

Charlotte, United States
Joined : 31st Oct 2009 - 15 years ago
Comments on CaseyCalhoun tracks

Other users have posted 35 comments on tracks by CaseyCalhoun

Comments 1 - 25 of 35
STIKY 7th Nov 2013 06:15 - 11 years ago

on Go Hard by CaseyCalhoun
A pretty solid track. Def needs vocals over it. keep it up. i would say maybe add another bass instrument to you bassline because 808's tend to not fill your bass all the way out.
TLove 8th Mar 2012 03:31 - 12 years ago

on Dont Even Worry About It by CaseyCalhoun
so dope
MosReQuest 27th Apr 2011 04:14 - 13 years ago

on Go Hard by CaseyCalhoun
cool, i like it, I would stay with the beep but end up lessening the hits and transitioning the beat a little more, good start man!
LuteEastwood 8th Mar 2011 12:13 - 14 years ago

on Let It Go by CaseyCalhoun
No problem, like maybe add in something else before the kicks come in, and like switch the sound in the start. To be honest that sound had me thinking it was going to be weak(not something I would have started it off with), but I let it play and like what I heard.
CaseyCalhoun replied Unknown
Ahh, alright. I will mess around with it and see what I can come up with. Thanks man
LuteEastwood 8th Mar 2011 12:10 - 14 years ago

on Trap and B by CaseyCalhoun
This gets pretty nice when it all comes together.
CaseyCalhoun replied Unknown
Thanks man, yeah you have to listen to like a minute of it and then you will hear everything come together.
Alen9R 7th Mar 2011 15:02 - 14 years ago

on Let It Go by CaseyCalhoun
Hot Beat fam,good brass,drums,bass,everything is good,but perhaps it would be good to add/make more variations, and even put some other instrumental, to get the contrast in the beat!
Anyway beat is good!

Much respect

CaseyCalhoun replied Unknown
Thanks man for the review, I might have to try that if I get some time on my hands.
LuteEastwood 6th Mar 2011 22:23 - 14 years ago

on Trap Dont Lie by CaseyCalhoun
This is nice man, i liked when you completely switched it up...the only thing i'd recommend is that you take that raise out and replace it with something else.
LuteEastwood 6th Mar 2011 22:09 - 14 years ago

on Betty Ross by CaseyCalhoun
I like that beep and the choir aahs the best, yo man you should stop using that lex luger raise thats his signature sound.
LuteEastwood 6th Mar 2011 22:06 - 14 years ago

on Dont Even Worry About It by CaseyCalhoun
I digg those hi hats man, defiantly has that lex feel to it.
LuteEastwood 6th Mar 2011 22:03 - 14 years ago

on Pressure Point by CaseyCalhoun
Dope, yeah I agree with Alcraine. And yeahhhh you can do that in FL Studio. Thats what Lex Luger uses to produce. FL is a very impressive DAW.
LuteEastwood 6th Mar 2011 22:00 - 14 years ago

on Weightless by CaseyCalhoun
I digg the percussion, but I agree with Blume. This dope no doubt.
LuteEastwood 6th Mar 2011 21:58 - 14 years ago

on Uplifter by CaseyCalhoun
I like it, it's pretty dope. Wish it was longer though.
LuteEastwood 6th Mar 2011 21:43 - 14 years ago

on Let It Go by CaseyCalhoun
This is pretty nice man, mixed pretty well to! Keep up the good work. Sounds like a Drumma Boy beat. If you would have made the intro a bit harder the beat would be a tad bit better in my opinion. Oh yeah those hi hats, rims, and crashes really set it off.
CaseyCalhoun replied Unknown
Thanks man for the review, what would make it sound harder in the beginning? Like what would you do differently?
brokenbeats 6th Mar 2011 18:15 - 14 years ago

on Let It Go by CaseyCalhoun
Well it started off a bit simple, which had me concerned, but it got better as the layers started coming in.

For the genre, it's on point with who you can imagine rapping over it.

Good sound quality and arrangement. I can't blow it up to be a super track, but I can't knock it either...well at least not completely.

It is what it is. It's a simple southern hiphop track, not this great "I'm So Hood" type of beat.

Keep at it.
BigCedBeatz 6th Mar 2011 17:26 - 14 years ago

on Let It Go by CaseyCalhoun
Nope....I did a track for Gucci a few years back before he got locked up for that Jeezy situation. He brought the track from me but it never got released. He didnt sound good on my track either. But the label he was sign with at that time decide not to release that track so it got shelf. I won't do a track for him again no matter how much money he throws at me and he broke me off something nice for that track. Gucci is a Cool & humble dude hands down but a terrible rapper.
SLAPJOHNSON 6th Mar 2011 14:20 - 14 years ago

on Let It Go by CaseyCalhoun
Hits the spot for me, again a very dark beat with a great arrangement. You just need someone fefing and a jeffing to finish it off.

Cheers, Slap...
BigCedBeatz 6th Mar 2011 05:41 - 14 years ago

on Let It Go by CaseyCalhoun
Yeah this is something Gucci mane or OJ juice man or even Travis Porter will jump.....But given their level of talent I dont that is a good thing when you can hear one of these artists on your track. But keep it up.
CaseyCalhoun replied Unknown
Thanks man, What do you mean. You woudlnt wanna have one of them on one of your tracks?
Mrbillionx 6th Mar 2011 04:12 - 14 years ago

on Let It Go by CaseyCalhoun
Yeah with the way things are going

lots of people could rap on this one

Its ok but feels rather boring as far as the movement of the beat goes.

keep it up

( I guess this beat doesn't change up enough for my liking )
CaseyCalhoun replied Unknown
Lol thanks man. Really what makes it boring?
Phyruis 28th Feb 2011 08:04 - 14 years ago

on Go Hard by CaseyCalhoun
first up let me say hip hop aint really my thing so...but being objective I'd say the ideas all work well together only problem is the track it's self feels thin...ya know?... no whump behind it...not really sure what to suggest as I said not really my genre but maybe some layering on the drum track and maybe a sub to add weight to that kick and texture to the whole track... maybe even try layering that beep sound ... anyway...keep 'em coming brother
Alcraine 27th Feb 2011 20:11 - 14 years ago

on Pressure Point by CaseyCalhoun
Nice rap beat. Theres somethings you could u could do with the string sample you can mix it up with scratching it up a bit to add a break in the end. Also in these style of tracks you need snares hiting the track like a marching band
CaseyCalhoun replied Unknown
You can do that in FL Studio? I didnt know that. I need to figure out how to do that. Also thanks for the review, I did think about adding some crazy snares in this. Ill try it out.
rick1975 27th Feb 2011 18:46 - 14 years ago

on Im on it by CaseyCalhoun
what are you making your beats with? you be putting your tracks together nice and have you bought any drum kits it sound like your beats are thin or maybe its then the beats you chose a lot of your songs would sound better with 808 snare drums. I would like to know what you use though i thought i heard a mpc.
CaseyCalhoun replied Unknown
Well I make my beats with fl studio 8, I do have alot of sound kits. I get them mainly from a site called free drum I think that's the name. But yeah, if you could see me when I produce the way I make them is actually very simple. You would be amazed.
rick1975 27th Feb 2011 18:39 - 14 years ago

on Betty Ross by CaseyCalhoun
i like the beep the best i think some crispy snares would have it jumping even more
CaseyCalhoun replied Unknown
Ahh, alright ill try it out and see what I can come up with.
Lazynick 27th Feb 2011 18:06 - 14 years ago

on Dont Even Worry About It by CaseyCalhoun
Yo...whats up...i like track man....yeah...lyke ya lex style beat...
CaseyCalhoun replied Unknown
Thanks man, I tryed to make it sound like a lex track except im going to start trying to add my own style along with it.
rick1975 27th Feb 2011 16:29 - 14 years ago

on Betty Ross by CaseyCalhoun
thats good dirty vibe type track good work homey. peace
CaseyCalhoun replied Unknown
Thanks man, what did you like best about? And also did you like the chorus or no?
SLAPJOHNSON 27th Feb 2011 09:33 - 14 years ago

on Betty Ross by CaseyCalhoun
Digging this beat, sounds like something off Saints Row... Sorry I should have elaborated more but I had to go out asap lol... I love the whole feel, your production is bang on, the arrangement is solid and keeps the listener hooked in. It's great!

Cheers, Slap...
CaseyCalhoun replied Unknown
Lol thanks man. What did you like about it?
Comments 1 - 25 of 35