

London, United Kingdom
Joined : 23rd Aug 2010 - 14 years ago
Comments on RAPREscENT tracks

Other users have posted 79 comments on tracks by RAPREscENT

Comments 26 - 50 of 79
Nels503 11th Sep 2019 21:07 - 5 years ago

on BREXSCHEET UK Trap Instrumental Community Drum by RAPREscENT
Ok ok one sick beat
UrbanSavage 1st Sep 2019 22:27 - 5 years ago

on Go Forward And Early Massive Attack Morcheeba by RAPREscENT
Sick Vibez
RAPREscENT replied 4th Sep 2019 - 5 years ago
Niccceeeeeeee. Thanks for the post
BeatMaker4real 30th Aug 2019 21:25 - 5 years ago

on RaveTrap Early Prodigy Trap Style by RAPREscENT
Nice work on the track.
RAPREscENT replied 4th Sep 2019 - 5 years ago
Thanks man!
zigzager 5th Aug 2019 22:35 - 5 years ago

on Inside Hip Hop Gangsta Instrumental by RAPREscENT
dope lil hottie
Ajax2727 7th Jul 2019 23:54 - 5 years ago

on Funkin Duckin Diving Retro 70 Funk Instru by RAPREscENT
EREN34 5th Jul 2019 18:30 - 5 years ago

on Inside Hip Hop Gangsta Instrumental by RAPREscENT
perfect make
teek8 29th Jun 2019 14:04 - 5 years ago

on Funkin Duckin Diving Retro 70 Funk Instru by RAPREscENT
dope , and we'll played
teek8 29th Jun 2019 14:03 - 5 years ago

on Disco Margaritas For The People 70s 80s Funk Retro by RAPREscENT
perfect beat
Very catchy but here need some variation... the vocals themselves can't drive the whole track without being boring!
RAPREscENT replied 11th Jun 2019 - 5 years ago
hey thanks for taking time to reply... yeah the vocals were Apple Garage Band's own. I just liked the vibe so posted it. I think I exhausted most of the good ones. Next time I'll be posting with a real rap!
I think this track works well mate
totaly 80's vibe yes but who cares ?
My only reservation would be on the drum. You may try to find another kit sound. I'm not a big fan of the type of sound you used.
But that's just my taste
RAPREscENT replied 11th Jun 2019 - 5 years ago
Hey yeah, I thought it was more late 80's synth and drums with 70's bass.
The kit i used is Ujam Phat is the same guys who do BM hustle. Apparently they are supposed to be 70's. Most sound older mind. I'm probably gonna have to start making my own midi beats as nothing out the box cuts it!

I'm trying to find a wakka wakka or guitar VST that can pimp a song along. If you know of any, let me know! Thanks for your time!
josetorress 8th Jun 2019 20:54 - 5 years ago

on Funkin Duckin Diving Retro 70 Funk Instru by RAPREscENT
Great song!
DijamMusic 22nd Apr 2019 17:54 - 5 years ago

on Villainy - Techno Trap Instrumental by RAPREscENT
Very nice work I like it.
Well done.
royalnation 22nd Apr 2019 14:11 - 5 years ago

on Villainy - Techno Trap Instrumental by RAPREscENT
I like the sound of this. Kind of depressing, and soft industrial. The sounds weaved in there are interesting.
ClickbaitCabaret 21st Apr 2019 14:34 - 5 years ago

on Villainy - Techno Trap Instrumental by RAPREscENT
Nice clean,professional sounding mix. Once you add the lyrics I'm sure this will be great. Outstanding work.
TaylorJProductions 12th Apr 2019 15:47 - 5 years ago

on Villainy - Techno Trap Instrumental by RAPREscENT
Love the choice of sounds, although i feel it gets a little repetitive and monotonous, keep grindin' :)
RAPREscENT replied 12th Apr 2019 - 5 years ago
Peace. Just wait til I start the lyrics and flow in Catalan bro :-p
KnightHeir 12th Apr 2019 13:36 - 5 years ago

on Inside Hip Hop Gangsta Instrumental by RAPREscENT
Nice, like the interplay between the melody and the bass. Nice work.
Neomorpheus 16th Feb 2019 23:32 - 6 years ago

on Positive Choices Verse to Chorus Demo by RAPREscENT
Sounds good bro ! You got a good voice for rap and demonstrate pretty good control and timing. The music is good too, although the levels are pushed to the limits and I seemed to hear some clipping in spots. Not sure if its from the vocal or music track. I'm not any kind of authority in this area so there's not much more I can give you other than my approval in that it appears to be legit and sounds pretty tight production wise.
DijamMusic 15th Feb 2019 15:26 - 6 years ago

on Positive Choices Verse to Chorus Demo by RAPREscENT
Hello Mate,
Wow, great track mate,
Wonderful track.
Well done
royalnation 15th Feb 2019 13:55 - 6 years ago

on Positive Choices Verse to Chorus Demo by RAPREscENT
I like the vocal track. It's got a unique sound. Being in America, I hear your accent in the speaking, which adds an element that is cool. Overall, it sounds like this track is a vehicle to say something, rather than to display musical embellishments. I liked it!
couldn't hear the lyrics, but they sounded a little off beat, but other than that it's a pretty good track
Uk vibe on this one definitly
i like that
i didn't understand the lyrics mate but i like what you wrote
Keep on good job !!
RAPREscENT replied 9th Feb 2019 - 6 years ago
Likely my fault with the lyrics. I'm touching on student tuition fees, leading to debt, that leads people into jobs (low paid) as they ain't given a proper wage. Modern business raises the bar high, demands a degree, but that's not enough.They want more, and offer less. So, we have a debt cycle and serfdom. Basically, to get a 'good' job - basically internship / entry level (one which may cover the bills) we have to comply, sell out. We have to learn a new language game, change ourselves etc.

I made a rap, was over 7 minutes. To split over two songs. Part one was about rising student fees. Now, a student can still owe up to 60k, 30 years after repayments. Also, that only 30% of students think its value for money (in my samples).

Second one is saying that after being in nearly lifelong debt, we have no other option but to buy-in to, and be a slave of the system. Freedom parchment paper relates to the degree certificate as well as freedom papers used pre/post slavery era. Kinda a modern comparison of similar type, but obviously no where near the same severity. It's also being ironic that degrees are supposed to set you free, actually they are the proof of being a slave to debt. At least that was my purpose

Lastly, I touch into modern business education makes people think a certain (neo liberal / sociopathic way) and we use these terms without thinking. Near the end I mention the IKEA key, which relates to students, being in massive debt, are not 'ready for business', so they're in life long debt - for what.

Most end up as interns on or earning less than minimum wage. Kinda a modern serfdom.
This sounds so industrial/new wave! I like the feel. Is it supposed to be so distorted? If so, it's an interesting effect that adds to the composition.
RAPREscENT replied 4th Feb 2019 - 6 years ago
Thanks... I've updated the track. Error via Logic with the clipping. The AIFF was fine :D. Enjoy this version better and as intended
ClickbaitCabaret 1st Feb 2019 18:31 - 6 years ago

on Just Need Educating Part 1 Feat Daragma by RAPREscENT
This sounds quite big budget & professional.
RAPREscENT replied 3rd Feb 2019 - 6 years ago
Hey ClickBaitCabaret. I wish it was big budget, I'm new to production. I just moved around the percussion and drums around to give more of a complete sound.
jobantwisp 1st Feb 2019 16:37 - 6 years ago

on Just Need Educating Part 1 Feat Daragma by RAPREscENT
dope beat,dope message,,muh appreciated,,finding your stuff
RAPREscENT replied 3rd Feb 2019 - 6 years ago
hey Job... many thanks.... I'm releasing a darker part 2 to this :D
Angellynn 3rd Dec 2018 06:03 - 6 years ago

on Inside Hip Hop Gangsta Instrumental by RAPREscENT
nice very smooth
Comments 26 - 50 of 79