

london, United Kingdom
Joined : 9th Apr 2010 - 14 years ago
Comments on flawliss tracks

Other users have posted 23 comments on tracks by flawliss

Comments (23)
Keston 11th Aug 2010 19:27 - 14 years ago

on in front of me by flawliss
nice track sample choices. peace.
BobbyOblivion 9th Aug 2010 20:48 - 14 years ago

on broken glass by flawliss
yo G nice work like the style of it !! ..can i have the sample ??
BobbyOblivion 9th Aug 2010 20:46 - 14 years ago

on in front of me by flawliss
love the sound ..great job G!! i'd love to collab on this beat ..can i download it from you G ??
ApolloGreed 5th Aug 2010 18:37 - 14 years ago

on broken glass by flawliss
well for one , I can Hear You Just Starting Out ( If Not Sorry ) . You Were On The Right Path But You Have to learn How To Quantize Your Drum Tracks ........but don't worry , Cause I Hear Imperfection In a Lot Of My Music....And Also Top Producers......Peace ....Keep it Up........
akiogreen 17th Jul 2010 11:33 - 14 years ago

on spit your bars by flawliss
cool beat to spit to i like
ShojoBeast 16th Jul 2010 18:43 - 14 years ago

on take me away by flawliss
Super duper sorry for the triple review. I need your email address so I can email you the song. Thanks!

Shojo x3
flawliss replied Unknown thanks cant wait to hear it
ShojoBeast 16th Jul 2010 18:33 - 14 years ago

on take me away by flawliss
Sorry for the double review, but I can't contact you! My cousin and I would love to sing the song if you would let us. We'll have it to you by today. Oh I'm so excited! My cousin and I are bouncing off the walls! Thanks!

deframe22 16th Jul 2010 14:52 - 14 years ago

on together by flawliss
yo i really really like this beat im a mc... i like ur style wanna know if you can make some more beats like this ..this beat is real hip hop not like half the stuff on this site let me know hit me up at
flawliss replied Unknown
thanks bruh yeah can send you some beats. have you got a myspace or something?
ShojoBeast 14th Jul 2010 06:34 - 14 years ago

on take me away by flawliss
(Intro)(Start 17 sec.) I feel like I'm in a cocoon waiting to become rest of the world, rest of the beauty in this world,
just take me take me take me away take me take me take me away I shall go,
hiding, hiding away from it all, waiting to be freed by my prince who loves me, just please please take me,
Take me take me away, just please please away away, once more to see my love flying in the sky above,
Above above above above, to my love oh way above, beyond the horizon I shall see him, just take me away
Seeing him, I am so free, free with all the love can be, flying flying so so high, way up in the bright blue sky,
Flying in the great green land, trees and the almighty sand loving me as it were before, taking me once more.
Love me as you did before, just once more, flying in the sky once more, just like we did before, flying up so so high, in this blue diamond sky, life just passes me by, like love in winter's sky.
(verses mix, lower verse in the back same thing as before)
Take me away from here, just take me, just take me, oh my love, flying in the skys above,oh my love, oh my love,
(Back verse still repeats)
My cocoon breaks, wings appear, the beauty of it all, like spring is whispering on,
Days by and by, and still I seem to fly, oh the winds breath of course, just like we did before,
Dancing, I go, on and on why I don't know why by and by,
My cocoon breaks, wings appear, the beauty of it all, like spring is whispering on,
Take me away from here, just take me, just take me, oh my love, flying in the skys above,oh my love, oh my love,

There ya go! Lyrics! Just find lady that can sing wonderfully. You don't have to use the lyrics. Oh and the ending needs to be a little polished. It's a cliff hanger, literally. But I love the song! LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT!
My cousin and I are interested in singing these lyrics. Please contact me for more info.
Faving and downloading!
flawliss replied Unknown
wow thanks for the love. wish i could find someone to sing your lyrics but no one i know can sing lol. if you know anyone would like to use it feel free :)
Keston 8th Jul 2010 19:55 - 14 years ago

on together by flawliss
This is flawliss and love the record tics and hiss.
flawliss replied Unknown
thanks for the feedback bruh still trying to get better.
2secondimpression 5th Jul 2010 14:04 - 14 years ago

on take me away by flawliss
love the way it layers up and the sounds are very relaxing
Z2C 4th Jul 2010 22:20 - 14 years ago

on singing by flawliss
2secondimpression 4th Jul 2010 18:20 - 14 years ago

on singing by flawliss
wow that is the most tropical sounding beat im loving this is a tune already.
danbo 3rd Jul 2010 00:06 - 14 years ago

on sunset by flawliss
Hey, its a music for meditation (maybe the tempo has to be a little bit longer)
Bells are good instruments.
danbo 3rd Jul 2010 00:05 - 14 years ago

on together by flawliss
Good, but I hear the 'clicks and pits' between the loops.
flawliss replied Unknown
danbo 3rd Jul 2010 00:00 - 14 years ago

on take me away by flawliss
Yes, I agree with BluntsandBeats, and more...a voice singing is missing
So, just an effort and it will be really beautiful.
Thanks !
flawliss replied Unknown
i would like someone to sing on it but dont really know anyone that can sing.
phantomhim 2nd Jul 2010 23:56 - 14 years ago

on together by flawliss
Big, big beat. Really feeling that man. Good to see you're doing all sorts of styles too man. Only think I will say is the vocal stab in the verse is a little roughly cut. That's the only little thing that doesn't sound quite there. The rest is top quality fam.

PS: Maybe add a little reverb to it? Could help make the cut sound a little less sharp. Might be worth trying.
flawliss replied Unknown
thanks for the love fam its one of my older beats will be putting uo some newer stuf soon.
youngperry 2nd Jul 2010 23:42 - 14 years ago

on together by flawliss
im gonna use the beat togheyther man that sick.
check for a completed song in 2 weeks at
flawliss replied Unknown
cool fam will do.
BluntsAndBeats 2nd Jul 2010 23:31 - 14 years ago

on take me away by flawliss
love how chilled this song is. Only thing I noticed was that if it had a bass line it would be pretty wicked. Keep it up!
BluntsAndBeats 2nd Jul 2010 23:17 - 14 years ago

on sunset by flawliss
makes me feel sad but hopeful. love the lead bell sound or whatever it is. good job.
Keston 19th May 2010 18:41 - 14 years ago

on blaze d fire by flawliss
hot. like fire cool mix.
Keston 19th May 2010 18:26 - 14 years ago

on move it baby by flawliss
this is nidice son duke. U got a nice ear.
BigReeg 26th Apr 2010 15:01 - 14 years ago

on blaze d fire by flawliss
nice mix homie. this ish is raw. i love it. check out my new track warrior and review if you get a chance. PEACE.
Comments (23)