I like it man! Yeah, there was something very cool happening over on the left speaker with the .... was that strings?? I dunno synthy thingy and the china cymbal.
Very cool, definitely keep at it man, you think outside of the box, which says A LOT. I respect that.
Sounding Great. I like the balance between the mellow feel but yet a good drive to it. My only advice, Make it longer! I want to hear more of it! ;) Kudos
Interesting, it has a frenetic pace. It would be good to hear if you could take it somewhere else, maybe slow the tempo down for a while for a verse, then bring it back up for the hook. Nice start.
Hah, the sidechaining on the strings is very very nice man!
I never even thought about trying to incorporate a breathing compression to string arrangements.
Kinda gatey float feeling.
I would like to see more?
It might also be very interesting to change the frequency of the loops via step or re-tuning?
You know... drop it down 3 steps so you hit a minor 3rd and get a dark moment, bring back a crescendo and then pull in a quick move and drop the good vibes again?
ok, 4th listen, man this has real 'reaching out' quality that grabs these ears - the pno def carries the day initially, a good tune and a great sound, but the near-sub accompaniment makes this a killer track - if i hadda quibble, for me the splash cymbal's too prominent, some ride would be cool - but that's so beside the point - awesome ultra-compact and rather insidious rock n roll, man - all respect.
not bad, I like the direction this is going, but some parts need some backing instruments 2 steps in and the timing and levels could be better. Other than that I like it because its origial.
on ORCH vibeees by chris40
on ORCH vibeees by chris40
on Total Random by chris40
on Total Random by chris40
on Acoustic Awesomeness by chris40
on Acoustic Awesomeness by chris40
on Acoustic Awesomeness by chris40
on Acoustic Awesomeness by chris40
on Acoustic Awesomeness by chris40
on Instrumental Acid by chris40
I like it man! Yeah, there was something very cool happening over on the left speaker with the .... was that strings?? I dunno synthy thingy and the china cymbal.
Very cool, definitely keep at it man, you think outside of the box, which says A LOT. I respect that.
on Bored by chris40
on Bored by chris40
on Bored by chris40
on Bored by chris40
on Techno Orch by chris40
I never even thought about trying to incorporate a breathing compression to string arrangements.
Kinda gatey float feeling.
I would like to see more?
It might also be very interesting to change the frequency of the loops via step or re-tuning?
You know... drop it down 3 steps so you hit a minor 3rd and get a dark moment, bring back a crescendo and then pull in a quick move and drop the good vibes again?
I am impressed!
Love it!
on Techno Orch by chris40
Great track by the way a nice mash between the 2 genres :D
Keep up the great work
P.S. When using peoples loops try and credit them in the track description they'll appreciate it more ;)
on Rocking Piano Tune by chris40
on BaSs by chris40
on lower than low by chris40
on fRESH by chris40
on guitar vibes by chris40