the beat and chorus are fantastic. I'd love to hear the lyrics a lil crisper and louder. also matched a lil better. sounds great tho. keep up the good work!
great track. - great mix it really compliments farisha's vox (one of the best here i reckon)....this is radio ready. not sure if I can find any fault nor does this need anything constructive...the sounds created are have a really great track here reno...nicely done
Really nice track man, love the soft vibe to it. Melody sounds great and the bass compliments it nicely. One thing I would suggest is to maybe raise the level of the drums a small bit just to add a bit more kick to the mix. Apart from that, it sounds really good. Enjoyed listening.
Nice job! You worked with Farisha's Acappella nicely. This is a nice trance tune! Good job composing this tune. Just one thing i did notice, it sounds like the track started to clip and distort when the kick first started. That's nothing that a little level adjustment and mabey some limiting on the kick won't cure. I hope that helps. Keep up the good work.
Many thanks for your comment and your advice. About the kick, I have tried to lower it, but now maybe the 'percussions' at the end of each bar are too 'high'... Whew :-)
This was quite a lovely surprise! I *really* enjoyed it - its my kind of taste in this genre. There was a lovely fullness in the synths and bass and the voice carried beautifully over the top. The concept for the drums is good, though I would have executed it differently, perhaps a light or more pronounced reverb to put the beat in the same space as the music, but overall this is some inspirational stuff..! Well done!
Pas mal du tout ce mÃÂlange, mais la voix est un peu lointaine. Peut-être est ce fait intentionnellement. Par contre j'apprÃÂcie beaucoup la partie instrumentale du dÃÂbut. Une bonne idÃÂe àcreuser .... Bravo!
Thanks for listnening and for your comments.
I feel like I should work on the inside change (from chill to techno) because I find it 'tough' at the moment and also improve the techno part.
on Hip Hop 1 LordDice by renofr
on Military Zone Feat Farisha by renofr
on Military Zone Feat Farisha by renofr
Love her pella's!
Keep Em Coming!
Kenny Lee
on Wanna duck by renofr
on Wanna duck by renofr
Good !
Thanks for your comment!
on Euphoria (DJAerith) by renofr
I listened to this and was quite surprised! I like your style dude; you have real talent.
I'm just getting into this type of thing, and I'm wondering if you could help me out by telling what gear you use? Thanks.
on Dirty Opening by renofr
on Military Zone Feat Farisha by renofr
on Military Zone Feat Farisha by renofr
on Military Zone Feat Farisha by renofr
on Military Zone Feat Farisha by renofr
great job on this!!
melody reminds me of freeloader(old trance song)
Thanks for your nice comment.
on DooWap by renofr
on Sweet Darling by renofr
Indeed that might be a good idea to think about a reverb for the drum part, thanks for this advice.
on Sweet Darling by renofr
I do agree with your comparison, even if I definitely can't hold a candle to neither Moby nor Portishead :-)
on Sweet Darling by renofr
Efectivement, j'hÃÂsitais sur la voix, et ta remarque m'a fait la mettre un peu plus en avant...
on Euphoria (DJAerith) by renofr
I feel like I should work on the inside change (from chill to techno) because I find it 'tough' at the moment and also improve the techno part.
on HeyWatu by renofr
Thanks for your nice comments!
on HeyWatu by renofr
on HeyWatu by renofr
on GreenLight by renofr
on GreenLight by renofr
Thanks for telling me if you want me to rack my brains a bit more on this one.
on Creepin by renofr