhalldorson replied Unknown
dats wassup good looking out im bout to put some vocals on it within a weak. thanks doe.
zied_al_hamdani 6th Oct 2009 14:13 - 15 years ago

on try hard by bobbyhalldorson
simple and Nice to listing .well u have sam things to learn to compleet ur knowldeg about fl studio i can give u sam help haw to use fl if u went go to :
and good luck
bobbyhalldorson replied Unknown
Thanks for the feedback. I'm going to try that website you gave me.
Comments (23)