Another sick track. You're a talent to be watched dude. Love the beat and that synth lead sound. I just wish there were vocals on the track, that's my only complaint. lol.
tho i find the thought of gimps and dom's disturbingly creepy, nonetheless i dig the sound of industrial gothy trance, has an intensive drive to it. i've liked some tunes of mar manson, nin, vnv nation, not big on screamo but if toned and cant really distuingish the lyrics anyhow, goes well with the style.
Gotta say am impressed with your overall productions, fx, vocals, guitars, arrangements, truly a one man digital band, cool beans lol
Instant head bang!! Love the drive and the synths man. Moaning woman always make a song spectacular ;) Love the effects on your voice. Not the typical distortion sound. Kudos to you on that. Getting so sick of all those bands that sound like the same singer's on every album. Favoriting this one dude. Killer song.
hell yea. i took that sample myself. the moaning is my ex. lol. so yea, thats not acting. for the vocals i used my regular digitech effects, but also used a freeware called dblue glitch to get the skipping type sound. dblue is awesome and can be used on any sound. check it out. thanks for the review.
thanks for the review man. so far this is one of my favorite tracks. ive got way more to upload. guess i should do that soon. if youd like to hear more music like this, i have a group on facebook for artists and fans of electronic genres. you should join.!/home.php?sk=group_144977495564197&ap=1
hope to hear from you soon.
cody1333-absynth backlash
Did you do the vocals yourself? If so, they are really cool! I'm liking the vibe on this track! Reminds me a little of Skinny Puppy! Nice electronic beats and morphing pads! Great job!
thanks. glad you dig it. yea, the vocals are me. im actually wanting to fix up the chorus a bit, but its getting good i guess if its not broke, dont fix it right? i have a group on facebook dedicated to electronic artists and fans. you should join.!/home.php?sk=group_144977495564197&ap=1
Dude, this is a simply fan-bloody-tastic track. I have one request: Bring the vocals a bit more forward and then let me know so I can download a track Manson would be envious of. Love the track.
like the beats and bassline.....retro vocals are a nice touch....synth fits well....nice arrangement and choice of sounds....right up my alley
well done
this tune takes me back 2 when i used 2 go out to the clubs(goth/industrial,ect).not really moshing,not really dancing,more like throwing your self about.lyrics are cool but they need 2 b more isolated with the eq.overall i like this.
on Pornography Agenda by AbSYNthBacklash
as for the track, classy as always :)
on Pornography Agenda by AbSYNthBacklash
on FiXXXed by AbSYNthBacklash
on Gimp in a Man Suit by AbSYNthBacklash
Gotta say am impressed with your overall productions, fx, vocals, guitars, arrangements, truly a one man digital band, cool beans lol
on Friction by AbSYNthBacklash
on Im Broken by AbSYNthBacklash
thanks for your review. hope to hear from you soon.
cody1333-absynth backlash
on Im Broken by AbSYNthBacklash
hope to hear from you soon.
cody1333-absynth backlash
on Im Broken by AbSYNthBacklash
hope to hear from you.
cody1333-absynth backlash
on Grinder by AbSYNthBacklash
Peace Brother
on Lust and Power by AbSYNthBacklash
on Grinder by AbSYNthBacklash
on Give it all (When I give it) by AbSYNthBacklash
well done
on Hooker From Wh*reville by AbSYNthBacklash
on Gimp in a Man Suit by AbSYNthBacklash
on Give it all (When I give it) by AbSYNthBacklash
on Gimp in a Man Suit by AbSYNthBacklash
on Hooker From Wh*reville by AbSYNthBacklash
on Gimp in a Man Suit by AbSYNthBacklash
on Give it all (When I give it) by AbSYNthBacklash
on Gimp in a Man Suit by AbSYNthBacklash