thanks so much for using my acapella :) sounds great! here ya go Farisha link to youtube to check out the remix iv done on this lil number
Fresh track man, sounds like some legit old school right there. Nice switch too, with some nice sounding drums and a good roll to it. I do hip hop too man.
NZ and AUS are really into there Hip Hop right now so I've heard? Is it big in NZ yeah?
yeah man very emotionally connected. I could feel the effort you put into this. I losted my little brother to gun violence. Check out the song "Lighter than Air".
on Its All Me by BlainHeiHei
Nice work.
on Rule Da World by BlainHeiHei
on Dont give Up by BlainHeiHei
A straigt 9 of 10
Chek my stuuf bro!!
on Step Off by BlainHeiHei
NZ and AUS are really into there Hip Hop right now so I've heard? Is it big in NZ yeah?
on Sippin On A 40 by BlainHeiHei
on Lil Change by BlainHeiHei
on Holla by BlainHeiHei
on Thats It by BlainHeiHei