This is very professional sounding! Nice to hear the organ in there! This needs some good vocals to go with it. I like the change around 2:40, it sounds great! Very cool track!
yo like strait up this is what real instrumentals should sound like
i felt like just getting crunk listening to this
this stuff go hard
BTW u shud check out some of my tracks tho
but dang this just go too hard
Thanks bro sorry for the late response so caught up with other stuff man but thanks i hope you apprecaited yea i like your beats man keep up the good work. never stop do what you doing. SHPInc. SkyRecords Major.
Pretty cool man, floats along nicely, creates a real soothing atmosphere. In terms of tips, i guess just add some variation to the melody as the song progresses and maybe some warm sub bass textures to fill up the frequency spectrum and give it a bit of depth.
Na this is somebody that i work with i am just a company that promote other artist to the internet my company StreetHoodProductionz or know as SHPInc. Look me up on google we offical All Copyrights are operated and controled by StreetHoodProductionz
lvoe the melodies youve created here, nicely balanced by the simplicity of the beat. i think the snare trills are distracting and unnecessary, but that is simply personal taste. solid production value on this as well.
good job!
hahahaha, now this one made me laugh. was not expecting it to be mixed this way. hahaha, get some vocals on it and let's c what is sounds like further. good mix btw.
on I Am Going To Rip It by SHPInc
on Me Vs One by SHPInc
Drop me a review sometime fam, I do hip hop too.
on My Life by SHPInc
on My Crunk Version by SHPInc
i felt like just getting crunk listening to this
this stuff go hard
BTW u shud check out some of my tracks tho
but dang this just go too hard
on To The Near Future by SHPInc
Nice work mate
on To The Near Future by SHPInc
on Welcome To My Hood by SHPInc
on I Am Going To Rip It by SHPInc
on Crush On Me by SHPInc
Cool track man, nice bass-line in this one. some interesting synth elements too. Drums and bass are solid tho. Nice stuff man.
Come check out one of mine and return the review when you get a chance fam and keep the ideas coming.
on My Girl by SHPInc
on As Of Me by SHPInc
on Show Me Love by SHPInc
on Show Me Love by SHPInc
on I Am The Dog by SHPInc
on I Am Going To Rip It by SHPInc
on I Am Going To Rip It by SHPInc
on Look At Me by SHPInc
good job!
on Twril -- Unforgettable by SHPInc
on Grime Me Harder by SHPInc
on Twril -- Unforgettable by SHPInc
on Bring Lights To Life by SHPInc
god bless
I to the Beatz
on Life For Me by SHPInc
everything else is on point. just the one thing with the loop, or sample =)
listen to my newest beat
I to the Beatz