

NOthing to see hear
Ipswich, United Kingdom
Joined : 5th Jan 2010 - 15 years ago
Comments on Phyruis tracks

Other users have posted 251 comments on tracks by Phyruis

Comments 201 - 225 of 251
alividlife 27th Apr 2011 04:03 - 13 years ago

on The March by Phyruis
Haha, yeah, that's what I am talking about!

If you need a guitarist you know where my e-mail is!

This is great man, this sounds like the start of a great album!


puhhlease keep it up!!!!!!!!!
Phyruis replied Unknown
you know thats what I find so frustrating about posting here....

I was making this kinda stuff when I was messing about with loops at the beginning... now coming back to this genre (industrial) I'm quickly remembering why I quit the loop nearly two years ago.... and came back a dnb artist

people here aren't interested in musicianship or people doing good...

you only have to look at the response me and Rolla got to the label.. not a well done from anyone.. except you brother...

and we've released artists from here on the loop.. like simmerdown and jkaos1000...

I'm sad to say I've found that you can post any kinda rubbish as long it's in the right genres...

some of the rubbish I've posted in dnb and dubstep and people review their backsides off

seriously.... you try it....

this place can be so depressing sometimes...

don't ya think?
abnerbesares 27th Apr 2011 01:51 - 13 years ago

on The March by Phyruis
i LOVE IT WHEN MUSICIANS MAKE MUSIC WITH THERE OWN MARK ! you did a great unique track here LOVED IT !
Phyruis replied Unknown
thanks brother
Salook 26th Apr 2011 21:34 - 13 years ago

on Fountains by Phyruis
Sweet production man, great track. faved.
FACELESSIWONDER 26th Apr 2011 00:59 - 13 years ago

on Complex by Phyruis
plains as the rains run constant why are the skies forever question of change time reverses the hands rotate without control my mind for what are these desires in a pit burns the carcass of a small deer for what is this sacrifice time knocks to that of no answer am eye here or have dreams found me this maze remove me from fantasy as dreams know my true self whom are those strangers staring from the rafters my end beckons .......peace ......fantastic sound art many thanx for the mind travel
Salook 24th Apr 2011 21:56 - 13 years ago

on The March by Phyruis
Agree with Mr Stokes this is right across the scope listening, dig the distortions and key work, highly enjoyable music. cheers.
Phyruis replied Unknown
thanks for taking the time brother
MStokes 24th Apr 2011 16:22 - 13 years ago

on The March by Phyruis
insanely widescreen - the intro and re-emergence/transformations of the 'small' sounds are f*ckin perfect - your own animal and altogether original - call me a heretic but trent spends too much time in front of a mirror for me - this is looking outwards - great music
Phyruis replied Unknown
definitely a thread I'm perusing brother... thanks for taking the time brother
JohnBoutilier 23rd Apr 2011 17:38 - 13 years ago

on Fountains by Phyruis
Brilliant, my friend, as always.


alividlife 23rd Apr 2011 08:21 - 13 years ago

on Fountains by Phyruis
Man... I dunno what is going on tonight!!
I went and saw some live music but I really really wasn't feeling it. The bands felt contrived and the DJ was playing crappy trance.... Just like BAH!

and then I see 2 of my ex girlfriends (one even from grade school!) and the looked amazing and I was just not amused man!

It was crazy too... and I was listening to my terrible remix of In a Box Room with a Lighter (haha you would have to pay me to hear how terrible it sounds lol)

But I am just feeling listless and just like "blah" right now!

I need some your stuff man, gimmee a face lift.

You know what I would like on this man?.. More reverb (especially on the hi-frequency stuff --a nice jazz club kinda reverb you know????), .. but other than that

YES... see man this is what it is about.
You are putting the childish crap about genres and the scenes (yes they are ABSOLUTELY important-- I don't go to "new wave" night expecting a good time. I know it)

But you are stretching the range of your voice. You got style broseph.

Just keep on keeping on, and we need to EFFING collab when I get my life together.

You should send me a 320 of this and I will send you a virtual hi-five.

(OH btw it kinda reminded me of really old school DnB when they just groove on a theme... really good man)
theHumps 22nd Apr 2011 13:02 - 13 years ago

on Fountains by Phyruis
Working in genres outside what you are used to can only make you a better musician, mixer, arranger.... It causes you to think differently and try things that you normally wouldn't, like different vsti's and arrangements. That makes us better in general, imo.

Now the track is very cool and well constructed. Of course I liked the acoustic guitar bits the most, ha, but overall I think you have a really decent track here. Nice one PBJ!

subSpace 12th Apr 2011 13:04 - 13 years ago

on In a Box Room with a Lighter by Phyruis
wow i love the whole overall track very spooky but your drum loops seem a little maybe off time or maybe its some of the patterns you are using but then again it maybe just my ears i bash the hell out of my ears with my sounds lol. strengthen up your drum loops they sound a bit under the track so to say but i do like the dark reece and patterns you have used overall great track keep them coming

we just need to get you to do a release now of a ep for the housefly site
Mosaic 12th Apr 2011 12:53 - 13 years ago

on In a Box Room with a Lighter by Phyruis
Hey my friend

Have to agree with Ste, one of the creepiest intro's heard on site, but so loved it, great beat and bassline, nice fx here, This is an interesting piece, so full of energy, very enjoyable listen, excellent...adding to fav'd...Peace n Respect...
StephenPotter 12th Apr 2011 10:41 - 13 years ago

on In a Box Room with a Lighter by Phyruis
Loved the intro. Definatly one of the creepiest ones I've heard on this site so far. The drums were fantastic. I thought the bass was really awesome too. The higher synth sounded good, but it felt a little overpowering at parts. But the whole dark feel to this track was great.


Ste :D
alividlife 1st Apr 2011 06:26 - 13 years ago

on Tracing Paper by Phyruis
Thank you for allowing downloads,

Great job letting the sand settle on this one.

I particularly like the minor 3rds and 2nds on this.

I think one thing that Trent Reznor had a knack for is the b7's and then pushing them into the major, which I think you pulled off here effortlessly.
Drums are exceptional.
I wish I could play my drums like this.

Levels feel perfect.
The dubstep/reese is very very nice.
I wish I could pull it off like you can.

Goddamn I love those off-notes.
A lot.

Soo perfect how you reiterate them into the mix ...

More ride maybe? Right at about the 6:00 mark...
Tsh tsh tsh, with the loop playing... I think it would lend itself to the visceral appeal of the track.

Sick in all the right ways man.
Well done.
I will be burning my AbePod out to this one.
JohnBoutilier 31st Mar 2011 11:12 - 13 years ago

on Complex by Phyruis
Everything sounds fine on this pice now. Great atmosphere to this track. Very haunting :-)


BreakTrailz36 31st Mar 2011 00:49 - 13 years ago

on Complex by Phyruis
Really exciting piece of work here. Love the intro with all the little querky sounds. Good balanced mix too. Great job and keep it up man. P;
ALXSIX 28th Mar 2011 20:33 - 14 years ago

on Tracing Paper by Phyruis
Great soundscapes, really love the atmosphere. Could really be a cinematic tune aswell. Nice progression through the track, it's long but it keeps moving. The piano sounds a bit nin-ish and the whole reminds me a lil of ghosts tracks.
Great production man, faved for sure.
Gsusfrk 28th Mar 2011 12:40 - 14 years ago

on Tracing Paper by Phyruis
Subtly is a hard skill to master, will admit to that.
Panning/seperation is good, but those clicks may be need to be refined, maybe some subtractive eqing somewhere inbetween the 4-8Khz range and up the lower 400-800Hz range.
The bongo cut in the beginning was a little loud and needed some reverb, maybe automate the reverb to come in at the end of the bongo cut.
Same with the synth near the end, a little loud but this time maybe a delay to give it a louder and complex feel throughout (when not loud) whilst it plays.
Sub is good, though I would either hit the 150-300Hz range subtractively or up the 30-60Hz range ot hit it more belly wobblin' bass :)
Nice atmosphere, keep it up man.
Phyruis replied Unknown
thanks brother...definitely take your advise into consideration... was hoping that you might check out one of my dnb tracks but this is kool too...

thanks once again for the review
Mosaic 28th Mar 2011 12:33 - 14 years ago

on ode to diversionary relaspse by Phyruis
Hey my friend

Back to check out another of your great piece's, you are very good at this genre too, have agree with NickQ very clear sounding, good panning, liking the ethnic sounding vocals, works very well with the beat and bassline, very nice synths and FX, very good production here, credit to you my friend...Fav'd...Peace n Respect...Estefano...
blackryan 28th Mar 2011 11:24 - 14 years ago

on Tracing Paper by Phyruis
If I had been listening blind I would have put money on it being simmerdown (until the beats came in). Nice change. The whole track doeshave a slightly insettling, sinister feel. Progresses well.
toddj 28th Mar 2011 02:42 - 14 years ago

on Tracing Paper by Phyruis
Great stuff! This is some very good ambient music. I agree with Spiv that this track is also cinematic. All the elements work together nicely. Thanks for sharing such a powerful piece.

Spivkurl 27th Mar 2011 20:07 - 14 years ago

on Tracing Paper by Phyruis
Very cool soundscapes! Definitely very cinematic I think! I like it when the beats come in! This is mixed really well! You are a man of many talents! Well done!
WeazelBeats 27th Mar 2011 15:58 - 14 years ago

on Tracing Paper by Phyruis
haha nice my friend!
If your gonna add the wolf howl like 3n0 said, maybe you can also look for some spooky church bells or something ? t
they usually go great together!

Other than that I don't really have any criticism for ya...
I loved the intro man it was really good (just like the rest of the track.. lol)
Phyruis replied Unknown
nah tried it...doesn't work...nevermind..

thanks for the review brother
MStokes 27th Mar 2011 15:24 - 14 years ago

on Tracing Paper by Phyruis
this is amazing sound construction and great music - in someways reminiscent of of how muslimgauze might sound today - awesome ambient drones wrapped around tight interesting beats - much respect
Phyruis replied Unknown brother... thanks....
3n0 27th Mar 2011 15:04 - 14 years ago

on Tracing Paper by Phyruis
add some wolf howl at begggining!!!!

first 3 min sounds dark (scary) like something from horror movie remindes me of movie dog soliders...

i think you should keep the track mood as it is...

you did a great job here!
Phyruis replied Unknown
yeah...that might work...I had a vocal at the start from a killers trial but it just didn't sit I'll give your suggestion a try.. thanks for taking the time to review brother
Mosaic 27th Mar 2011 15:01 - 14 years ago

on Tracing Paper by Phyruis
G'day my friend

Matey what a tranquil piece, so so relaxing and soothing, very sweet pads, great fx and panning, this piece makes you feel like you are on journey floating away from all your cares in the world, total professional touch to this one my friend, from clarity to arrngement the package is brilliant, Most fav piece of yours to date, big call as you know how much I love your DnB...Peace and respect mate...Estefano...
Phyruis replied Unknown trying new things..

this ones at 120bpm... which believe it or not is a tempo I've never tried before..

it's also nice to not have to do dnb all the time... I bored of it from time to time same soundsand sample samples ya know?...

I'm glad you liked it..thanks once again brother
Comments 201 - 225 of 251