Thaks MP1. I have a version of "Our God" by Chris Tomlin that I will be uploading later as well. All the parts are recorded by me... and the drum parts have been programmed one beat at a time! I never uploaded it here cause it gets a little dry on the hard drum hits. It was a major pain in the rear to get down as tight as I could, so I just left it that way. I also like the roughness in my tracks because i am playing and singing over top of these tracks, and i like the little imperfections that make it sound live and not like a backing track!
Bravo Shemzee....a modern take on some of those traditional Christmas song is something we could use more of...but I have heard very few of the poppy versions that I care for...We have a native (North American Indian) church in our town here that lets the young people bring their instruments and music ideas to church...they rock it up pretty hard and it appeals to a lot of the young people (better than so many of the old traditional hymns that many find boring ...including me)....Good one Shemzee...A Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones......Ed
Thanks Bro! I really appreciate that cause I play everything (instruments) by ear, and I tend to play it the way I hear it in my head... and you never really know how people are going to receive your take on things.
Because you mentioned "singing live over top...." I was expecting to hear your voice come in at some point, but alas it's an instrumental. I like it very much. It's quite accessible which is obviously a good thing regarding Religious Music. I like to call this kind of music Contemporary Faith Music. Well done!
Thank you Mykael. I haven't had a chance to put the vocals to any of these songs that I use in leading worship. I just like to create a fuller backing track to accompany myself when I play and sing on Sunday. I get a little bored with just my vocals and an acoustic, and the congregations seems to really enjoy it. They say I am a "One Man Praise Band". Some of the songs are a little rougher than others, but I am slowly reworking them all to be better productions. They are free to download so other Worship musicians and singers can use them as well, but I like to leave them a little rough around the edges so they don't sound too much like a karaoke track... and also so nobody will try to use them professionally.
Peace -
Thanks Wayne! It's been a while for sure, I still lurk in the background sometimes, lol. Seems like all of my free time goes to working on music for Church these days but I am working towards writing some new stuff soon... so maybe dropping new stuff the summer. When I upgraded to reason 6 I was able to record live instrumentation so the new stuff will be more rock based now that I can easily get guitar on my tracks. Hope all is well in your world.
Thanks Bro! I play everything but the drums... which are loops/samples that I could play, but micing drums is a pain in the rear and difficult at best!
Yeah i hear ya. It sucks not being able to put exclamation marks in the title huh?
This is a good piece of solid rock mate and i see Allen is still making his fingers bleed on a regular basis.
Soundwise it needs a little sorting out. I'd drop the mid lows on the rhythm guitar slightly and brink up the kick and snare a little.
Other than that this tune rocks! (as rock should do with a name like that)
Awesome track my brother. I dont know why i hadn't discovered it earlier. You have an awesome voice and should finish her off with those pipes man.
saw this as a featured track, i kinda expected to hear some guitars and all that funk stuff, and theres no sound after the 1:27 mark, but i enjoyed this.
A real crossover hit you've created here. Cool blend of sounds.
The music played for about a minute and a half but the track length was 3 and a half minutes. Just letting you know there was a large amount of silence on the track. No biggie but I figured I'd let you know.
I know the feeling man. I play guitar at my church (clean), and the only other instrumentalist is my mother on piano (which she has been doing since i was still in school). We have a surplus of girl singers and only me and Dale on vocs for guys. Even epic sounding pieces sound girlie with seven female voices.
on Chop Top by DJSchmeeJ
Can I use this?
contact to IG mocashin813
on Joy Unspeakable by DJSchmeeJ
on Servant Song by DJSchmeeJ
on Joy Unspeakable by DJSchmeeJ
on Life of Crime by DJSchmeeJ
Cool beat and loved the vocal samples and effects. Short but definitely effective.
on Life of Crime by DJSchmeeJ
on Beautiful One by DJSchmeeJ
on Jesus Lover of My Soul by DJSchmeeJ
Because you mentioned "singing live over top...." I was expecting to hear your voice come in at some point, but alas it's an instrumental. I like it very much. It's quite accessible which is obviously a good thing regarding Religious Music. I like to call this kind of music Contemporary Faith Music. Well done!
Love & Light,
Peace -
on Every Move I make by DJSchmeeJ
I thought you were playing Wild Thing, lol. Liked the change in the middle. Drums sound good. I like it! When's the next one being uploaded?
on Twelve by DJSchmeeJ
on Jesus Lover of My Soul by DJSchmeeJ
on Rock Lives ft AllenV by DJSchmeeJ
This is a good piece of solid rock mate and i see Allen is still making his fingers bleed on a regular basis.
Soundwise it needs a little sorting out. I'd drop the mid lows on the rhythm guitar slightly and brink up the kick and snare a little.
Other than that this tune rocks! (as rock should do with a name like that)
FR (NQ) whatever!!
on And Now by DJSchmeeJ
on Somewhere To Be by DJSchmeeJ
on Somewhere To Be by DJSchmeeJ
The music played for about a minute and a half but the track length was 3 and a half minutes. Just letting you know there was a large amount of silence on the track. No biggie but I figured I'd let you know.
on Somewhere To Be by DJSchmeeJ
on Somewhere To Be by DJSchmeeJ
I love that kind of eastern drum or tabla.
This track has a veery high chill out feeling that i like.
good job
on Somewhere To Be by DJSchmeeJ
on Somewhere To Be by DJSchmeeJ
on And Now by DJSchmeeJ
Other than was jumpin':-)
on Blessed Be Your Name by DJSchmeeJ
on Lift Your Name On High by DJSchmeeJ
on Rock Lives ft AllenV by DJSchmeeJ
Nice colab!
Ceap it for us!
on Agent Sarah Walker by DJSchmeeJ
Got an acdc type track up (JCDC - Gloria) you might like.
All The Best, My Friend, Keep Em Comin
on Lift Your Name On High by DJSchmeeJ