hey cuz i got so mutch i could lay to this so fast if you still on here shoot it to my e-mail and ill jump on it n get it mastered n back to hya tha same day. jakethoden@yahoo.com
Ã…Â teta Å¡to je bez rima, ali koncept otkida... i da znaÅ¡ da me sad sve vratilo unazad i malo utuklo... to je jedan od veoma tragičnih i tužnih perioda u mom životu a i u životima gradjana Srbije. Tada sam bio 24 sata u akciji kao jedan od organizatora radio mreže za opasnost u Somboru pri radio klubu "Nikola Tesla" - YU7KMN... mnogo neprospavanih i koÅ¡marnih noći tih meseci... naÅ¡a tužna proÅ¡lost...
Trebao bi ovo dovršiti
Hey just saw you at the bottom of the screen. I hope everything is ok with you. Kind of strange I was only talking about you the other day and the fact you hadn't been on site for a while.
Good to see you back :)
I like this....it definitely has a dark and slightly sinister vibe about it. Just needs a rapper I reckon.
heheh i em glad that i em backk......hehehe that is nice hearing from you.....and about me what did you talked..
you know life is hard working working,traveling ect..
but now i em back..soon new track hip hop.rnb,dnb
from me
I think the organ-synth that you've used adds lightness to the track so I don't think it's too dark. I don't know if it would work, but you could try harmonising the monks in places.
I enjoyed listening. :)
The drums on this are nice, but the lead synth can be a little rough on the ears with that high frequency, I would take it down a note or two. Everything else sounds solid tho. Peace
on The past by RoCkYPRODUCTION
on those who have fallen by RoCkYPRODUCTION
Trebao bi ovo dovršiti
Pozdrav! WaPer
Ko su vokali u ovoj pesmi?
E odslusaj pesmu nato...
on Going up and down by RoCkYPRODUCTION
Good to see you back :)
I like this....it definitely has a dark and slightly sinister vibe about it. Just needs a rapper I reckon.
you know life is hard working working,traveling ect..
but now i em back..soon new track hip hop.rnb,dnb
from me
on Going up and down by RoCkYPRODUCTION
All The Best
on Going up and down by RoCkYPRODUCTION
on Something by RoCkYPRODUCTION
The drums are fire!
Like B-boy Music
Nice Job!
on NewStuff by RoCkYPRODUCTION
on Em i a Monk by RoCkYPRODUCTION
on Miss GANJA ft RoCkyRoDja by RoCkYPRODUCTION
Great Job.
Keep doing your thing.
on Em i a Monk by RoCkYPRODUCTION
I enjoyed listening. :)
on Something by RoCkYPRODUCTION
on Something by RoCkYPRODUCTION
on Something by RoCkYPRODUCTION
on NewStuff by RoCkYPRODUCTION
sounds like your having fun with the new program
on Something by RoCkYPRODUCTION
beat with a east coast feel
great track
on NewStuff by RoCkYPRODUCTION
peace Fabse Blues
on Collab track by RoCkYPRODUCTION
Glad you liked the track mate :)
on BAM-MonoCoreBeat(rocky production)GERMAN DARK RAP by RoCkYPRODUCTION
on Happy and sad days by RoCkYPRODUCTION
on Document of War by RoCkYPRODUCTION
on Document of War by RoCkYPRODUCTION
peace gaff
on Document of War by RoCkYPRODUCTION
on Combinator by RoCkYPRODUCTION