

Akron, United States
Joined : 15th Jun 2010 - 14 years ago
Last Online : 20th Feb 2025 - 1 month ago
Comments on Leagues tracks

Other users have posted 32 comments on tracks by Leagues

Comments 1 - 25 of 32
GoTyBeaTs 18th Oct 2017 23:45 - 7 years ago

on The Craft by Leagues
Nice Sample League..! ;) Keep on PLAY!!!
ciremusic 4th Sep 2017 02:23 - 7 years ago

on Leagues Vs Broadcast by Leagues
this is absolute madness, but it's beautiful madness.
I enjoy unconventional beats, this hit the spot.
Leagues replied 4th Sep 2017 - 7 years ago
I'm glad you enjoyed it! Out of curiosity, how did you find this song? I've been inactive on this site for years, I assumed all of my music drifted into the abyss over time, lol.
JRSaget 19th Dec 2014 04:35 - 10 years ago

on Leagues Vs Broadcast by Leagues
Found this track from a forum StaticNomad mentioned it on. This is pretty nice.
Leagues replied 19th Dec 2014 - 10 years ago
Thanks for listening. If you're interested, listen to some of my other tracks.
StrikingDaggers 6th Aug 2014 18:42 - 10 years ago

on Cadet Blue by Leagues
Tight track Leagues! The beat has a chilled vibe with a dope melody. It was a very enjoyable listen. This ones a Fav and it's downloaded. Nice work.
Leagues replied 12th Oct 2014 - 10 years ago
I'm glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for listening.
StaticNomad 21st Jul 2014 13:19 - 10 years ago

on Leagues Vs Broadcast by Leagues
Fantastic work and I love just the first few seconds.

Good main beat then follows (no problem with the EQ on that for me).

0:43 and there's a magical vibe that is introduced. Great emotive, fairytale sounds.

I'm surprised only one person has mentioned the exceptional vocals. Were are they from? Very clear and gentle voice.

2:24 change I find a bit awkward but I guess it's not a problem. Perhaps fits the far out, blissed out vibe. Reverse vocals then work well.

Bring those drums back in hard on 3:00.

Man beat reminds me very strongly of a particular DJ Shadow track. Can't remember which one. This track makes me think a little of UNKLE's excellent song Bloodstain.

3:24 cool, weird high overdrive sound. What is that? Previous far out chords sit well underneath it.

Deep stuff that's perfect for chilling to so well done.

I checked your profile and found this:

"I find conventional instruments to be tired and boring."

Do you still feel that way? I love making far out sounds and new textures but I find you can do some pretty crazy stuff with conventional instruments, especially if you stick them through various, carefully controlled effects.
GramoChopin 21st Jul 2014 03:21 - 10 years ago

on Leagues Vs Broadcast by Leagues
Like a glitched mellow hip hop electronic beat. Really love the vibes and the flow of this one. Excellent vocals chops and stutters. The singing/talking vocals are a really good addition. I'm pretty baked right now so I kind of got lost in it. ha Dope stuff man, peace

GramoChopin 21st Jul 2014 03:13 - 10 years ago

on I left You by Leagues
WTF??? Where the hell are the comments? The favs the praises for innovation and originality?? Seriously man I really dug this, the only thing that was a little off was the sample brass after a while. (Got a lil irritating) The drums were real nice and I guess the mix could be a little better but still not even. Your pretty fucking underrated bro, people need to listen. I stand by that, sick beat. peace

GramoChopin 21st Jul 2014 03:06 - 10 years ago

on Departure by Leagues
Like the vibe of this track. Really zones you out with the piano and synths combination. Awesome work with the drums too, only the mix could be a bit better. But still a great track, piano is a plus always with me. peace

GramoChopin 10th Jun 2014 00:03 - 10 years ago

on Third Ear by Leagues
Hmm, the dark mellowness of it kind of reminds me of a soundtrack to a game called Drakengard for the ps2. It does alot of glitch/dark work combined with classical elements. Except this track has electronic elements, but it all flows well. Trippy and kind of dark. I like dark stuff though. Faved peace

TurfGoldMusic 1st Jun 2014 21:52 - 10 years ago

on Die Like A Rockstar - Leagues Remix by Leagues
Yeah, you on some other shht with this one. I dig everything about it.
BlackKasper 1st Jun 2014 20:40 - 10 years ago

on Die Like A Rockstar - Leagues Remix by Leagues
Been a while leagues. I haven't been on this thing myself much, glad I'm here now and discovered this. D.B. is the dude, and this beat soars him into this new atmosphere, super lush. Sounds good on him. I still bump your Milk Crates track, one of my fav joints, real shit.
Keep it chill bro.
Leagues replied 5th Jun 2014 - 10 years ago
Thanks for listening to my music. I really appreciate it. Keep me on your radar, there will be more from me in the future.
JoeyBonezSD1 15th Mar 2014 00:36 - 11 years ago

on Die Like A Rockstar - Leagues Remix by Leagues
lol !!this was dope man!!you in ya own lane with this one!meaning unique flow an delivery!!i was like wtf is this at the jumpoff!!but then you came in!!just made sense...tight joint fam!!
Leagues replied 15th Mar 2014 - 11 years ago
Sorry to disappoint, but the vocals are not mine. They belong to Danny Brown, a rapper from Detroit, MI. I did the production.
sumerlin 10th Dec 2011 01:52 - 13 years ago

on Leagues Vs Broadcast by Leagues
i just started listening to this syle of music made one track sorta. its called dreaming with icarus check it out. ireally like this rendistion and thinck you did an great job with the instrmentation.. lol sure you know what i mean :) anyway love the track!
MStokes 9th Nov 2011 22:02 - 13 years ago

on Departure by Leagues
i hear the eye of a hurricane - don't lose that - it really centers the track - which is massive
Leagues replied 9th Nov 2011 - 13 years ago
Awesome metaphors, man.
Bindanox 9th Nov 2011 19:26 - 13 years ago

on The Wall You Build Is The Wall I Climb by Leagues
Great song title.Your sound manipulation its amazing.Giving Prefuse a run for its money.
Bindanox 9th Nov 2011 19:21 - 13 years ago

on Milk Crates by Leagues
Really impressive production man,sweet sweet.
Bindanox 9th Nov 2011 19:13 - 13 years ago

on Departure by Leagues
Awesome track mate!Your drum programming its pretty impressive and the vocal snippets are spot on.As far im concerned i wouldnt change a thing.Will check your other stuff.
MStokes 7th Nov 2011 14:55 - 13 years ago

on Interlude - Ne Me Quitte Pas by Leagues
scuffy scruffy beauty
Phyruis 7th Nov 2011 09:22 - 13 years ago

on Interlude - Ne Me Quitte Pas by Leagues
loving the elements in this..

I would say though it does break some of the looperman rules when it comes to copyrights so please be careful... you'll get yourself banned. just a heads up brother..

I do like what you've done though for me the kicks might need some more definition I would try making two instances of them and panning one slightly right the other slightly left.

maybe I would try playing around with the stereo filed a little more too..

having said that I did enjoy the listen...

keep 'em coming brother
peopleareloudmovers 6th Nov 2011 03:25 - 13 years ago

on The Wall You Build Is The Wall I Climb by Leagues
Nice movement. Loving the vocal glitch and dynamics.
Leagues replied 7th Nov 2011 - 13 years ago
I appreciate it.
MStokes 5th Nov 2011 22:10 - 13 years ago

on Milk Crates by Leagues
hello Leagues - to paraphrase one of yr previous replies, this explodes and implodes the envelope - great music, challenging and welcoming
BlackKasper 5th Nov 2011 20:14 - 13 years ago

on Milk Crates by Leagues
I don't know much about the glitch genre, but this is just sick as hell. Very unique and creative. It's definitely an inspiring track, and gives me a grip of ideas to try out. Thanks for that, and great job. Peace
visionarysoundsystem 5th Nov 2011 19:46 - 13 years ago

on Milk Crates by Leagues
Leagues this isn't a genre I know much about but I like this track a lot. It has a far-out feel to it & the beat is excellent. Lots of stuff going on without ever being too much. Nice panning work on the vocals. Sweet breakdown as well. Quality my friend
Leagues replied 5th Nov 2011 - 13 years ago
I'm glad you like it. The genre is a bit obscure even though it has been around for 12+ years now. Prefuse 73, Machinedrum, Caural, and edIT are prime examples of what Glitch Hop is all about. It's about breaking away from traditional Hip Hop production and pushing the creative envelope.
Spivkurl 5th Nov 2011 17:57 - 13 years ago

on Milk Crates by Leagues
Very trippy song! Love the glitched vocals! Very cool bass too! Great work!
bobbybooth 23rd Jan 2011 16:32 - 14 years ago

on Leagues Vs Broadcast by Leagues
What you making these in boy? I love the sound of those beats. Chords and strings are really beautiful. I think i have found another looperman i really genuinely enjoy the music of. This Sht is fcking awesome!
Leagues replied Unknown
FL Studio 9
Comments 1 - 25 of 32