


Joined : 20th Dec 2009 - 14 years ago
Comments on Warptone tracks

Other users have posted 50 comments on tracks by Warptone

Comments 26 - 50 of 50
BlackHouseLabel 27th Mar 2010 09:42 - 14 years ago

on Under the game feat Effluence(instrumental) by Warptone
It is hot;i think eminem will love it,hands on keep it going!!!!
Warptone replied Unknown
Yea i know it kind of sounds like "Stan" but that was not my intention when i made it.I just made a bassline that sounds good with the guitar and this is the result...
Sh*t happens!
Thx for the review!
JimiKhan 25th Mar 2010 20:00 - 14 years ago

on Under the game feat Mmaster and Effluence by Warptone
this is a real nice track man,well put together homie!peace
Warptone replied Unknown
thx man
JaNgLz 24th Mar 2010 20:18 - 14 years ago

on CLEPTO by Warptone
nice tune.... intro was a bit long but all around great track... good stuff
Warptone replied Unknown
thx man i made a few changes so i think it sounds better now.
Sector7even 24th Mar 2010 17:47 - 14 years ago

on CLEPTO by Warptone
not a big fan of d&b but this is cool!
great job
Warptone replied Unknown
tthx man just uploaded a better version today
Phyruis 24th Mar 2010 13:41 - 14 years ago

on CLEPTO by Warptone
there are some great ideas here.. I would try layering those drums a little bit.. add an extra kick snare loop general most drum and bass loops the snares and kicks are in the same place this would add some thickness to those drums and some power.. really the same goes for the bass it just lacks thickness theres nothing wrong with the tracks structure.. all the drops,vocals,drums and bass are all in the right place the just need that thickness to add power to the sound... having said all that I did enjoy the listen.. keep 'em coming brother
Warptone replied Unknown
thx for the sugestions.
your reviews are always helpfull
i modified it and i think it sounds better now
thx again
subSpace 24th Mar 2010 13:15 - 14 years ago

on CLEPTO by Warptone
mate i like the tune but you need some powerful drum loops in there also your song sounds like a bit like a long intro but i like the tune though i will check back when it is finished ok 8-10 for the effort though. check out my tune called signiture and you will see what i mean by power on your drum loops .........respect
Warptone replied Unknown
thx for the advice
i worked on it a little bit since then
THEx1IRSTxITERATION 23rd Mar 2010 00:17 - 14 years ago

on Under the game feat Effluence(instrumental) by Warptone
I love the drums. They are simple but I really like them. Guitar is lovely. Is it gated? Excellent track.
Warptone replied Unknown
thx man glad you like it...o and yes it's gated
Jgreenbeatz 22nd Mar 2010 21:50 - 14 years ago

on Under the game feat Effluence(instrumental) by Warptone
this is really really hott track!!!!
Warptone replied Unknown
thx man
ProphetProductions 22nd Mar 2010 14:48 - 14 years ago

on Under the game feat Mmaster and Effluence by Warptone
really good job homie really good job
guitar is really nice n the female singer was really well placed
insane good job homie
Warptone replied Unknown
thx man worked 7 hours on this one
oasisduke 22nd Mar 2010 14:20 - 14 years ago

on Under the game feat Mmaster and Effluence by Warptone
theres somethign really slick about this piece...just smooth. loved your use of the female vox, lightly peppering the piece to add a new dimention of flavor. nice easy spit, as well. love the organic sound of the guitar. really cool track.
great job!
Warptone replied Unknown
thx glad you like it
profobones 12th Mar 2010 15:51 - 14 years ago

on Gave you Dirt by Warptone
the grit, the beauty. very nice! def tickled my ears! keep it up!
Warptone replied Unknown
thx man.
nepaul 12th Mar 2010 15:48 - 14 years ago

on Rainy season(feat Gizella) by Warptone
I think it sounds pretty chill and good. The piano is nice and of course Gizella has a beautiful voice. I'm with Numberjack on the horn idea. Hey nice work man!
Phyruis 12th Mar 2010 11:00 - 14 years ago

on Rainy season(feat Gizella) by Warptone
do you know I really miss this sound..i av gotta have a go at doing this genre.. for me this track is just missing that far away moody sax or trumpet throughout rather than just at the end.. nice thanks for the trip down memory lane i'm off to dig out my tricky albums.. keep 'em coming
Warptone replied Unknown
hehe...yea i missed this genre to...and that sax isn't a bad idea i think i will add that soon
thx for the review i appreciate it
theHumps 12th Mar 2010 09:11 - 14 years ago

on Sleepwalk Jam by Warptone
Very cool tune, this was different, I liked the vocals in it, wished there was more of them. Nice beat! Look forward to hearing this finished.

Warptone replied Unknown
thx man
TheChrysalids 9th Mar 2010 09:43 - 14 years ago

on Sleepwalk Jam by Warptone
Hmmm really wierd sounds... but they work so well together! Nice track man I dig ur sound, it's playfull and I can totally see some laid back lyrics in there. You really need to extend it though, get some structure goin. I like what i hear so far, keep it up!
Warptone replied Unknown
yea,this is not the final version i just posted it cose...i don't know why i posted it!!!it doesn't iven have a bassline
but thx for the constructive criticism!
c_man 9th Mar 2010 05:42 - 14 years ago

on Sleepwalk Jam by Warptone
excellent piece my friend. enjoyed the groove & the rhythmic melody
Warptone replied Unknown
i apreciate it but it is not the final version,it's still got a long way to go
anyways thx for the review!!!
c_man 9th Mar 2010 05:38 - 14 years ago

on Gave you Dirt by Warptone
hey, this is mad cool. like the glitchy stuff. glad I didnt listen to your suggestion not to check this out. great job.
Warptone replied Unknown
if i would of told you to check this out that would of been spamming :)
pargas0 8th Mar 2010 23:05 - 14 years ago

on Sleepwalk Jam by Warptone
I smile too much when i listen to this song!;) loove it! Great job!
Warptone replied Unknown
thx glad you like it but i'm still working on this one
After_The_End 6th Mar 2010 13:55 - 14 years ago

on Gave you Dirt by Warptone
interesting stuff man, love you to mix one of ours see wha happens
Warptone replied Unknown
i could try...
Sprawl 4th Mar 2010 23:40 - 14 years ago

on Gave you Dirt by Warptone
mad ass beat man.. the vox really fit aye.. intro was tight...
dubstep aye, kickin ish

respect for this joint.

Warptone replied Unknown
thx man !!!
SovereignKonceptz 4th Mar 2010 21:19 - 14 years ago

on Gave you Dirt by Warptone
this is bulletbroof dude...
i used these vocals b4...cuz i had a demo version of ma DAW, and was exporting sounds and bouncin' them to audacity then sequencing tracks their

which was hell, but when u wanna do musik, U WANNA DO MUSIK lol

can i get and amen?
(no religious concerns intended)

haha cheers m8
Warptone replied Unknown
thx for the review!!!
Apieceoftofu 4th Mar 2010 19:13 - 14 years ago

on Gave you Dirt by Warptone
o haha no brah i didnt actually mean creating a remix... i was just clicking buttons on a soundboard while the track played cause i didnt want to do the classwork.
Apieceoftofu 4th Mar 2010 18:09 - 14 years ago

on Gave you Dirt by Warptone
goddamn dude... im listening to this in arabic class right now and remixing it with arabic samples... ITS A SICK TRACK!!! plus its super fun to add in arabic samples to the beat while its playing
Warptone replied Unknown
if you do a remix please be shore to let me know,i am really curious and anxious to hear it
Reuben 4th Mar 2010 10:48 - 14 years ago

on Gave you Dirt by Warptone
nice funky beat 2 dis da vocals r gd too
Warptone replied Unknown
thx man that means alot comin from u
oasisduke 3rd Mar 2010 14:02 - 14 years ago

on Gave you Dirt by Warptone
welly welly well...that is one of the most inventive intros of a dubstep piece i have ever heard. highly skilled use of the pella. love the wobble. and i covet how simple you kept it, without it becoming boring or tiresome. on the contrary, it left me wanting more more MORE! you simply MUST do an extended version of this track; one where you just let loose on the bass and the pella...cut the thing up to shyte like you did at the end of the intro. but keep it stank, cause this is stanky in all the right ways. really nice work.
Warptone replied Unknown
glad you like it...about that extended version...i wouldn't hold my breath...i'm just lazy like that...but i'll do it eventually.
thx for the review i really appreciate it!!!
Comments 26 - 50 of 50