Well it's always nice to see folks on looperman doing as they are asked and leaving comments when they download. I am of course being sarcastic.
Anyway, This is a pretty crazy track. It's almost like a mini mix the way it darts in and out of various different vibes. It must have taken a fair while to come up with all those riffs.
I wish i could give a more depth comment than "great track" but since i'm only on crappy speakers at the moment i'm afraid it's the best i can do.
So great track!
Hey DeathByNumbers. I'm loving the sound of this track. It's very unique and it definitely keeps you wanting to listen to it till the very end. Only criticism I would have is to have more breaks like the one around 1:30 (I couldn't see the time because of the music player on looperman). Also maybe differentiate the sound more between the breaks and the hook part, maybe remove the bass on the breaks. That way when the hook comes in, it really is just like BAM! Anyways, I'm definitely downloading this one and going to listen to more of your tracks. Good job on this one, keep it up.
hey, listened to a couple of your tracks after I saw you were a Kate Bush fan.... Wicked.
Kate is one of my biggest influences, somehow I ended up making electro music. Keep it up, I dig the energy in this particular track - I can also dig the simplicity, some people can't appreciate a track that doesn't clutter itself with needless sound fx or instrument tracks, this is a great blend. I hear jazz influence too.
Hey, thanks for the kind comments. I haven't really kept this page updated, so you may be interested to hear a few tracks on this site http://soundcloud.com/blood-line
especially the CAIRO- Drum & Bass Free Download track as I sampled a Kate Bush track, eygpt I think (can't remember what album), but yeah I agree she is the bomb!
I also revamped the track you listened too and it is now called Zurich on my soundcloud page, so let me know what you think!
I like the Build up in 2:04 minute
But when it drop its was sad..
re-edit the track and use the same Synth and bass but litle more agresive maybe
and ceep the bass ho start at 4:04 minute i like it..
I really like the intro, but yeah maybe it's a bit long. Nice sub bass! Creative sounds in those break beats! I think I'm going to have to fave this one!
Great track love the fusion and its sounds very chelling at the begining just thinks if you add a small voice sample at the bgeining it will sound prefect still i love it
This fusion of styles really works! I really like the drum beats on this one, they have sort of a party vibe to them! Nice bass line, it's not too overpowering. Really good mixing! Fun track!
Break Step! Yeha this is cool as hell. I like the classic sample playery. I would like to hear a half time beat and a thick wobble ddrop at some point but the track def shines-ch
This is really well done. The bass pads sound good with distortion. Nice Breaks @ 1:01 I think the bass sounds good. If you do put a sub under it, I wouldnt make it too prominent. Other than that a very creative piece. Keep em coming-CH
Cheers for the comments. It's something I'm struggling with in Ableton. I've cranked it up, put various compressors and it's still red-lining, so can't get it any louder without it distorting.
I don't know how to send you the link, but if you look on my home page I have a more finished version called homecooking- revamped. I've changed a lot of it and tried to make it more modern sounding. I'd be interested in knowing what you think..
Yeah, this one really grooves! Love the beats and bass! Those vox fit right in! Very creative track! I like the part around 2:50, sounds good! Awesome song!
on Dont give up- free drum and bass download by DeathByNumbers
Anyway, This is a pretty crazy track. It's almost like a mini mix the way it darts in and out of various different vibes. It must have taken a fair while to come up with all those riffs.
I wish i could give a more depth comment than "great track" but since i'm only on crappy speakers at the moment i'm afraid it's the best i can do.
So great track!
on Dont give up- free drum and bass download by DeathByNumbers
on Dont give up- free drum and bass download by DeathByNumbers
on Fever by DeathByNumbers
I definitely enjoyed this. I would have used more crashes and open-hihats, but that can make for a very messy mix.
Thanks for sharing the track!
on Liquid Synth by DeathByNumbers
Kate is one of my biggest influences, somehow I ended up making electro music. Keep it up, I dig the energy in this particular track - I can also dig the simplicity, some people can't appreciate a track that doesn't clutter itself with needless sound fx or instrument tracks, this is a great blend. I hear jazz influence too.
especially the CAIRO- Drum & Bass Free Download track as I sampled a Kate Bush track, eygpt I think (can't remember what album), but yeah I agree she is the bomb!
I also revamped the track you listened too and it is now called Zurich on my soundcloud page, so let me know what you think!
on Open your mind by DeathByNumbers
All in all is a cool track but is defo something missing. Maybe as u said and some parts need re-arranging ;0)
on Open your mind by DeathByNumbers
But when it drop its was sad..
re-edit the track and use the same Synth and bass but litle more agresive maybe
and ceep the bass ho start at 4:04 minute i like it..
on Sticky Flump by DeathByNumbers
on Sticky Flump by DeathByNumbers
on The Raven by DeathByNumbers
on Zurich by DeathByNumbers
on Zurich by DeathByNumbers
it gets you on a mission
the sounds youve used work well aswell
love it
Sludge City
on Liquid Synth by DeathByNumbers
on Liquid Synth by DeathByNumbers
on Home cooking- revamped by DeathByNumbers
on Eygpt by DeathByNumbers
on Home cooking- revamped by DeathByNumbers
on Home Cooking by DeathByNumbers
Great work
I don't know how to send you the link, but if you look on my home page I have a more finished version called homecooking- revamped. I've changed a lot of it and tried to make it more modern sounding. I'd be interested in knowing what you think..
on Home cooking- revamped by DeathByNumbers
Thanks for your kind words. Checked out some of your stuff and like it a lot!
on Eygpt by DeathByNumbers