love the spatial intro sounds really pro sounding! nice idea to let the kick at the beginning out and only let the snare do the work nice job man! great massive tune!
i think this piece is dying for some naughty sub/bass work to give it some weight in a break..something that will also allow for some great drops back into the sick wobble work youve got goin on.
really dug what youve got so far..nice work!
hey thanks for the words! still undecided if i'm just gonna leave this as it is or try to add some more to it... it stands well on it's own, but yea you're right it's def begging for more
your synth work is naughty on this track. i also enjoyed your cutting work..quite creative and makes the piece so much fun to listen to. youve also got some great variations on your wobbles, which i dig.
..showed great production skill..well done!
hey i'm glad u like it! I think i'm gonna go back and change out that hi-pass wobble that jumps in in the very first verse for something that uhh... idunno sounds a bit better... anyway, I think u commented on my original version oh so long ago, what do you think of the new part at the end?
hey thanks for the review man! the stutter/gating is done with the gross beat plug in on the master track... the original has always been one of my favorite song, but I also felt like there were things that could make it better... I think I accomplished my goal here :)
well I wrote this song a loooonngg time ago so I don't actually remember what I was goin for, just got started so I was just tryin to make a track as close to 'dub step' as possible, so I guess a dark atmosphere usually comes along with most dub step... when I went back I was just tryin to keep the main theme in tact and mostly just beef up the sounds a bit
Those are the best, tracks that didn't work and suddenly it al fits. And it does! Great build up to the last part, like the stuff you did round 2m but mayby to save it for the last part?
Anyway cant wait till I here rest....
hey thanks man, glad you like it... I tried to put that studder build after the last part but it didn't really flow right so I just left it where it was...
Thanks for the words, I think I'm pretty much done with it.
Yes, I would agree, its pretty basic, but I do like what you've done with it, its a nice piece. I like how it gets almost darker after about 1:38. Good work, Id love to hear lyrics on it
Holy...crap...This song blew my freaking mind man! I love the high pitched "birdie-chirping" stuff. The wobbles were used very well. This is my favorite song currently!
Well I'm nodding my head so I think you were probably right to trust your instinct and to upload and share. I've really started to appreciate dubstep more and more and I think for a first effort you've done well.
I like this kinda dubstep, not to head heavy, some good balance makes this easy on the ears even though its tough and heavy! great sounds you got going here man pulling in all directions great warping. thanks for sharing.
dunno, I think the sub hits just right, I've only been able to listen to it on my head phones, computer speakers and the car though, and it's fairly consistent over those three, but i'm sure it could sound radically different on a different set up.
Thanks for the words dude, glad you like it :)
EDIT: Hey man, I did some more mix down tweaking, I think the sub hits quite a bit harder now, if you happen across this, listen again and let me know if you can tell the difference... I can't anymore lol
Dude, I know I already commented on this track, but I really like what you did with this track. I like the new parts, The mastering sounds like its thicker, the bass drops hard as hell now.
Thanks man! I'm really happy about how it turned out too, though I gotta figure out how to make the kick and sub stop clashing and causing a kind of 'womph' sound from my sub woofer, it's hardly noticeable unless it's really loud, then its very noticeable, and it's meant to be played loud sooooo... lol
This soo good man,i dont even know what to say lol, sittin here like a stunned mullet lol Sorry endtransmission but this may be my new fav tune on looperman lol
That thick, gristly, kinda higher pitched bass sound is wicked, the one that drops at 1 min 22, how did you create that?
Yeah i thought you were going to say albino, havnt got mine to do that yet but lol nice work. Also with your whole sub and kick clashing problem, I've been watching a few vids on how the pro's do it. All it is just some basic channel eqing, roll off all the frequencies from about 90 hertz down on your kick drum and any other tracks to give your sub bass line room to breathe. I'm not really an expert, but this guy here seems to know what he is talking about
Dude you got this whole dubstep thing down! I am really diggin your work. Sweet Synths , great bass structures. I have never been a FL guy, but I dint know you could pull these kind of sounds outta the suite. Great work!
hell yeah man! Seriously appreciate you checking out my music...
I'm about 15 minutes away from putting up the finished version of Seriously Safe Travels... well, close to finished anyway, it blows away all tracks i've created before it, I'm always stoked when I finish a new track, but this time I'm like freakin ecstatic about it
and yea I'm loving FL, It takes a little while to get used to, but once you do you realize just how flexible it really is, I've tried to learn other daw's but they all seem too overly complicated compared to fl.
anyway, thanks again man! feed back like this keeps me goin to the wee hours of the morning :)
Finishing this today, so should have finished version up sometime tonight, gonna have a break in the middle and prolly hit that heavy part a third time, should be twice as epic :D
This is sick! Awesome bass work! When the dirty synth hits hard its right on time!. I like the bass wobble timing Very VEry good dubstep track, Friend! I think a song like this pretty much requires a neural build up at some point, but othere than that this track is there.
i love that bass damn. you should definitely do more tracks chilled out like this. even a slow dubstep(if thats more your style) beat in a song like this would be sweet. I cant get over how much I love that bass wobble. Been trying to create something like that. mad props. good track. This really reminds me of a Mt Eden dubstep track if it had some vocal samples in it.
this ones good, listenin to all your tracks now. i like the high pitch wobbles. love the part at about 2:10 or so. sick wobble! can never get enough dubstep!
bunches of em, this uses albino 3 for that main wobble sound, sytrus for the springy wobble that takes over in the middle part, and maybe a couple instances of 3xosc
on Key Lime Pie - Revisited by NtaT
on Moment Within by NtaT
A dam solid 8/10 Good work
Any chance of sending me some samples? I would jump at a chance to flex out a drum and bass version with you bruv.
Ez Icarus
on Moment Within by NtaT
on WIP by NtaT
really dug what youve got so far..nice work!
on Key Lime Pie - Revisited by NtaT
..showed great production skill..well done!
on Key Lime Pie - Revisited by NtaT
The wobble is evil sounding. I like the full track gate and tape stop action thru out the piece. Very well put together friend.
on Key Lime Pie - Revisited by NtaT
Keep doing your thing !
thanks for the words dude!
on Key Lime Pie - Revisited by NtaT
Anyway cant wait till I here rest....
Thanks for the words, I think I'm pretty much done with it.
on WIP by NtaT
on ZANG by NtaT
on ZANG by NtaT
on Build by NtaT
Thanks for the words!
on Seroiusly Safe Travels - Final Version by NtaT
on Seroiusly Safe Travels - Final Version by NtaT
dunno, I think the sub hits just right, I've only been able to listen to it on my head phones, computer speakers and the car though, and it's fairly consistent over those three, but i'm sure it could sound radically different on a different set up.
Thanks for the words dude, glad you like it :)
EDIT: Hey man, I did some more mix down tweaking, I think the sub hits quite a bit harder now, if you happen across this, listen again and let me know if you can tell the difference... I can't anymore lol
on Seroiusly Safe Travels - Final Version by NtaT
Thanks for droppin a line man
on Seroiusly Safe Travels - Final Version by NtaT
That thick, gristly, kinda higher pitched bass sound is wicked, the one that drops at 1 min 22, how did you create that?
Yeah i thought you were going to say albino, havnt got mine to do that yet but lol nice work. Also with your whole sub and kick clashing problem, I've been watching a few vids on how the pro's do it. All it is just some basic channel eqing, roll off all the frequencies from about 90 hertz down on your kick drum and any other tracks to give your sub bass line room to breathe. I'm not really an expert, but this guy here seems to know what he is talking about
Hope that helps
That bass is Albino 3, just messing around with it and it happened and i was like, thattss the one, hah
RE: I'll definatly check out that link...
in albino, if u want a similar sound, use the notch filter and a square lfo then tweak like hell
on Seroiusly Safe Travels - Final Version by NtaT
on ZANG by NtaT
I'm about 15 minutes away from putting up the finished version of Seriously Safe Travels... well, close to finished anyway, it blows away all tracks i've created before it, I'm always stoked when I finish a new track, but this time I'm like freakin ecstatic about it
and yea I'm loving FL, It takes a little while to get used to, but once you do you realize just how flexible it really is, I've tried to learn other daw's but they all seem too overly complicated compared to fl.
anyway, thanks again man! feed back like this keeps me goin to the wee hours of the morning :)
on Seroiusly Safe Travels - Final Version by NtaT
Finishing this today, so should have finished version up sometime tonight, gonna have a break in the middle and prolly hit that heavy part a third time, should be twice as epic :D
on Seroiusly Safe Travels - Final Version by NtaT
on Seroiusly Safe Travels - Final Version by NtaT
on Seroiusly Safe Travels - Final Version by NtaT
You like DNB? If so check out my track Murdakilla I posted yesterday. Think you'll be feeling it.
Good stuff fam, keep em coming.
on Canoe Day by NtaT
anyway, thanks for the words, see ya round
on Replacement by NtaT
on ZANG by NtaT
what VST you use???