

Akron, United States
Joined : 15th Jun 2010 - 14 years ago
Last Online : 20th Feb 2025 - 1 month ago
Comments on Leagues tracks

Other users have posted 32 comments on tracks by Leagues

Comments 26 - 32 of 32
SGN 26th Dec 2010 14:30 - 14 years ago

on The Wall You Build Is The Wall I Climb by Leagues
I absolutely love that phased floating pad. Really beautiful. I also love the vocals and the way you've used them. The switchup around 1:40 just takes this song up 5 levels, and it was already pretty close to the top floor.

Okay my immediate affection for this tune has reduced me to using terrible metaphors so I'm gonna stop and just say that this is very, very good. Keep it up.
sendas 15th Dec 2010 22:20 - 14 years ago

on The Wall You Build Is The Wall I Climb by Leagues
Really like it found it great good job man one of my favorite back here :)) speciallt the vocal parts found it awesome
MStokes 10th Dec 2010 00:09 - 14 years ago

on Leagues Vs Broadcast by Leagues
totally smashes the looking-glass - then plays with the edges = admired, respect
ChaplinAndCharlie 3rd Jul 2010 07:46 - 14 years ago

on Leagues Vs Broadcast by Leagues
lovely song. i would like to do a remix sometime if that would be ok. really blew me away.
xXSecretScienceXx 29th Jun 2010 19:30 - 14 years ago

on Leagues Vs Broadcast by Leagues
its pleasant.....digging it with your dusty drums
Leagues replied Unknown
Ah...we're on the same page. Kudos.
phantomhim 29th Jun 2010 19:25 - 14 years ago

on Leagues Vs Broadcast by Leagues
Well it's your music, you're the boss of it. But if you put it up for opinions expect opinions and if you don't mention that in the description, only you know. : p

Well, good luck.
phantomhim 29th Jun 2010 19:11 - 14 years ago

on Leagues Vs Broadcast by Leagues
Need to EQ that drum sample loop, bring the hi end end out. Nice choice of vocal sample. You should check out a guy on Ninja Choon called Bonobo. I think you'd like him/get some inspiration for your stuff. Also maybe some Amon Tobin and some of the tracks from Amnesiac and Kid A, which are two Radiohead albums if you're not already aware of them.

Keep it up man, one of the most interesting tracks I've heard posted today.
Leagues replied Unknown
Thanks for the advice, but I'm not going for clarity in my drums. I know about and have listened to all of the above artists you've mentioned. I'm particularly a fan of Prefuse 73. Yeah, people constantly tell I need to EQ. But maybe they don't see my vision the way I see it. I'm going for a more dusty but digital approach.
Comments 26 - 32 of 32