Ovo je odlican beat, svida mi se kako dobro zvuci , ali se slazem sa JW vjerovatno bi trebo nekako odrezat taj kraj na loopu, da ne prekida , ali u svakom slucaju beat je odlican!
Free downloads, 30 plays and no DL's?!
There just arent any rappers on here then!
This track is just great, simply great. Good job! Ill have a listen to your other stuff.
Wow, this track is crazy good, sounds like something Young Jeezy would flow to...Love the synth work, the fast-to-slow hi-hats & the echoing/delayed claps!
can you send me the instrumental for this? sporch.student@gmail.com
I got a real nice flow i think i could go over this really well. you didnt do bad. I just like the track a lot. But you can find my stuff on reverbnation.com/spark check it out and get back to me, thanks
Hellz yeah dope track. Nice use of Buddhamann's kru pella. Diggin the chorus too. Ill beat and feel to this. Gonna add to my fav's. This is very well produced. Good sound quality...Props to da producer...
on Beat 7 (with hook) Draped up by baltazarb
on Beat 11 by baltazarb
I am sure someone that hears it will put something down on it.
Thanks for this
on Beat 10 by baltazarb
Ovo je odlican beat, svida mi se kako dobro zvuci , ali se slazem sa JW vjerovatno bi trebo nekako odrezat taj kraj na loopu, da ne prekida , ali u svakom slucaju beat je odlican!
Pozdrav iz Osijeka
on Beat 10 by baltazarb
on Beat 7 (with hook) Draped up by baltazarb
Did you get the chorus from looperman??
I wanna drop a verse on this, if i do i'll be in touch.
on Beat 9 by baltazarb
There just arent any rappers on here then!
This track is just great, simply great. Good job! Ill have a listen to your other stuff.
Check me out if you have a second!
on Beat 9 by baltazarb
on Beat 9 by baltazarb
on Mr Baker - Something Beatiful (Prod By Baltazar B) by baltazarb
I got a real nice flow i think i could go over this really well. you didnt do bad. I just like the track a lot. But you can find my stuff on reverbnation.com/spark check it out and get back to me, thanks
on Buddahmann Ft Silverback Young Drew Draped Up by baltazarb
on Buddahmann Ft Silverback Young Drew Draped Up by baltazarb
on Buddahmann Ft Silverback Young Drew Draped Up by baltazarb
on Beat 7 (with hook) Draped up by baltazarb
on Beat 6 by baltazarb
on Beat 1 by baltazarb
on Beat 2 by baltazarb
on Beat 5 by baltazarb
on Beat 3 by baltazarb