

overlappingcircles, United Kingdom
Joined : 5th May 2010 - 14 years ago
Comments on overlappingcircles tracks

Other users have posted 46 comments on tracks by overlappingcircles

Comments 26 - 46 of 46
theHumps 15th May 2010 00:25 - 14 years ago

on horny blues by overlappingcircles
Sweet track man! Loved the horns, cool stuff. Nice guitar work as well. Nice listen!

overlappingcircles replied Unknown
thanks for the listen and review :)
Scottmusic 14th May 2010 22:33 - 14 years ago

on Nova by overlappingcircles
Great track!! Excellent guitar work, I'm diggin this.
overlappingcircles replied Unknown
only saw this now :( Thanks for the listen and review!!
smallpaul 14th May 2010 22:04 - 14 years ago

on Afrotrance by overlappingcircles
hi mate interesting sounds here, i think it needs a bass drum with a good four on the floor beat you could easily have a prog track i think!!
overlappingcircles replied Unknown
cheers mate:) I'll give it a try, i'm experimenting with the eletronic sounds, still a bit green around the ears!
smallpaul 14th May 2010 22:01 - 14 years ago

on horny blues by overlappingcircles
hi mate thats a really nice sounding guitar!! is that your keyboard as well?? what a talent mate well done!!
overlappingcircles replied Unknown
yeah that's all me and my trusted friends here :) thanks for the listen and review!!
JohnBoutilier 13th May 2010 03:52 - 14 years ago

on LSD by overlappingcircles
This is simply one of the best backing tracks I have ever heard. Put some vocals on it and lets see it hit number 1. Damn.

overlappingcircles replied Unknown
wow, I'm stunned by such a review, thank you very much!!!
Kikajon 11th May 2010 20:22 - 14 years ago

on LSD by overlappingcircles
Wow. I'm amazed again over your instrumental and producing skill. And I have to admit, a bit envious over your talents.
dl and fav. Again.
overlappingcircles replied Unknown
Thanks, Kikajon, I'm honoured by your kind words:)
SweeneyMusic 10th May 2010 12:22 - 14 years ago

on Transient Nation by overlappingcircles
Kind of sounded like Lord of The Rings gone modern :)
You did a good job on this one! Agree with Kikajon, the guitars are nice.
overlappingcircles replied Unknown
That's a great image :). thanks for the listen and review.
smallpaul 9th May 2010 20:52 - 14 years ago

on LSD by overlappingcircles
nice work here mate, keys sound amazing,what did you use??
also reminds me of a 10cc track im not in love!!?? great stuff anyway!!
overlappingcircles replied Unknown
thanks, I can't remenber everything I used, unfortunately I lost the stems for this project to a faulty hd (taught me a lesson, backup always). But I know that the beats were from Stylus and Altered States, and some of the synths were from Omnisphere.
Spivkurl 9th May 2010 19:29 - 14 years ago

on LSD by overlappingcircles
Nice creative cover man! Nice playing on the guitar, and the synths sound great! It's good to hear this song redone in such a creative way. Nice work!
overlappingcircles replied Unknown
thanks for the listen and the review. This was just a bit of fun, but didn't come out too bad :)
Kikajon 8th May 2010 23:34 - 14 years ago

on Transient Nation by overlappingcircles
Yet another track that shines with a touch of the middle east.
Good arrangement, love the guitars (especially that strat sound).
overlappingcircles replied Unknown
thanks for the listen :)
DJRodriguez 8th May 2010 02:41 - 14 years ago

on Nova by overlappingcircles
I'll take it, if that's okay with you?
overlappingcircles replied Unknown
you're welcome to put some vox in it! looking forward to hearing what you come up with :)
Kikajon 7th May 2010 21:03 - 14 years ago

on Baker Street by overlappingcircles
Damn good work. Actually outstanding!
Awesome. Enough said, got to listen again...
overlappingcircles replied Unknown
cheers bro :)
chrudosh 7th May 2010 19:57 - 14 years ago

on Nova by overlappingcircles
professional work someone said, vocals are necessary..I'm not versed in rock music, but it has balls..perfect light guitars when track starts!!
EDIT: faved!
overlappingcircles replied Unknown
great to hear such good things from someone as talented as you, thanks!!!
sumerlin 7th May 2010 19:55 - 14 years ago

on Baker Street by overlappingcircles
wow the memories this brings.. awsome work i got to have one for the playlist.. :)
overlappingcircles replied Unknown
you're giving your age away mate, hehehe. Had been meaning to do it for a while just had to wait for the right collaborator :)
theHumps 7th May 2010 19:44 - 14 years ago

on Baker Street by overlappingcircles
Loved Jerry Rafferty's original so it's no surprise I would like this BIG sounding remix! Nice job!

overlappingcircles replied Unknown
The original is really cool and The Foo Fighters have a pretty good version as well, thanks for the kind words.
MStokes 7th May 2010 19:37 - 14 years ago

on Baker Street by overlappingcircles
had to be heard to be believed - and it works! this is just a kick*ss track!!
overlappingcircles replied Unknown
thanks for that :)
sumerlin 7th May 2010 18:10 - 14 years ago

on Nova by overlappingcircles
odd this track sings.. love it! im just a looper hobbyist wish i had the time to learn to play a real insterment..but oh well VSTIs work to..but nothing beats real talent like yours!!! :)
overlappingcircles replied Unknown
You're making me blush now :D thanks for the coment and listen bro, and to the brilliant colaborators on the track!!
theHumps 7th May 2010 11:57 - 14 years ago

on Nova by overlappingcircles
Nice track man, great to hear a "band" put it together. Great atmosphere you created with this.

overlappingcircles replied Unknown
thanks, both bass and lead guitar were reworks of my weak attempts at it, and big up to the players!!
rei4real 7th May 2010 11:50 - 14 years ago

on Nova by overlappingcircles
very nice and interesting track!!!
I agree with Kikajon ... great sounds ...
the rock riff could be a little tighter, but other than that it's pretty perfect ...

peace, rei
overlappingcircles replied Unknown
agree with you about the tightness of the riff, it needs rerecording, somewhere along the line in the transfering of files it seems the guitar slightly shrunk :S So had to do a lot of editing to make it fit.
Kikajon 6th May 2010 23:04 - 14 years ago

on Nova by overlappingcircles
Spacy sound, great guitara and solid bass work. This works well as an instrumental. Good job.

p.s. Welcome to looperman.
overlappingcircles replied Unknown
thanks for the comment and the listen :)
JohnBoutilier 6th May 2010 18:59 - 14 years ago

on Nova by overlappingcircles
Awesome track. I don't think vocals are necessary, I love it as an instrumental.

Instant fav and download.

overlappingcircles replied Unknown
thanks, bro:) I've got some ideias for the vocals that I'd love to see at least tried. but in a way I also think that it holds allright on its own.
Comments 26 - 46 of 46