I really really like this one. This is what music should sounds like! I've tried progressive trance myself, but never had the patience to create an 7 min long track... haha!
There was one thing though, when the drop came at around 4 min I missed something. Maby some white noise or a soft sidechained synth in the background, but otherwise this was brilliant. Really keep it up!
Don't forget to listen to my new track, I'll give you pleasure.
I can never pass one of your tracks if its up here, I have to listen. soundfield was perfect - the whole track runs like a dream - cut downs and build ups just push this out there to sit amongst the club classix out there today - excellent dude - as always...
man, i frickin love the bass. uplifting? erm hell yes! i love that breakdown, heavenly and then when that lead melody comes in..s'great. imma fave this.
yeah mate like it ,makes u drift,nice chords goinround, nice chord to start on sounds nice repeating it its got a good impact , there the right notes 4 this get the repetativeness right and people start dreamin , 1 luv :)
Nice progressive melody with what i call 'warehouse' trance attitude with drum work. I love piano and the vocals in the background not too over the top. I am a beat junkie so i like more beats and less vocals but most people who like what i call the 'radio friendly' side of trance would like it the other way around. I am sure either way it will turn out to be a nice complete package. Definitely a fav so far on this site! Keep it pumping i would like put it in my playlist for sure!
I LOVE TRANCE from progressive and floaty 2 dark and heavy too!
Really nice work guys =D
Awesome uplifting trance here, somewhat classic sounding, really good ;)
As i don't recall you uploading anything in more recent months, this is a great ''comeback'' by you xD
Hi guys, great job on the track ft The incredible miss Veela,
I also made a track with Veela's incredible voice, maybe you like it. check my channel for the track.
Another very uplifting but easy listening trancer by you both, nice intro, great beat and bassline, nice use of FX, everything working together so so nicely, extremely good vocal for this type of piece...massive fav again guys...totally loving your tunes....Peace n Respect...Estefano...
Nice and easy track man. Easy listening and flying high :)
I really like your melodies and the lead synth. The voice fits well and sounds great in your track :)
Solid work, man.
hi bro, This is very good. Is nice and i've enjoyed it. Great synths arremgements, love them. Great rytmh you've created, is a trip to the mind. Very good work. Adding favs, Peace
on TCB Project-watergate-original mix by TCBPROJECT
on TCB Project-watergate-original mix by TCBPROJECT
There was one thing though, when the drop came at around 4 min I missed something. Maby some white noise or a soft sidechained synth in the background, but otherwise this was brilliant. Really keep it up!
Don't forget to listen to my new track, I'll give you pleasure.
Regards, Snuset.
on Tcb project - Last voyage original mix by TCBPROJECT
on TCB Project-Horizontal by TCBPROJECT
VERY Great sounds... nice breaks and build-ups (uplifting)... and great mixing!
You mentioned OUR track in your previous comment... was this a co-op?
Top track: FAV!
on TCB Project-Lagos -trial- by TCBPROJECT
on TCB Project-Horizontal by TCBPROJECT
on TCB Project - Night lights-original mix by TCBPROJECT
on TCB Project - feat Aston Martinez-Seduction by TCBPROJECT
on TCB Project- trial mix by TCBPROJECT
on TCB Project-Recreation(new mix) by TCBPROJECT
on TCB Project- trial mix by TCBPROJECT
always great to get ur view..
on TCB Project- trial mix by TCBPROJECT
I LOVE TRANCE from progressive and floaty 2 dark and heavy too!
on TCB Project- trial mix by TCBPROJECT
on TCB Project-Fall silently feat Veela by TCBPROJECT
Awesome uplifting trance here, somewhat classic sounding, really good ;)
As i don't recall you uploading anything in more recent months, this is a great ''comeback'' by you xD
Keep at it!
on TCB Project-Fall silently feat Veela by TCBPROJECT
I also made a track with Veela's incredible voice, maybe you like it. check my channel for the track.
on TCB Project-Fall silently feat Veela by TCBPROJECT
Another very uplifting but easy listening trancer by you both, nice intro, great beat and bassline, nice use of FX, everything working together so so nicely, extremely good vocal for this type of piece...massive fav again guys...totally loving your tunes....Peace n Respect...Estefano...
on TCB Project-Paphos (original mix) by TCBPROJECT
nice feeling when listening
give me more :p
on TCB Project-Fall silently feat Veela by TCBPROJECT
this goes to favs
keep them coming mate
glad u like cheers :)
still looking for a label to get our tracks out there tho lol
on TCB Project-Fall silently feat Veela by TCBPROJECT
I really like your melodies and the lead synth. The voice fits well and sounds great in your track :)
Solid work, man.
on TCB Project-Paphos (original mix) by TCBPROJECT
on TCB Project-Paphos (original mix) by TCBPROJECT
nice transitions, and build ups,excellent beat,I really enjoyed in this track!Keep up good work
on TCB Project-Paphos (original mix) by TCBPROJECT
on TCB Project-Paphos (original mix) by TCBPROJECT