

NOthing to see hear
Ipswich, United Kingdom
Joined : 5th Jan 2010 - 15 years ago
Comments on Phyruis tracks

Other users have posted 251 comments on tracks by Phyruis

Comments 51 - 75 of 251
micheledalcin 16th Jun 2014 14:16 - 10 years ago

on Ghost Movement by Phyruis
so good man
Phyruis replied 23rd Jun 2014 - 10 years ago
sacrificialinfluence 12th Jun 2014 05:09 - 10 years ago

on Ghost Movement by Phyruis
I like this. Had me feeling like I was in a movie with a limited time to crack a code or something.
Phyruis replied 12th Jun 2014 - 10 years ago
thanks loads for the listen..
Modnex 11th Jun 2014 21:53 - 10 years ago

on Ghost Movement by Phyruis
This is a very nice track. Actually reminds me of breakbeat or dark drum n bass. Really liked the percussion you used and loved the dark scary feel you was going for. Overall great work!
Phyruis replied 12th Jun 2014 - 10 years ago
funnily enough when I started producing music I did mostly dark DnB...thanks for the listen
Danke 11th Jun 2014 19:49 - 10 years ago

on Tracing Paper by Phyruis
What a special ambient...nothing wrong with the tension for the song...your pads are stunning and the 'slow' and 'fast' changing is so nice...

Congrats and I'm happy to know your musical artwork...

Respect, Danke
RenzWilde 11th Jun 2014 19:46 - 10 years ago

on Ghost Movement by Phyruis
Cool track! I'm not familiar with your other stuff so nothing to compare it to.

The sound is great. Uber cool music for surfing the net too!

I always wondered if ghosts had movements...haha

I'm newish here so look forward to hearing more of your music and possibly getting to know each other.

Phyruis replied 12th Jun 2014 - 10 years ago
thanks for the listen...feel free to have a listen then you'd have something else to compare it too..

nice one thanks again..
3rdNippleMusic 11th Jun 2014 19:41 - 10 years ago

on Ghost Movement by Phyruis
welcome back to the inner world manifesting into the outer world.. bro, good to have yo back, I've been gone for about 6 months myself... sooooo many crazy twists & turns in life... wth.. and where's alividlife ? lol

love some of these soundsapes, i too am interested in how you do some of this cuz it sounds kinda like you do it all live & that it unfolds as you go... hmmmm... is this true ?

critters, distant galaxies, and inner workings of a mad genius, keep it up man, therapy.. i sat and stressed for 2 months and denied myself of the liberation of making music cuz i had no job.. duhhh, knowing I was doing it too.. downward spirals mate...

Phyruis replied 12th Jun 2014 - 10 years ago
life sure is crazy brother...glad your getting sort though..thanks for the listen...
Spivkurl 11th Jun 2014 18:39 - 10 years ago

on Ghost Movement by Phyruis
Nicely crafted intro! Good to see you back around the Loop, you have been missed! Would be very interesting to watch your work flow when creating stuff like this. What are those 32nd notes? 64th? sweet! Very good quality mix too! I am thoroughly enjoying listening! welcome back! Fave!
Phyruis replied 11th Jun 2014 - 10 years ago
thanks spiv.. gonna spend some of tomorrow getting back into this place full time...glad you enjoyed it..
Venturi 11th Jun 2014 18:02 - 10 years ago

on Ghost Movement by Phyruis


This is absolutely phenomenal! I was thinking for a bit that it could use some snare, but at 1:33 in I realized it didn't need it.

Phyruis replied 11th Jun 2014 - 10 years ago
funny you should say that... that snare track was in, out, in ,out, shake it all about for a while...

glad you enjoyed it..nice one brother
Mosaic 1st May 2014 02:19 - 10 years ago

on Complex by Phyruis
Hey Dude

Long time no see, mate loving this very trippy piece, so many different elements but all seem to work so well together for an enjoyable listen, as said before one very talent dude...Never really know what you are going to get when coming to your page, but always leave feeling satisfied with a feeling of hearing something special, loving the work on this one Brother...Fav'd...Peace n Respect Mosaic...
Mosaic 30th Apr 2014 08:35 - 10 years ago

on Black coffee and Friends by Phyruis
Hey Brother

Man so sorry not been here for such a long time, link in one of my new tracks will say why...Really digging the flow of this track, rock type of guitar with a DnB beat, like the girl said guitar seems to be telling a tale/story, don't know why but part of me keeps waiting for a vocal to come in, strange as the track sounds brilliant just on its own,excellent work my friend...glad to be back, will check out more shortly when settled back into the family called loopville...Fav'd matey...Hope you been all okies in your side of the world Danny...Peace n Respect brother...Mosaic....
Spivkurl 3rd Feb 2014 15:39 - 11 years ago

on Experienced Screens by Phyruis
Quite a cool piece! I lvoe your glitches on this! I think it's trip hop enough to fit into my hip hop/rap/trap/trip hop show on, if you don't mind me playing it. Faved for sure! Thanks for the DL!
ALXSIX 10th Feb 2013 22:01 - 12 years ago

on Having to by Phyruis
This is really nice and relaxing. Love how the melody evolves, the subtle keys, glitched at times, are full of emotion. The birds at the back are spot on and add to this nice atmosphere.
Nice track to think about life and stuff!
DesignedImpression 4th Feb 2013 18:43 - 12 years ago

on Having to by Phyruis
Phyruis this piece is really nice friend. Has me in deep thoughts about how the past and present are linked. When I make a decision of thought I find myself having the balance of what one must and what one feels. Digital conversion in a sense. Thoughts bouncing back n forth what's real? Just some thoughts while listening. Great track I dig it a lot. Nice job even though. Interested in your other ideas. Thanks for sharing the listen. Peace.
chromdom 4th Feb 2013 09:34 - 12 years ago

on Having to by Phyruis
Hey, dude, this sounds great as is man. I like it alot. If this isnt your style, im so gonna check out your other shit now. Feel free to check out my shit if you want. My latest Reaper is deffinately a fucking masterpiece.
JJWeekz 22nd Dec 2012 01:02 - 12 years ago

on There is something missing by Phyruis
Sounds really good!!
Spivkurl 21st Dec 2012 20:25 - 12 years ago

on There is something missing by Phyruis
This is so good! I'm loving the rhythmic variations! Nicely bent sounds! Pleasant to listen to! Faved for sure!
OdotZED 21st Dec 2012 17:39 - 12 years ago

on There is something missing by Phyruis
so much detail,all the pannin,also sounds nice n thick,good quality all round bro!!
MStokes 21st Dec 2012 15:17 - 12 years ago

on There is something missing by Phyruis
incredibly soulful hot-wired challenging original and rewarding music, my friend - intense
Tumbleweed 21st Nov 2012 20:07 - 12 years ago

on Giving up Giving in by Phyruis
I hear rhythm in most everything Phyruis....hell if a car goes by with the radio on I got a song idea Ha...haven`t quite got my ears into glitch much yet...I`m not sure about the crackles etc (maybe because that has always been what we tried to liminate from our recording in past times)...but on the other had I really like the beats and a lot of the subtle yet rich sounding synth parts....Obviously you do it know where to come when I need a lesson....well done....Ed
Phyruis replied 21st Nov 2012 - 12 years ago
thanks loads .. yeah I seem to find music in everything too... too many drugs on my part me thinks but you do stupid things when your a kid I think about it now and think I was a idiot..ha ha...anyway thanks loads
Bindanox 20th Nov 2012 05:29 - 12 years ago

on Giving up Giving in by Phyruis
Well,you already know my feelings about this track.
I am now listening to it with my headphones on,and...well...its amazing my friend.Everything sounds clear,rich,alive and most of all,sparkling!!
There are so many little details showing up on each listening..

One of the best tracks build-ups i have heard in a long time,be it by on a professional level or amateur one.

I am very surprised no one has commented but what the fuck...
Great,great production my friend!!

Phyruis replied 21st Nov 2012 - 12 years ago
thanks loads Nelson...tried a little hip hop in the drum pattern this time... might try some more of this it was fun to put together..thanks again
sn76 27th Sep 2012 18:53 - 12 years ago

on Interview with a Stranger by Phyruis
Great comeback track, awesome atmosphere at intro with that tape reel fx,imagined I was in Blade Runner,hoped is a better word!
Liking your beats in the minimal style ,those sounds are spot on with the track,bass adds great depth without dominating too much...I find this tune hard to fault.

Want to use this in the nxt looperman dnb dj mix ,with your say so of course.

Keep making Drum and Bass!
CyberSon 27th Sep 2012 17:54 - 12 years ago

on Interview with a Stranger by Phyruis
Firstly, great to see you back on the scene and hear some new stuff!

Secondly, this is an awesome return! Feels like you have totally absorbed yourself into this work and created a piece that clearly got you excited.

I've been listening to quite a bit of dark jungle / darkstep lately and this is way up there with what I've heard. Great composition and arrangement. If this is a rough mix then damn, I still have much to learn!

Hopefully you wont leave it so long before the next track? Great work indeed my friend. Downloaded? Hell Yeah!
StephenPotter 26th Sep 2012 21:32 - 12 years ago

on Interview with a Stranger by Phyruis
Seeing you return to the site is certainly something I can welcome. The fact you've done something liquid too is certainly also something refreshingly good to hear; and so incredibly chilled out.

The pad work is fantastic, the vocal sample rings something of Boards of Canada. The drumwork is beautifully done. Sounds very unreal tornament/90s video game inspired, which is certainly not a bad thing at all.

A 6 month break certainly hasn't caused you harm my friend. In fact, I would argue the opposite. This is a beautifully composed track, an absolute pleasure to listen to.

Most importantly this track never breaks atmosphere; it has a very nice, very consistant feel, and flows incredibly smoothly.

Beautifully executed Phyrius, welcome back to the site.
Spivkurl 26th Sep 2012 19:46 - 12 years ago

on Interview with a Stranger by Phyruis
This is smooth my friend! The drums are something to be proud of! That bass is subtle yet very fun! Perfect mix and arrangement! This song eats me alive! Faved for sure, now that the option is back!
Tumbleweed 26th Sep 2012 17:26 - 12 years ago

on Interview with a Stranger by Phyruis
I have been getting a bit of an education on some of the electronica genres around the Loop PBJ.(I still got a long way to go I think)...and one of the things I am really noticing is some the great synth sounds and nice speaker-shaking production....another good one here....Now I know where to come when I ned to further my learning....nicely done....Ed
Comments 51 - 75 of 251