

hard at work
cold spring, United States
Joined : 6th Jan 2007 - 18 years ago
Comments on oasisduke tracks

Other users have posted 500 comments on tracks by oasisduke

Comments 51 - 75 of 500
brillbilly 11th Dec 2012 23:14 - 12 years ago

on 37 nos by oasisduke
Yep your still looking all woman to me oasisduke ,lol

This is wicked sounding,love that deep bass,sweet synths,chimes go great too.....sounding sweet!

Your hard work will pay off for sure!

life love n unity to ya!
GramoChopin 11th Dec 2012 22:31 - 12 years ago

on 37 nos by oasisduke
Interesting work so far..i like the choir and ambient sounding glockenspiel type of synth. i dunno how to describe that one..but yea i dunno if this is the finished product for you, but i await the final version. I think i'ma take a break on this music tip, i've gotten so caught up in my unemployment situation i really don't want to focus on anything else. And it's a shame because i really don't want to focus on money like it's the most important thing in the world, but unfortunately it kind of survive at is firmly on my money right now. I'll be seeing you around. peace out.

oasisduke replied 12th Dec 2012 - 12 years ago
ugh...i fell ya, brother. money is certainly on my 'money', too ;)
i think we just have to k.o.k.o., you know? everything will work out.
im not sure if im done with this one. i took down the bass a bit, and now im regretting it. i also had lyrics to this that i might fit...dunno...
either way, thanking you for the listen and review.
GramoChopin 10th Dec 2012 20:44 - 12 years ago

on Thought you Knew by oasisduke, let's start over. I LIKE THIS TRACK. lol and...I LIKE YOU. Really, the string melody is pretty dope on this. The piano is really fitting too, probably my most favorite instrument that i want to learn one day. But yea this has that lowkey epicness to it. digs it.

oasisduke replied 10th Dec 2012 - 12 years ago
lol youre a trip...

thanking you for listening and reviewing. geeked you liked what you heard.
...even more geeked you like me.

Spudsy 10th Dec 2012 15:28 - 12 years ago

on TOMMY by oasisduke
Tracks good bro.. sub kick is WAY WAYYYYYYYYY to loud, it needs eq'ing to loose some of its harmonics and side chaining to let the main kick through.

Best way to think of frequencies is like a row of cars in traffic, basically if somethings already there you need to, wait for it to move, move it with side chaining or, it cant be there.

I use Fabfilter Pro-q because it has a built in spectrum analyzer which is awesome for seeing whats happening to the frequencys and there volume..

Thanks for sharing bro.
oasisduke replied 10th Dec 2012 - 12 years ago
thanks for the listen and review, spudsy...much appreciated.
i dont eq works in progress...there is a lot more that needs to be done with this than just bringing the bass down. i only eq songs that are well received lol as odd as that may be. im a good producer...but im a lazy engineer and its quite laborious for me, so i wait to see if people actually like the demo enough to put in the extra work.
looks like it might be time to polish this one up.
KooLKYLE 10th Dec 2012 12:51 - 12 years ago

on TOMMY by oasisduke
cool piano synth good buzzing sub but it drowns out the kick sort out some eq make the sub lower than the kick and bring the kicks frequncy up a little or just make it louder :) cool use of vocals i like the baking synths they really keep the song flowing
oasisduke replied 10th Dec 2012 - 12 years ago
Thanking you, KooL...glad you liked what you heard.
this one is getting a good enough response now that i will go back and do post production mixing on it.
cheers for the listen and review!
KooLKYLE 10th Dec 2012 12:47 - 12 years ago

on newThree by oasisduke
sounds nice and chilled. nice beat very nice moving synths that keep the song evolving good natural progression some reverb on one of the sanres might make it more dubstep like and make kick slighly louder i think :)
oasisduke replied 10th Dec 2012 - 12 years ago
appreciate the listen and suggestions, KooL.
thanks for the review!
midiman007 9th Dec 2012 19:34 - 12 years ago

on Gentleman by oasisduke
Wow sorry to hear you are getting a hard time really
I dig the tune. Really nice voice you have!

Only one negative comment is Cinematic, it's more blues / jazz to me. Thanks for sharing

I see you have offered to help lopper people with your wonderful voice. I have some really bluesy stuff on my lopper man page give it a look and maybe you could do more a big favor and do some sweet vocals for me.
oasisduke replied 12th Dec 2012 - 12 years ago
i appreciate the listen and review :)
ive had this song listed in pop, jazz, and then cinematic. im not really sure what it is lol...ill take your advice and try blues for a spell.
i would love to do you a favor. im headed over to check out your stuff right now.
thanking you!
Carrol 7th Dec 2012 22:41 - 12 years ago

on Boo it said by oasisduke
PS my son's a really good blues harmonica play if you ever need one he plays in this band this his him on the harmonica. They are called Two Rivers Blues
Carrol 7th Dec 2012 22:36 - 12 years ago

on Boo it said by oasisduke
I love this, had to turn it up and sing a long too, it's great go out and sing it live!
Love the lack of democracy line!!!! This is a very cool Aussie singer you probably havent' heard of Lil Fi
oasisduke replied 8th Dec 2012 - 12 years ago
so glad you liked what you heard, Carrol...thanking you for the listen and review. I would love to have some harmonica on some of my bluesier pieces...i will check out you sons work directly.
simmerdown 7th Dec 2012 19:47 - 12 years ago

on Boo it said by oasisduke
love the stripped down simplicity of this cut, it really doesn't need anything else...vox sound pure and clear, beauty...smmr
oasisduke replied 7th Dec 2012 - 12 years ago
thanking you, simmer...
i sort of loved the stripped down feel of this track, too. im still trying to come up with some drums and a bass for it, in case we decide to perform it live.
really appreciate your listen and review :)

GramoChopin 7th Dec 2012 19:15 - 12 years ago

on Gentleman by oasisduke
lol Yea i was being sarcastic. I like you though, your cool. And i'm actually from the mil though.(Milwaukee)My bad, it's just what i grew up around! Sorry if that rubbed off the wrong can take a boy from the hood, but you can't take the hood out the boy! But I'm mature though, i've out grown alot of my friends so yea, apologies. peace
oasisduke replied 12th Dec 2012 - 12 years ago
lol youre alright...
why do you list Chi as where youre from?
Csage7 7th Dec 2012 18:56 - 12 years ago

on Gentleman by oasisduke
what a pretty voice! hope you have some pellas. i'll be checking that out. nice song, well done!
oasisduke replied 7th Dec 2012 - 12 years ago
thanking you, glad you dig my voice.
i dont ahve any pellas up...because im too lazy to record any lol...but i am always down to lend my voice to LooperFam. if you ever need a voice like mine, just drop me a line :)

thanks again, and i look forward to hearing your work, as well!

GramoChopin 7th Dec 2012 18:51 - 12 years ago

on Gentleman by oasisduke
Hmph you ain't gonna find no "gentle" man where i'm from. ha World too harsh for all that gentle ish and over kindness. But like what you got so far, sounds like some country ish for some reason. I expect people to square dance to this soon LOL i dunno. I just get that vibe. keep working. peace out!

oasisduke replied 7th Dec 2012 - 12 years ago
you dont like me, do you?
your reviews always have this delightful backhanded-ness to them. its charming.
i have family and friends in not sure they would be too happy about your assessment that there are no gentleman there. and "over kiindness"? such a silly phrase... more people should try being overly kind.

all joking aside, thank you for taking the time to listen and review. i appreciate it.

ShortBusMusic 7th Dec 2012 17:05 - 12 years ago

on Go On Git by oasisduke
My thoughts, not enough blues on the this helps and gives me my "fix" (if you know what I mean, haha).

My dad always told me you can't sing or play the blues unless you've been there. The emotion comes through on this one.

My only complaint is I would have loved to hear another 2 or 3 minutes, but I'm just being greedy.

Beautiful work by a really, really talented lady. I hope you have a great holiday season.

oasisduke replied 7th Dec 2012 - 12 years ago
Bear, Bear, Bear...thanking you.
if the only criticism you could come up with was it needs to be longer, i am a happy girl ((btw: this is just the demo...the album cut is about a minute forty longer)).
really appreciate the listen and glad this song is getting good reviews. its now one of my favorites.

Cheers and Love!
tuoppl 30th Nov 2012 15:56 - 12 years ago

on TOMMY by oasisduke
5 Seconds into the track im already jammin Dope!
TheZerit 20th Nov 2012 02:23 - 12 years ago

on TOMMY by oasisduke
i had to play this track twice b4 i started to review i was totally taken for surprise that you were so fortunate to find someone as talented as mr. ricky and mr. ricky was fortunate enough to find someone as talented as you!!! a match truly made in heaven!! i know that i will be hearing big things from you guys!! TC!!!
scottsims1970 14th Nov 2012 21:03 - 12 years ago

on Comere by oasisduke
This is so sexy I feel like I cheated on my wife just listening to it:)
oasisduke replied 20th Nov 2012 - 12 years ago
...then i totally NAILED IT!!
Thanking you for the listen and review :)

Tumbleweed 14th Nov 2012 02:48 - 12 years ago

on Go On Git by oasisduke
You have a unique voice (uniquely great)oasisduke...loved this one...its the 2nd gem I`ve discovered while roaming around the Loop tonight, so I`m feeling like I`m finding treasure here....great track....loved it....Ed
oasisduke replied 14th Nov 2012 - 12 years ago
really appreciate it, tumbleweed....I will take uniquely good any day :)
cheers for the listen and review!

GramoChopin 12th Nov 2012 20:23 - 12 years ago

on Breathe by oasisduke
Listened to this earlier, i like it. Needs more of a finished element to it though. Basically just master it up and it should be knocking. still digging those sounds though. and i was looking through your profile, and it says you joined on here in 07! Funny, because i've actually been on here since 08 (my current profile isn't accurate) and i've never seen you around! Not on the forums or anything. Crazy! well nice to meet you then ha be seeing you around and keep doing ya thing. peace

oasisduke replied 12th Nov 2012 - 12 years ago
thanking you so much for the review and is much appreciated. i suppose i should put ion the description that this is just a demo, like i do with all the other demos. i never master demos...because im lazy..and because i now work with engineers that are much better at mixing than i am right now.
it does seem surreal that i have been here for over 5 years. i was much more active on the site before i began writing and recording my album. now that it is finished and i have another one to write, ive come home to my looperFam for inspirado and critique.
thanks again for the review. i look forward to hearing your work.

JoeyBonezSD1 12th Nov 2012 18:25 - 12 years ago

on Breathe by oasisduke
Hott!!do i need to say more!!foreal!!diggn this joint Ma!!respect!!an keep bringing that flava!!
oasisduke replied 12th Nov 2012 - 12 years ago
yay! so glad you liked what you heard...cheers for the listen and review. im listening to some more of your tracks right now. so expect a review shortly.

thanks again~
brillbilly 12th Nov 2012 15:35 - 12 years ago

on Go On Git by oasisduke
My Thoughts........pure class!

Love your vocals......"girl you can sing for sure"!

What ever mood you found yourself in,you captured it beautifuly.!

Awesome beat,awesome tempo and an all round deep meaningful track that you've expressed so well!

Very nice!
oasisduke replied 12th Nov 2012 - 12 years ago
Wicked nice review...thank you so much for the kind words and the listen. im geeked this song is getting a good response because i think its a fun lil ditty...
Planetjazzbass 11th Nov 2012 22:10 - 12 years ago

on Go On Git by oasisduke
Whoa!..I fell asleep and my camel wandered into this magical moonlit oasis...have you had some ultra musical makeover or something,an epiphany,contact with a deity or have you had a mind meld with Eartha Kitt?..whatever the case something amazing has happened to your music,it was good before but now it's outstanding,something really has clicked within you...please don't say it was just the usual suspects..dedication,hard work and commitment.(lol)...superb work!..I'll be back for more!
cheers Dave
oasisduke replied 11th Nov 2012 - 12 years ago
...dave...if you could see the smile your review has plastered on my face...
i must admit, the transformation of which you reference is, in fact, due to a healthy case of agoraphobia, bouts of unhappiness and broken heart syndrome, and a platinum record producer encouraging a scared little singer/songwriter to do the damn thing.
your assessment means more to me than almost all others, as you have been watching my progression as an artist since almost the beginning of inception. i am so very pleased that you are pleased with what you heard.
a thousand thank yous for the listen and review. i only hope i can continue to make you proud.
nmeriwether14 11th Nov 2012 18:07 - 12 years ago

on Go On Git by oasisduke
This track is so very......right on point.
oasisduke replied 14th Nov 2012 - 12 years ago
*fist up* RIGHT ON!
...assuming its a good point...
seriously, thanking you for the listen and's much appreciated.

JohnBoutilier 11th Nov 2012 15:58 - 12 years ago

on spare me by oasisduke
Wonderful piece of music, as always, Darlin :-)

All The Best, Always

oasisduke replied 11th Nov 2012 - 12 years ago
thanks so much, glad you liked what you heard. cheers for the listen and review...and i promise i will be over to your place to return the favor asap.
Soletik 30th Oct 2012 20:38 - 12 years ago

on Bitterness by oasisduke
wow, i love this, i could listen to it for hours ( if i had them spare ). gonna check out your soundcloud :)
oasisduke replied 31st Oct 2012 - 12 years ago
wow...thanks so much for the listen and review. i am glad you liked this one, as its one of my favorites from my demo project. i tried to upload the studio cut of this, but looperman wont let me upload any new stuff right now. ill try to get it up on my soundcloud page in the next few days.
i look forward to hearing what you're puttin down as well :)


Comments 51 - 75 of 500