Sounds awesome.Dark. Makes me think of all the shht that ever pissed me off. Gotta smoothness about it but it kinda gets me amped. Raw business man. Id rip some vox on this myself. If you would send it my way. My e mail is
It definitely has that vibe, Its kind of why I was looking to get several people from this site to jump on it at once..I posted a forum in reference to it, open to all comers...but I was actually looking towards getting some "pellas" so I can arrange them...
Nice beat man, I like the flow of it and congrats on turning purple(advanced member)... One
Chris Mac
Yeah there is some serious talent on this site a lot of hott Emcees, Beatmakers, and producers. I have an Acapella that is not on here if you're interested hit me up at and I'll send it to you. Pretty tight lyrics and it runs about a minute long. Peace
Thanks Chris and yea I guess I got it through reviewing, one of those days where I took a break from making music n I cudnt find anything better to do so I took a long listen to alot of peoples tracks..
I liked it. COuld be the start of something cool. I liked that strange guitarish type riff, although i might have done a ding do do on the 4th set! Hope thats clear! like to hear it finished.
Homie you got some serious talent. This is about the fifth track of yours I listened to that my reaction was "I say Gotam!" I would love to do a collab man. we could kill with a seriously pro production! hit me back if your down.
You have definatly found your inner Timbo.
I loved the sound, the synth, my only critiqe would be that the background vocals sound more like a poor imitation than something I know you are capable of. But that is just very small, and I guess you could call me a Timbaland fanatic.
Yea the voices was definitely the most annoying to me..I was actually going to used the yahs off of "the way I are" but I figure thats like straight copy n paste, no effort to create the same effect on my part, I'm really waiting on a mic so I can do my own fun lil adlibs lol thanks for listening too!
Really? hmm..its been alot of misses n no hits for ya bud lol its cool, I got several more from my repitoire I'll hopefully be able to post by the end of the week.
yeah this is one of those outer space dance tracks mix some funky fresh sounds,really can feel the harmony u put together with the sounds,much porps!,was this made in reason or FL9?but anyway cool track
I Rewire allll my tracks lol I use fl9 as my host to lay out drums and etc and Reasons for the ridicalous sounds..Its capability is sick, but such a headache to figure out...I bought a book for it some time ago so Im still a novice with it
on Days of Our Lives by JoneIsArt
on New World Order by JoneIsArt
on Dances with Wolves by JoneIsArt
very good work
on New World Order by JoneIsArt
on Days of Our Lives by JoneIsArt
-Ace Boog
on New World Order by JoneIsArt
on Days of Our Lives by JoneIsArt
on Days of Our Lives by JoneIsArt
on Amadeus Wanna Play Us by JoneIsArt
on Amadeus Wanna Play Us by JoneIsArt
on Amadeus Wanna Play Us by JoneIsArt
on Amadeus Wanna Play Us by JoneIsArt
Chris Mac
Yeah there is some serious talent on this site a lot of hott Emcees, Beatmakers, and producers. I have an Acapella that is not on here if you're interested hit me up at and I'll send it to you. Pretty tight lyrics and it runs about a minute long. Peace
on Amadeus Wanna Play Us by JoneIsArt
on Bang ya Head across the floor Headbanga by JoneIsArt
on Bang ya Head across the floor Headbanga by JoneIsArt
Very nice track you got there.Especially enjoyed the synths,very cool and original sound.
French kid
on Bang ya Head across the floor Headbanga by JoneIsArt
on Feast in the MiddleEast by JoneIsArt
on Days of Our Lives by JoneIsArt
on Days of Our Lives by JoneIsArt
on Days of Our Lives by JoneIsArt
on Bang ya Head across the floor Headbanga by JoneIsArt
I loved the sound, the synth, my only critiqe would be that the background vocals sound more like a poor imitation than something I know you are capable of. But that is just very small, and I guess you could call me a Timbaland fanatic.
on Bang ya Head across the floor Headbanga by JoneIsArt
on Beam Me Up by JoneIsArt
on Explosive by JoneIsArt
on Explosive by JoneIsArt