

Columbia, United States
Joined : 5th Feb 2010 - 15 years ago
Comments on ShamanStone tracks

Other users have posted 79 comments on tracks by ShamanStone

Comments 1 - 25 of 79
WhiteSands 16th Sep 2010 04:56 - 14 years ago

on The Long Nosed Goblin by ShamanStone
very different i like that. pretty cool beats did u chop them urself or use something like grossbeat?
ShamanStone replied Unknown
I used beat repeat and a dirty drum synth in ableton live to make the beat. I also use dblue glitch vst on most of my tracks. Tanks fer teh re vee sandman...
zappo 26th Jul 2010 18:15 - 14 years ago

on [turbulent filth monsters round one] by ShamanStone
hey that´s voodo rock
fantastic production
i have fav´d supherb man
ShamanStone replied Unknown
Voodoo to you! You ever listened to Dr. John "The Night Tripper?"
Nosleeves 26th Jul 2010 14:57 - 14 years ago

on The Long Nosed Goblin by ShamanStone
LOL sorry i meant to say arkward not arward
ShamanStone replied Unknown
Thats kinda what I thought but you could of been using a vocab word I've never herd.
Cybertooth 25th Jul 2010 02:43 - 14 years ago

on The Long Nosed Goblin by ShamanStone
there needs to be a faster remix of the original, id do that if you wouldnt mind

the original
ShamanStone replied Unknown
I will Give it a try. When you say orginal do you mean the broken crystal or turbulent filth monsters? They both utilize a lot of the same drum parts.
Nosleeves 24th Jul 2010 19:38 - 14 years ago

on The Long Nosed Goblin by ShamanStone
this starts off kind of arward even tho glitch is known for sounding like that anyway,but it was good to listen to

nice work
ShamanStone replied Unknown
Thank for the review. Oh and is arward a word? Like seriously IDK.
ALXSIX 23rd Jul 2010 22:54 - 14 years ago

on The Long Nosed Goblin by ShamanStone
Heya nice track! Its long, but it's pleasant. Nice glitch noises, not too hard, good work.
ShamanStone replied Unknown
ThaNX SIxx
br0kenMach1ne 23rd Jul 2010 22:03 - 14 years ago

on [Alteredbrainscan]2 by ShamanStone
Awesome. I'm really digging your glitch tracks dude, very inspirational.
ShamanStone replied Unknown
Thank you 4 the review
br0kenMach1ne 23rd Jul 2010 21:53 - 14 years ago

on The Long Nosed Goblin by ShamanStone
I like it. Good track to have on while gaming.
br0kenMach1ne 19th Jul 2010 16:27 - 14 years ago

on The Broken Crystal by ShamanStone
Menacing! I felt like I was being chased down dirty, rusty corridors by some Silent Hill-esque monstrosity.
phantomhim 19th Jul 2010 16:17 - 14 years ago

on The Broken Crystal by ShamanStone
Some pretty complex and interesting cuts in there man, not my thing really but I can appreciate it. Keep them coming fam.
WeazelBeats 12th Jul 2010 09:40 - 14 years ago

on Broken Back Re-Done by ShamanStone
As spivkurl said: this is a very creative track!
But there was one thing that kinda dissapointed me...
when I listened to the first minute of this song I was hoping some fat dnb kinda beat would come in cuz now the whole song kinda sounds like one big intro/build up (to me)
Maybe it's just me cuz this is the first track on looperman that I listen to which is in the 'Glitch' genre so maybe it's supposed to be like that.

but for 'drum and bass' : it sure is a nice intro! ;)
ShamanStone replied Unknown
Glitch has a lot less rules than drum and bass. That's the main difference. They are cousins so to speak. But maybe I should add some more bass though . Either way thanx fer the reveiw.
Spivkurl 9th Jul 2010 18:14 - 14 years ago

on Broken Back Re-Done by ShamanStone
I like to hear a little glitch every day, so thank you for uploading this! I like those heavily reverbed out sounds you've used, spectacular! Where'd you get the sounds you used? They sound like regular drums with the decay removed or something. Very creative track! Nice one!
ShamanStone replied Unknown
It's a type of beat repeat put on the drums, plus I use Dblue Glitch vst to make those crazy sounds. P.s. I just uploaded a new version of the song.
TheseMetalDays 7th Jul 2010 12:11 - 14 years ago

on vega by ShamanStone
Perfect job. Nothing to add, nothing to take away
ShamanStone replied Unknown
subSpace 7th Jul 2010 11:25 - 14 years ago

on vega by ShamanStone
cool track i like the instrumentals well laid out good structure keep them coming
ShamanStone replied Unknown
Cybertooth 6th Jul 2010 23:49 - 14 years ago

on vega by ShamanStone
very nice there shaman, ambient glitch seems contradictory, but can be done. set the tone there with the drums, did well with the glitch fx, and then all the other elements only complimented the rest
ShamanStone replied Unknown
subSpace 30th Jun 2010 22:54 - 14 years ago

on Klassical Kombat by ShamanStone
i think you need to slow this down a bit cos it is to fast try it at 170-175-180 bpm's good effort though
phantomhim 30th Jun 2010 10:20 - 14 years ago

on Klassical Kombat by ShamanStone
Ah, ok. Cool family.
phantomhim 30th Jun 2010 09:15 - 14 years ago

on Klassical Kombat by ShamanStone
Something tells me you should just throw a lightly distorted 4.4 kick under this and let it ride.

I can't hear Mortal Kombat in this tho? Or is it the sample right in the background?
ShamanStone replied Unknown
Well thats the twist, the theme is sequenced through midi instruments (Guitars playing clean and a grand.) It makes it sound like a completely different song.
xXSecretScienceXx 30th Jun 2010 09:07 - 14 years ago

on Klassical Kombat by ShamanStone
its really fast.....

got to e like 190 to 200 bpm

its catchy tho....
ShamanStone replied Unknown
Thanx yo...
xXSecretScienceXx 29th Jun 2010 04:09 - 14 years ago

on Eight Three by ShamanStone
xXSecretScienceXx 29th Jun 2010 04:05 - 14 years ago

on Y Bass Version by ShamanStone
i like this .....the down beat seems a lil off when it breaks
ShamanStone replied Unknown
Well I'm a little off when I break too.
clinthammerMUSIC 27th Jun 2010 05:48 - 14 years ago

on Y Bass Version by ShamanStone
Great sound experimentation! I am diggin the track a lot. Lots of crazy sounds! Ghastly synths. I'm especially likin; the chopped bell. Awesome journey my fellow looper. Favorited!
ShamanStone replied Unknown
the bells my favorite too. Im always trying to find ways to make bells rock. So if you got any bell skills feel free to share.
danbo 25th Jun 2010 15:48 - 14 years ago

on Y Bass Version by ShamanStone
Somewhere, it looks like "Messe pour le temps present" of Pierre Henry.
Modern, funny and close to music ?
Good approach of the limits of what music can be...
ShamanStone replied Unknown
Thank ya kindly.
ritual 18th Jun 2010 23:46 - 14 years ago

on Why question mark edition three by ShamanStone
I find this song annoying and poorly produced; the levels on the instruments are all over the place. It's not interesting or easy to listen to. There is a poor grasp of song structure, or in musical detail; at parts the song degenerates into a mesh of uncoordinated noise.

When you are making a song, be sure to check back on different parts to make sure that some parts are not much higher than others. Also make sure that you balance the volume of your instruments, so that they are on a fairly equal level.

I would also give criticism on looperman for using this as a 'featured track'; there are much better songs on looperman than this that deserve to be featured, and some users may find themselves irritated why their track hasn't got the spotlight while this one seems to have had.
ShamanStone replied Unknown
I hope you do know the "featured track" box works with a random number generator. That makes it fair to all the artist on here. You may be right about the track I made but remember this is a site for all skill levels of musicians. For instance I have only been making music for about three months. Looperman is the only way I can get instruction and tips from other musicians. So I think you should do a little research before you make PRICKISH comments about how others deserve things just because you think so and remember this site never forces you to listen to any track. plus its all free so stop yer b!tchin and take yer Midol.
Spivkurl 12th Jun 2010 20:38 - 14 years ago

on The Glitch Opera by ShamanStone
My brain hurts now haha! But no really I like this track alot! Groovy soundscape!
ShamanStone replied Unknown
Ha good one on the brain thing.
Comments 1 - 25 of 79