Hello there. Nice work with this track. I am going to putting together a mix of some of the best EDM tracks from Looperman producers. I'm only going to be publishing this mix on YouTube and Soundcloud. I also will assure you that I will not be making any profit off anyone's work as this is simply to help get some names out to the public. Do I have permission to use you track?
Nice track. I like the melody. Pads are great. The only thing is that the bass seems to stereo. I would like to remix this. If you still have the song file could you send me the tracks as separate wavs. I have cubase but I don't have those plugins.
very well produced i love the start and middle well everything but at about 3.15 your b.lines become some what distorted slightly but i still like it though 10-10
This is a thick solid mix! I'm really blown away by those synths, you've programmed some very cool sounds! The drum beats sound cool, I could see it benefiting from more variety in the beats though. Not to say you should change anything though... I'm no expert in DnB. Very awesome well produced track!
This one had me smilin right away! The bass and beats are totally solid! You've used some really cool synths on this one too, they keep my interest throughout. Trippy track!
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