


Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Joined : 8th Dec 2009 - 14 years ago
Comments on TheFightingOne tracks

Other users have posted 18 comments on tracks by TheFightingOne

Comments (18)
DJSchmeeJ 30th Dec 2010 12:58 - 13 years ago

on In The Beggining by TheFightingOne
Nothing like a piano cello combo to drive some emotion. The cello is a little thin to me. I use Reason 4 also and I found an awesome cello in there in the NNXT. Maybe down another octave would be more suiting cause, of the emotion from the lower range on the cello will move you to tears. Nice job... keep your head up, everything happens for a reason! You can't find the one you were meant to be with if your still with someone who was never right for you in the first place!
Becca 17th Dec 2010 19:28 - 13 years ago

on In The Beggining by TheFightingOne
Ah dear I felt the sadness right away. Very emotional track. The piano is beautiful, u r going to go so far in life with music, and really with what a romantic u r any girl is lucky to have someone like u. I read ur only 19 in your profile and if ur a sweetheart now U will be ur whole life. Relationships aren't always easy and that one will come around. Keep ur head up! ;)
Becca 17th Dec 2010 19:23 - 13 years ago

on For Her Love Pt 3 by TheFightingOne
aw wow I really luv the piano, and this is very emotional. I def feel the vibe on this about really caring for someone. Great job, u r very talented. :)
Becca 17th Dec 2010 19:17 - 13 years ago

on Eternity Ft Emmalie by TheFightingOne
No reviews yet, well Im the first. ;) This is unique to me, in a way i feel an 80's vibe going on here. I luv the synths and the unique change up. This would be great for a video game really! I am just picturing like Kong Fu fighting going on, or something along the lines. Besides I know Ill luv u for eternity doesnt quite so much mesh with that vibe, lol but it's a nice touch.
Great work TheFighting One
Paulzter 8th Dec 2010 08:25 - 13 years ago

on For Her Love Pt 3 by TheFightingOne
Mellow and soothing. flowed nicely. good job
RoyaleMuzik 7th Dec 2010 20:39 - 13 years ago

on For Her Love Pt 3 by TheFightingOne
I really like this, very slow simple beat with a nice piano synth and ambiance in the background...really nice track!!
SJsanjok 6th Dec 2010 21:00 - 13 years ago

on For Her Love Pt 3 by TheFightingOne
Wow!!! the final part ''For Her Love 3''
bmw2000uk 6th Dec 2010 11:33 - 13 years ago

on For Her Love by TheFightingOne
The picture i have in my head while listening to this is that of the good times i had, and the good times i am having. Moments of flash backs of happy days and moments of into the future. That is if it will happen to what i expect....

Nice one.

bmw2000uk 6th Dec 2010 11:23 - 13 years ago

on For Her Love Part 2 by TheFightingOne
This part seems to capture the mood of something not quite right and the panic thinking of whats wrong feeling.

Makes one worry a little but in essence, worrying is good cause it shows that you care.


bmw2000uk 6th Dec 2010 11:13 - 13 years ago

on For Her Love Pt 3 by TheFightingOne
Hmm, i not been on for a while, but this track is nice and says it all. Love the pianos, i must listen to the first 2 parts later...

Good nice laid back tune.

SJsanjok 5th Dec 2010 18:25 - 13 years ago

on For Her Love by TheFightingOne
I have listened For Her Love one and two and im really like it!!! im waiting for "For Her Love 3"
TheFightingOne replied Unknown
Thanks for the review and for those kind words.

Part 3 is almost ready for upload.

TFO (:
ShortBusMusic 5th Dec 2010 16:29 - 13 years ago

on For Her Love by TheFightingOne
Dammmm, this is epic. I loved the chord progression and pad treatment on this one. It is Sunday morning here and I am having my first cup of coffee of the day. What a wonderful way to start the I'm in the middle of something special. Absolutely beautiful production, mixed extremely well.

The only thing I would consider is possibly adding some strings or brass or, hell, maybe the whole orchestra when the piece builds to a climax.

Or you could leave it alone since it is pretty close to perfect.

Thanks for starting out my day the right way.
TheFightingOne replied Unknown
Thanks for the review, I really love it when people like my music and I'm glad it has the effect on you i want it to. The track was written in two parts, the seconds about to be uploaded.

I think your right about bringing in strings and brass, so I'll have a sit down and a play around later tonight.

Again, thanks for the review, I'm really glad you enjoy my music.

Enjoy your sunday.

TFO (:
ShortBusMusic 1st Dec 2010 16:14 - 13 years ago

on I Hope For Tomorow by TheFightingOne
Great chord progression and a nice use of the pads throughout. Ambient music is all about transporting us to another place and this piece accomplished that in a real way. I am having my first cup of coffee of the day as I listen to this, and I'm glad I started with this winner. Very nicely done.
TheFightingOne replied Unknown
I got this review just as i was heading to work in a bad mood, kinda put a smile on my face, so thanks xD.

I'm glad you enjoyed listening to it over your coffee, alot of pain and tears went into writing it.

TFO (:
BlumeChoon 1st Dec 2010 14:13 - 13 years ago

on I Hope For Tomorow by TheFightingOne
Yeah I like this... Very chill... Loving the subtleness to this....Nice rythmatic movement and melody. Has a trancy vibe to it as well...Good stuff. I gotta check some more of your work...

TheFightingOne replied Unknown
I've got to say this beats my other stuff by a long shot lol. I'm definatly most proud of this perticular peice.

Thanks for the review and the kind words (:

TFO (:
theHumps 1st Dec 2010 02:07 - 13 years ago

on I Hope For Tomorow by TheFightingOne
This works for ambient. It shouldn't be too upbeat or crankin but rather easy on the ears, like this. This is a decent track, works for me, nice production and mix. Well done!

TheFightingOne replied Unknown
Hey Wayne,

Thanks for the review. I completly agree about ambient tracks being not to heavy going, ambience in itself is about peace and tranquility.

Again thanks for the review (:

VickyDan 29th Nov 2010 15:09 - 13 years ago

on I Hope For Tomorow by TheFightingOne
Good electronic music, and the concept is particularly catchy. Try for your next production to be a little less repetitive, providing more variation on the theme .... But this is already an excellent job ....

TheFightingOne replied Unknown
Hey Dan,

Thanks for the comments. I agree with you about the repetativness of the track, but personally its how i feel, stuck in limbo so it comes across in my music. I'll keep it in mind if i come back to this track in the future.
Another reason for the repetativness of the track is that their are lyrics written for it, i just dont sing so i havn't had a chance to incorporate them yet.

Thanks again (:

KtA 27th Dec 2009 09:05 - 14 years ago

on Atrum by TheFightingOne
Unusual track m8,nice beatz and use of vocal samples:)
TheFightingOne replied Unknown
Thanks For The Review Mate ! (:
profplum 8th Dec 2009 04:00 - 14 years ago

on A Fighting Chance by TheFightingOne
great track im a big piano fan i honestly loved it, sorry about the girl go listen to my track sad if you want to get really depressed.
TheFightingOne replied Unknown
Thanks, Greatly Appreciated, I'll Go Check Your Track Out :D
Comments (18)