

NOthing to see hear
Ipswich, United Kingdom
Joined : 5th Jan 2010 - 15 years ago
Comments on Phyruis tracks

Other users have posted 251 comments on tracks by Phyruis

Comments 101 - 125 of 251
arkeyetexture 6th Nov 2011 15:33 - 13 years ago

on Varifocal Summer by Phyruis
Deep Glitch...
Very Intense atmosphere created here.
awestruck by your glitch work, brilliant!
really into this one!
Great Track Brother!!
simmerdown 5th Nov 2011 19:02 - 13 years ago

on How far away shall I go by Phyruis
well i do like the first part most, but that just one opinion, seems most like the whole deal, so...great work, do how you do!
Planetjazzbass 5th Nov 2011 00:06 - 13 years ago

on How far away shall I go by Phyruis
Big textures!...with very interesting sounds,it's very 'folded' musically....very spaced out!..I'm an Ableton 8 user so I can appreciate your work flow dynamics...I dig this track and I'd like to give my appraisal on the mix (not to be confused with criticism!).This soundscape is huge! and at times a bit overwhelming frequency wise,I think the separate elements sometimes(apart from the bass line) need to more segregated with different reverb models giving them a more transitional presentation and also increasing your fades feature within the arrangement view as they swell and recede across the composition.....great creative work nontheless,it's an audio monster!..cheers Dave
Phyruis replied 5th Nov 2011 - 13 years ago
yeah ...I think I will do a little playing with this in the coming days... I am rocking the idea of differing the reverb fields... thanks for taking the time brother..
MStokes 4th Nov 2011 21:45 - 13 years ago

on How far away shall I go by Phyruis
open-ended and serious exploration of your theme - repays attention and i can't hear any elements that should be stripped, it's a matter of attention and it all works
Phyruis replied 5th Nov 2011 - 13 years ago
Thanks Michael... I am gonna play a little with the reverb field just like PJB suggests.. thanks for taking the time
simmerdown 4th Nov 2011 16:51 - 13 years ago

on How far away shall I go by Phyruis
wow pad like a paulstretch pad, friggn on the good phones and just closed my eyes, this is a trip. just me, i know, but i always love what you are probably thinking of as the intro, i could live right there for 7 mins, when the more structured parts kick in im less so, but i still think its excellent and the production is lovely, really nice world with the whole stereo field and panning..whats this about a new ep? i missed that, i want it! great work phyruis....dbl
Phyruis replied 5th Nov 2011 - 13 years ago
Yeah?...thats kool thanks for the glowing review brother... do you think a stripped down version would work better? less structured and more delay and reverb? the plan is on for a new EP in the new year ...not sure if it'll be on housefly though...thanks again cass.
Jkingz 4th Nov 2011 15:22 - 13 years ago

on How far away shall I go by Phyruis
I love this track. really cool depth and sounds going on in here. only just started listening o glitch, but i think its an amazing musical movement, and this is no exception. great stuff my friend
Phyruis replied 5th Nov 2011 - 13 years ago
thanks brother.... I really do seem to have settled here in this genre quite well... Musically there are less rules ya know?
FullCapicityMuzic 4th Nov 2011 14:26 - 13 years ago

on How far away shall I go by Phyruis
wow. that made my heart do somethin weird, as i was listening (and working) i think it stopped breathing. when the song was over i exhaled. id say thats weird, but its a good thing. i enjoyed it.
Phyruis replied 5th Nov 2011 - 13 years ago
thanks for the review.. I'm glad you enjoyed it but really I do prefer it when people breath while they listen!! thanks loads for taking the time
alividlife 4th Nov 2011 09:34 - 13 years ago

on How far away shall I go by Phyruis
love the gravity swell and congrats with a new EP!

alternate some of the swells that are at the right?... like i felt like you could add a really cool rhythm there. (2:00 mark?) more panning here would be cool i guess?

Super cool track tho... it has this sub bass kick thing happening, and the glitch is too cool.
Phyruis replied 4th Nov 2011 - 13 years ago
do you know I knew you'd get the bits I disliked straight away... thanks for the feedback seriously thinking about stripping it right back....taking out some of that bass guitar...not sure really..thanks again ABE
SliCe900 19th Aug 2011 01:39 - 13 years ago

on Experienced Screens by Phyruis
very very nice all of it goes together very well i love the darkness to it nice work
simmerdown 18th Aug 2011 20:40 - 13 years ago

on Experienced Screens by Phyruis
awesome...thru phones tis is pretty amazing, seems the inside of my brain has been permanently glitched lol...very cool original sounding, +1 for the cinamatic references, prob bc of the strings that kick in..lovely, epic tympanies and horns, arrangemt is great, evolving adding new instruments as it goes... -dbl-
BlumeChoon 18th Aug 2011 18:00 - 13 years ago

on Experienced Screens by Phyruis
Yes gotta agree with the rest of the reviewers here. This has that dark cinematic suspenful sound that deserves to be in some type of indy film. Ya know this kinda reminds me of Amon Tobin in some spots and just capturing that stereo enhanced sound. Love it man. Definitely has a trippy hop glitch feel to it.
Beautiful work my friend.. Faving too.. DLoad aswell thanks 4 sharing!!!

alividlife 18th Aug 2011 14:12 - 13 years ago

on Experienced Screens by Phyruis
I can't wait till I get mah new headphones. What I am working with right now is not doing this justice.

Umn.. this is freaking awesome.
I wish I could write music like this...

I definitely don't disagree with Mythology, as I wouldn't have noticed that if he hadn't mentioned it.
Some more beater occasionally underneath that sultry bass.
And I love me finger snaps lol.

I love the strings.. And orchestration a lot.
Take this comment with a grain of salt, but on maybe a single violin/viola track, to manually draw in the wave so it gets kinda a nice tremello underneath the string movement?
Just a thought.. but not a complaint..

This thing just get's epic at 3:00... Hellsyes.

On my spectral analyzer in Soundforge, it looks kinda weird at the 16,150 on up?.. like it was dramatically attenuated at those frequencies and beyond. I am not complaining here either, but I just noticed it.
To be completely honest this sounds wonderfully mastered.

On the mix, I was noticing some things where LEFT specific?.. but it's probably my setup...

But yea.. You have been on a roll lately man.. everything you have been posting over the last few months, and your album have just been fuckingawesome.

I was gonna ask you.. if you like Massive Attack, what you thought of Team Sleep, Puscifier, the Little People, or Telefon Tel Aviv?

And after that question, I was going to share the Telefon Tel Aviv glitch idea ... How it works, is you set up your midi and audio clips as a somewhat mixed and completed mix.
After your happy with it, you go to the routing function on the mixer, and you route some sounds into a NEW audio track and basically bounce down the idea.
Once the idea is bounced down, you take the "NEW" audio track, and route that sound into ANOTHER audio track, but you set "ableton" to loop, and make a very small selection.
So as you are recording the bouncedown to the new track, you can manually move the "selection" all over the place and create radically new glitch masterpieces/breakdowns?
Ima have to make a video sometime, but I would love to see you mess with an idea like that... (it gets that instant Squarepusher/AFX glitch sound)

CyberSon 18th Aug 2011 13:27 - 13 years ago

on Experienced Screens by Phyruis
Hey my friend. I'm a big fan of your cinematic stylings and this one didn't disappoint me at all! Composition and production, well, spot on as always!

I think it's a very dramatic piece and I agree, vocals wouldn't work on it in my opinion. I could definitely see it as the musical accompaniment to a film open / end credits and this is why I feel that the drum pattern fits perfectly.

I love the glitches and the clarity of their mix is amazing!

Great work my friend!
FACELESSIWONDER 17th Aug 2011 05:19 - 13 years ago

on Gonna start on my own by Phyruis
born of this world not grasp and capture the image note for chords music dreams like taste of love true bring down more than torrential vast gleams as does light now focus the eye's zoom lens make sense maybe not but who needs understanding when standing in a shower of bliss cast from the sky you and eye perhaps claps the hands as the audience sees this show of self shelf contains more than mere self remain calm must eye to see from inside the mind is to look into the time itself .....true......this is gorgeous track indeed....peace
KaemozFZ 17th Aug 2011 00:44 - 13 years ago

on The Streets ft Rosh by Phyruis
This track is so grimy, I have a coating of pure grime on my body from not showering, due to not doing anything but repeating this track over and over and over for the past few days.
BlumeChoon 8th Aug 2011 19:05 - 13 years ago

on Black Gestapo-OdotZed grime comp entry by Phyruis
Damn brother this is sick!!! Love that bass man.. Beat is immense. Man I'm gonna go and take mine off the competition Nah for real though this is heavy.. Man I gots lots to learn...hahaha... Nice one for the comp man!!!

Spivkurl 6th Aug 2011 19:04 - 13 years ago

on Black Gestapo-OdotZed grime comp entry by Phyruis
Nice grime beat with a hip hop flavour! Awesome bass! Definitely a head banger! Great breakdown! Very cool track! Faved for sure!
OdotZED 5th Aug 2011 20:48 - 13 years ago

on Black Gestapo-OdotZed grime comp entry by Phyruis
Well done man,a sick beat
you really put your own stamp on it!!
of course i love that bass too!!!
and thanks for takin part!!
alividlife 5th Aug 2011 18:42 - 13 years ago

on Black Gestapo-OdotZed grime comp entry by Phyruis
Smooooth moves broseph...

I love that beater on the kick.. I wish it was actually hitting me in the head.

I hope you don't mind if I reinterperate some of my thoughts just listening on my bustadass headphones?

On the kick and timpani, I kinda wanted perhaps a little more clarification on velocity?.. Because it sounded like the sample was played at the same aggressive pace entire track, where as I felt you could have done some AWESOME and kinda built to the epic synth crescendo.

Bravo on the Synth btw.. I love your taste everything bass/synth.

Breakdown/Bridge was chilling.. Gave me chills. I danced in my chair from 3:15 on.


Just give them timpanis some more reverb or velocity dynamically?
CyberSon 5th Aug 2011 12:06 - 13 years ago

on Black Gestapo-OdotZed grime comp entry by Phyruis
My friend, this is a massive tune that's just blown me away! If I'd have heard it on the radio, I'd be straight on the Visa paying for the download!

The beat definitely did the talking for me! Had my head bobbin up n down like a crazy person! The bass is mental! I really like what you've done with it (and it's inspiring me to keep on working and experimenting!). The piano was a nice surprise and a good background for the vocal drop!

A fantastic track! I wish you well with this one. Faved and downloaded.

Have a great holiday and I hope you don't have computer withdrawal (I don't think you should have gone cold turkey!) Speak soon my friend!
Nosleeves 3rd Aug 2011 19:17 - 13 years ago

on Middle of the night- Phyruis monotone remix by Phyruis
im feeling the glitch and ambience vibe,a real delicate piece that was made with great effort i can feel it.

no sleeves
blackryan 2nd Aug 2011 22:03 - 13 years ago

on The Streets ft Rosh by Phyruis
Yeah this is quality! Good job boys. Music is top notch!
simmerdown 1st Aug 2011 23:44 - 13 years ago

on The Streets ft Rosh by Phyruis
wow ok, this is great...rosh is going off all of a sudden jeez...glitchy beat is excellent dani...intro is the only part im not feelin to much, like a bit.... busy, but the rest? supergrime, lovit -dbl-
CyberSon 1st Aug 2011 12:28 - 13 years ago

on The Streets ft Rosh by Phyruis
Hey my friend, what I like most about your work is that you've got your own unique sound and that really shows in this track.

I like grime tracks that have a dark musical composition especially when the lyrical content is gritty, so this ticks all the boxes for me.

Quality production again. Another really impressive piece of music my friend. Much respect.
Phyruis replied Unknown
thanks brother.....I think it's something that definitely comes with practice..everyone should have their own sound don't you think?

I really enjoyed working with rosh he's a real talent... I honest think he has no idea how talented he really is because he's so modest... apparently he gonna feature heavily on OdotZeds new EP that housefly records are releasing so look out for that...

anyway thanks for your kind words brother...did you get that rar I sent you?
BrokenScythe 1st Aug 2011 08:14 - 13 years ago

on Complex by Phyruis
Yeah cinematic is right with this one. Dude seems like itd be perfect for a demonic scary movie 0.o
Im listening to this in the dark and...Its Awesome! lol
It creates this sense of atmosphere. Tense.
I like how most of the sound woven into this reminds me of ghosts, demons...ect. lol
Goes a much more carnEvil route at around 2:25.
In terms of what I enjoy listening to, Im not too keen on it. But in terms of quality, and overall just creativity.
Well dam bro, youve got a winner here.
for what its worth, if I was looking for music for a twisted thriller, Id invest in contracting this haha.
Great work. Kept me entertained.
Phyruis replied Unknown
you know it's funny... I find people being honest refreshing's easier just to be nice though I guess...when I worked on this I was going for deeply cinematic I was in a massive depression having just been diagnosed with yeah I think I got there but I'm sure it needs touches to improve it... thanks for stopping by brother and thanks once again for an honest opinion...
Comments 101 - 125 of 251