

EP 2 B released in 2 week
Joined : 8th Mar 2010 - 15 years ago
Comments on Lochonora tracks

Other users have posted 10 comments on tracks by Lochonora

Comments (10)
XLanDer 21st Jan 2011 22:43 - 14 years ago

on SoundWaves by Lochonora
how are ya fellow aussie, was checking out some members from our corner of the globe this time around in my travels at looperman im from the west coast and live in Perth, saw your track and my little buddy weaselbeats and his weasetreats making a guest appearance in this track. he's a buddy of mine on facebook now and fellow libra. i started my journey at the same age as him too, i share tracks and any wisdom that may be of help towards his way to world domination, this track reminded me of jam and spoon in their hey day. a tip that i shared with weasel that i know helps a track stand up and out in the clubs when you have to compete against artists well established whom have a budget to afford mortgage worthy gear of their own or studio time and pro-mastering, is layering the elements of a track once your happy with the arrangement, flow, and the right amount of notation within the various synths and drum section elements of the mix. its not a case of adding more tracks with new riffs etc. often leading to cluttering or making the focus of the track become confused. its about making what is the key elements really stand up and show there face as to why they are there in the first place. try this even if it only be on the drum track and its notation with a ear on the kick and snare accenting above the other percussive elements if you choose to layer them. iwould probably make the percussive element of the new layer subtle and spikey. shorter by nature of the drums of the original layer. finding another loop that has the same rhythmic qualitys but a differing tonal quality can do the same type of thing. being from a d.j. back ground you will more than likely have a good ear for this if programming is not your cup of tea, that can take many years at first to come to terms with the programming aspect of electronic music. this is meant not as criticism i got into your track and just mean to share 20 odd years of my own journey and learning along the way, if your aiming for your music hitting the dance floor it has more to do with getting a good understanding of the tips mentioned above than it does expensive toys and it should help your stuff take on the big boys. check out some tunes if you have time to as i use these techniques to explore new ground and purposely push layering to the foreground to expose what other producers mainly keep to beefing up elements to make them stand out or poke thru the mix. i kind of do stuff like the orb if i had to pin a sound to what i do. keep up the good work and i hope the tips work for you. peace....................................!1X1!.............................
Nosleeves 24th Apr 2010 00:35 - 14 years ago

on SoundWaves by Lochonora
boy i wish i was at that club would love to dance with u all night to this track real tight flow gal,love the sounds and party theme real fire and good times.

keep them coming ur on flames my lady
Sc077 27th Mar 2010 11:24 - 15 years ago

on SoundWaves by Lochonora
hey not too bad... how long have you been writing? I can hear alot of things that could happen with the EQ ect do you write those synth lines?... Anyhow 1 of 3 things should happen

1. You send me a data disk and let me remix your track...
2. We just work together on a new track
3. one first then two
TaraToxic 22nd Mar 2010 16:13 - 15 years ago

on SoundWaves by Lochonora
Yay! nice work with the loops glad you enjoyed workin with it thanks for the cred!
nice use of synths and the beat is sweet keep em comin
sergio81 21st Mar 2010 19:56 - 15 years ago

on More Baby by Lochonora
good track, but i feel like it's discompased in some parts, by automation or some else. but i leke the idea, the effects, and the voice sampler, good track.
MNikz 20th Mar 2010 12:39 - 15 years ago

on More Baby by Lochonora
hey, rlly nice track! Couldn't hold my feet from moving whaha:P
thx for reviewing my track:) xx, M-Nikz
Lochonora replied Unknown
thanks sweetie for taking the time to have a listen!!
KooLKYLE 19th Mar 2010 18:12 - 15 years ago

on U Like That by Lochonora
i like this it has a good flow to it and some cool breaks :)
Nosleeves 19th Mar 2010 02:15 - 15 years ago

on Trip to Fantasy FT JayPickle by Lochonora
this has an old school dance flow to it,the vocals are really catchy and the loops are amazing ur offcailly on fav looperman artist list.
Lochonora replied Unknown
Thank you so much MARRY ME!!! lol
Nosleeves 19th Mar 2010 02:12 - 15 years ago

on U Like That by Lochonora
Hey man back again u got a real flow that all about dancing and forgetting everything else,this track reeks with party hard sweat and good vibes.

PS we gotta collab on a track in the near future right now im using ableton 8 reason 4 and just got renoise.

hit me up e-mail
Lochonora replied Unknown
id love to collab with you , i love your a couple of things in the works let me know what your thinking

Nosleeves 19th Mar 2010 02:08 - 15 years ago

on More Baby by Lochonora
OMG im such a sucker for techno i mean u cant go frak wrong with this music,where should i start ur automation was solid u sample with chick is funny and gels so well with song.

And i love the way its end

5 star track

Lochonora replied Unknown
thanks so much hon, i tried to make it a song that sort of related to an unfulfilling sexual encounter ha ha ha ha
Comments (10)