Intro is wicked. reminds me of a movie L:
When the track hits its sick bro. Im not big on Grime. Meaning Ive NEVER really heard a Grime track hha.
Its interesting. The vox fits it PERFECTLY. I dig how the track is forever switching up. Keeps my interest.
Just a great track fam. Its quality is unquestionable. How managed to pull that much going with such clarity is beyond my full technical understanding. haha
the end synth cut is clean as hell. Like the fade out.
Great piece Phyrius. Keep that grind going L:
thanks for taking the time to review brother... production wise really it's just down to practice brother and of course remembering what works and what doesn't... thanks once again brother
good track, as you said needs a mix and master, enjoyed the flow, lyric are sick the guys got talent, prodution is good.
The bass could hit abit a lower but thats prob down to mix and master
good track well done
This is pretty cool! Your beats are nice! Cool vocals, Rosh is good with grime vocals! Very awesome bass! Not heard grime like this before, very original! Great work!
great effort bro the track is nice and powerful i like the intro the beats are spot on the vocal is great but i feel that the vocal needs to be a tad louder and better matched but i like this great effort on a first grime track keep them coming dude
Yes Yes Yes!!!!...Love it man!!..reason being its unique man...well done!!..we gotta collab on a grime beat soon!..I aint gonna give you any advice on mixing tho haha,wouldnt be right lol..make more and more grime phyruis!!!
thanks brother....yeah the stats dont really add for me either...I'll send you a copy if ya like... thanks for stopping by brother and thanks even more for the review
Hey my friend. This is an awesome track which is beautifully arranged (as I've come to expect from your work).
I can see where the inspiration has come from but can definitely sense and feel your own unique style throughout. The piano is immense and it combines superbly with the glitch sounds (I love your glitch sounds and I am trying to learn how to create them myself. Any chance of a masterclass?)
Although there is a very dark ambience, I found it very relaxing and soothing, perhaps an indication of how my mind works ha ha. I enjoyed the track as an instrumental so will be interested to listen to this piece with vocal.
Fantastic piece another fave. Take care my friend.
You're absolutely insane man. To do a track like this you have to be crazy. lol. I'm Joking man. I say that because my family and friends call me that whenever they hear a weird and exotic track from me.
Last night I was just browsing the net and bumping into new and different music. I wish I had the time to listen to every talented artist out there.
This is an amazing piece of work. The piano is awesome. This reminds me very much of an artist known as Alif Tree.
The overall feel of the track is right up my alley. I love good, emotional/dark vibes. the automation you implemented on various pieces of the track is just awesome. Those squelchy bass Stabs really drive the track home IMO. Loving the HHs in this as well.
I personally wanted the snare to have just a tad more volume, but thats just me. Other than that...I love the track...the end is so serene.
Great job with this Phyrius, I think I have found a new Looper to follow L:
This is great, glitchstep all the way!
I like how you arrange vocals, very cool,nice wub bass, great drums,this track stands out from the standard dubstep,because of the glitch elements!
Great work bro... fav this one!
My main problem with your work is that I wish I was there.
Because I see why you did do what where.. but I wish .. Goddamnit I hear this epic pad right there and and a guitar line etc etc.
None-the-less.. I keep my mouf shut because I don't want any nuts on my drumset either lol
(BTW, in my experience, Ableton as host, REASON is unbelievable powerful in rewire.... Just freeze more sheeit and bounce down and group tracks in audio thru ableton.. I have to do it in my productions until I finally commit to Win7 lol)
Nice man! I agree with Spivkurl on the glitchy side of things. Love the vocal sample, Step Brothers is a classic. Once the wobble drops its got that kind of Trolley Snatcha feel to it, kinda Reggae Dubstep but also reminds me of the circus! Like it man, really nice job, very different to a lot of the usual Dubstep! Keep them coming!
This is pretty cool! Definitely on the glitch side of dubstep, which I like! Cool reggae vibe in parts too! I like all the breaks! Cool vocal clips! Nice track!
Nice bit of ambient music Phyruis. Really sounds like fountains are pouring out of the monitors or headphones, which ever when you used to mix on. anyways a very nice mix, my only thing with ambient music is that "space" is also a useful asset. As it creates a more atmospheric presence rather than more musical. something similar to this maybe. But regardless that's just how i go about the genre. regards and respect
Groovy track! I like the beats and bass a lot! That piano is quite nice as well! Great wide open mix! Might just have to give this remix a try! Great stuff! abe said , room for more lows etc, but maybe that will be for the remixers to deal with, that scratchy panned sound...yeh, nice.....-dbl-
Cool vibes man,great that beat,it's way out there..right on the peripheral side of things..Slow grooves are great and very difficult to get right,a lot of players think their easy until they get out there in the wide open spaces of the groove..and think "sh!t my pants have fallen down!" hehe..excellent piece of work,spacious and visual..cheers Dave
Nice approach! Very dark vibe all around it! I really like how you've incorporated more styles into it. I can hear some dubstep influences in there as well as some ambient ones.
Definitely a good audition and a fabulous use of the stereo width. The track has depth and a good sense of space so major props on creating that cause it's pretty hard to achieve.
I ALMOST like this as much as Dopple Spatten. ....
Cool effects.. cool build.. I need more mids and bass... Like side chain the bass to the guitar slightly witha huge cutoff... in general?.. but that's very modest I think. as this feels full in the monitors and multiple setups... I think yer holding back a little.
Sick... This is awesome.
Faved. Recommended. Thank you for the d/l dog.
on The Streets ft Rosh by Phyruis
on The Streets ft Rosh by Phyruis
When the track hits its sick bro. Im not big on Grime. Meaning Ive NEVER really heard a Grime track hha.
Its interesting. The vox fits it PERFECTLY. I dig how the track is forever switching up. Keeps my interest.
Just a great track fam. Its quality is unquestionable. How managed to pull that much going with such clarity is beyond my full technical understanding. haha
the end synth cut is clean as hell. Like the fade out.
Great piece Phyrius. Keep that grind going L:
on The Streets ft Rosh by Phyruis
The bass could hit abit a lower but thats prob down to mix and master
good track well done
on The Streets ft Rosh by Phyruis
on The Streets ft Rosh by Phyruis
on The Streets ft Rosh by Phyruis
on Middle of the night- Phyruis monotone remix by Phyruis that stuttery little square melody...imo this is fing excellent dani...piano, lil bit of vox..yeh i dig highly
can you 320 me this one, lovit...simple beauty imo
on Gonna start on my own by Phyruis
I can see where the inspiration has come from but can definitely sense and feel your own unique style throughout. The piano is immense and it combines superbly with the glitch sounds (I love your glitch sounds and I am trying to learn how to create them myself. Any chance of a masterclass?)
Although there is a very dark ambience, I found it very relaxing and soothing, perhaps an indication of how my mind works ha ha. I enjoyed the track as an instrumental so will be interested to listen to this piece with vocal.
Fantastic piece another fave. Take care my friend.
on Amen Brothers Return by Phyruis
Last night I was just browsing the net and bumping into new and different music. I wish I had the time to listen to every talented artist out there.
This track is dope. Thanks for sharing.
on Gonna start on my own by Phyruis
The overall feel of the track is right up my alley. I love good, emotional/dark vibes. the automation you implemented on various pieces of the track is just awesome. Those squelchy bass Stabs really drive the track home IMO. Loving the HHs in this as well.
I personally wanted the snare to have just a tad more volume, but thats just me. Other than that...I love the track...the end is so serene.
Great job with this Phyrius, I think I have found a new Looper to follow L:
would be interested to hear your version
on Amen Brothers Return by Phyruis
I like how you arrange vocals, very cool,nice wub bass, great drums,this track stands out from the standard dubstep,because of the glitch elements!
Great work bro... fav this one!
on Amen Brothers Return by Phyruis
Gawedamn.. Thanks for the dl btw..
My main problem with your work is that I wish I was there.
Because I see why you did do what where.. but I wish .. Goddamnit I hear this epic pad right there and and a guitar line etc etc.
None-the-less.. I keep my mouf shut because I don't want any nuts on my drumset either lol
(BTW, in my experience, Ableton as host, REASON is unbelievable powerful in rewire.... Just freeze more sheeit and bounce down and group tracks in audio thru ableton.. I have to do it in my productions until I finally commit to Win7 lol)
on Amen Brothers Return by Phyruis
on Amen Brothers Return by Phyruis
on Fountains by Phyruis
on Black coffee and Friends by Phyruis
on Gonna start on my own by Phyruis
on Black coffee and Friends by Phyruis
on Black coffee and Friends by Phyruis
Great work,fav. this one!
on Gonna start on my own by Phyruis
on Gonna start on my own by Phyruis
Definitely a good audition and a fabulous use of the stereo width. The track has depth and a good sense of space so major props on creating that cause it's pretty hard to achieve.
You've made me fav it!
on Looking for you Feat Nelya (glitch scissors remix) by Phyruis
on Looking for you Feat Nelya (glitch scissors remix) by Phyruis
I am speechless, you took that song and gave it something... thanks man. would love to work with you in the future.
keep up the great work my friend.
on Black coffee and Friends by Phyruis
Very cool guitar work.
Very cool drums.
Me very much like.
I ALMOST like this as much as Dopple Spatten. ....
Cool effects.. cool build.. I need more mids and bass... Like side chain the bass to the guitar slightly witha huge cutoff... in general?.. but that's very modest I think. as this feels full in the monitors and multiple setups... I think yer holding back a little.
Sick... This is awesome.
Faved. Recommended. Thank you for the d/l dog.
on Black coffee and Friends by Phyruis