sick beat Slick... makes me wanna jot down some lyrics right here right now lol! thats one of your best in my opinion! i would say keep it up, but you always do. PROPS
yo this beat is off the chain man!!dope riffs on a dope beat!!my favrite!!!big ups man!!soonz im done this album you gonna make me suttn fresh out the kitchen right!!!lol!!big ups fam!!an keep droppn them illazz beats !!!
gotz all kindz of fresh veggiez in tha kitchen fam (loool), I would like to do sumtin wit you n Shatner with me on tha beat just for you two to spit sum fira on n maby make a remix featuring sum loopermen artists,,, let me know what you think mane?
Hi there..I already send you a mssg...I love this track and i was wondering if the track you has swears or not becasue i was wondering if i could use it in my school band? Response plz thnx
Hi, Rachal I don't mind at all, do what ya gotta do to make it a hit for your band at School I hope other people at your school like as much as you did.. I would like to hear tha end result when you and your band are finished with it tho if it's not to much to ask on your end but if not that's ok as well..have a good one....Give errrr what chu got.....
I also have other beatz @ this site also you might wanna look on their also...
on 5 min phatty by SlickazzG
keep up da good work homes.
on 5 min phatty by SlickazzG
on Space Shipz by SlickazzG
on itz inevitable by SlickazzG
on Pause n Go by SlickazzG
on 5 min phatty by SlickazzG
on 5 min phatty by SlickazzG
on 5 min phatty by SlickazzG
on itz inevitable by SlickazzG
on Pause n Go by SlickazzG
on Space Shipz by SlickazzG
on Space Shipz by SlickazzG
I also have other beatz @ this site also you might wanna look on their also...
on Knowning is half tha Battle by SlickazzG
on Knowning is half tha Battle by SlickazzG
on Go Pound Sound by SlickazzG