

new song :D, France
Joined : 22nd Nov 2009 - 15 years ago
Comments on LeoAveiro tracks

Other users have posted 9 comments on tracks by LeoAveiro

Comments (9)
2secondimpression 24th Apr 2011 18:46 - 13 years ago

on Drink Drink by LeoAveiro
nice chord progressions, and i like the way you used the vocal sample. ive heard lots of different versions of this and this ones up there with the best. i like the way you have fitted the bassline with his slightly flat rapping, not bad at all.
JohnBoutilier 23rd Apr 2011 18:23 - 13 years ago

on Out at Night feat Michael Pimentel by LeoAveiro
Nice work, my friend, I enjoyed listening :-)

JohnBoutilier 11th Apr 2011 00:56 - 13 years ago

on The mouvement by LeoAveiro
I could definitely imagine people groovin to this on the dance floor.

Enjoyed your track

DJSpoox 11th Jan 2011 19:56 - 14 years ago

on Out at Night feat Michael Pimentel by LeoAveiro
I agree with Toonz. The acapella sample sounds "ok" but you could clean it up just a bit. The melody and the's the part where it gets rough. These two things do not match (at all). You may want to listen to Deadmau5 & Kaskade's - I Remember. That song has almost exactly what you need to make that acapella track shine. Also, try not to just copy and paste a vocal track over beats, because as this song is a prime example of, it just doesn't sound pleasing to the ears, and when you are trying to make this kind of music (dance,house,etc.) you need to make sure that people can flow, and also dance to it.

However, like Toonz mentioned you may want to just completely start fresh and just work on song structure. Also, I would recommend learning the basics of chord progression and arranging. Although, this can get complex, take Deadmau5 for example. He uses fairly simple chord progressions, but because of how he arranges his music it sounds amazing.

Sorry, if I came off a bit odd, I'm just trying to help!

LeoAveiro replied Unknown
I agree with you and Toonz. But it's hard to make a song when you just have FL's demo... But i'm gonna listen to you for the next and try to use your review :)

The best song i do was "If I die" if you can tell me how you found it...:)
Mrbillionx 29th Dec 2010 19:47 - 14 years ago

on Love ft MaxSy by LeoAveiro
I don't know what it is but it seems like the song is missing something.

I can't quite get into the singing aspect of this at all seems like its not going with the music at all.


Is it me or is it hard to really understand what is being sung.

Yeah its like the music is louder than the singing.

at the same time its not really clear and sounds like meandering all the words run into each other or something.

maybe you can rework it.

The music itself is ok I can't quite call it great.
WongKiShoo 28th Dec 2010 19:41 - 14 years ago

on Out at Night feat Michael Pimentel by LeoAveiro
Ok,... So you might not like me much after this but the aim of this review is for you to hopefully take something away from this and improve.

From the start - The vocals do not seem to mesh well with either the beat or the plunky melody. They almost seem like they were forced together, which is never a good thing.

The main melody is nice, but there is a definite "gap" between the two phrases which tells me these are probably looped samples you put in right?? It's a nice idea, but it's a better idea to use your own loops as these have a FAR greater ability to blend with the song. If you aren't that experienced making melodies just experiment. Practice makes perfect after all :D

There also seems to be a notable lack of a solid bass line, which no track is complete without.

around 1:32 when the vocal kicks in again, not sure if it was an upload issue, but again a very apparent glitch. you can hear it for yourself :)

If I were you, I would completely ditch the vocals and any pre-made loops and concentrate more on track structure. I would suggest listening to some of your favourite tracks, look to see how they are set out.

A Classic Example of song structure is below:
intro (4 bars),
verse 1 (8 bars),
chorus (8 bars),
verse 2 (8 bars),
chorus (8 bars),
bridge (8 bars),
chorus (8 bars),
outro (8 bars).

Maybe try to build your next track to those guidelines above and listen carefully to your favourite tracks and try to "copy" them so to speak.

I really do hope this helps,... But if you want any more advice, feel free to ask :)

Sorry for the harsh review

santiagosky 23rd Apr 2010 14:47 - 14 years ago

on Shut it down by LeoAveiro
Ha I love this of vocals was great but the music is not hitting at all with me need a better beat and notes to synch up with your voice cuz i think it sounded better without the music lol. Your voice and the music is mixing like water and oil so experiment some more and try something else. Nice vocals though..I enjoyed em!!!
LeoAveiro replied Unknown
ya but it was just an experimental version, it was for fun and try if it may be a success... i think no now! lol
sergio81 13th Mar 2010 20:14 - 15 years ago

on If I Die by LeoAveiro
Hi Hosp.., i like the idea you've done, but i think it's too short. You could play more with the sample, with any kind of filter or effect. The coice track is so good, and i think you could do a longer version. Peace!! I think around 5 minutes at least. Think if you want mix it with another track it would be really a short mix.
LeoAveiro replied Unknown
I'm Open to all idea men ! What the longuer you think may be the better ? Thx To your review
Spivkurl 13th Mar 2010 17:10 - 15 years ago

on If I Die by LeoAveiro
Nice electro grooves! Great use of the pella, these lyrics are kinda funny! The vocals kind of over take the music in spots, maybe they should come down in the mix a little... just personal preference though. Fun track though, nice work!
LeoAveiro replied Unknown
Thanks For Your Comment ! I'm Gonna try what you say :)
Comments (9)