The vocals are nice but the music is screaming way too much. The bass is really off. Change that and the drum gets more space. It has potential but I would completely rework the drum/bass.
Man this track concept is a winner The beat and the hook is classic.The vocals on the other hand needs work..They are too thin for the fullness of the beat..You could try and duplicate the vocal track a couple of times. parallel compress and eq each track a little differently and don't roll off so much off the low end. and I can hear the vocals levels going up and down..compression should smooth them out.
That's my two cents..Bro this track, the words being spoken and the message is owe it to yourself to put your all in this one.
safe man hook is fire, ur bars are good but u need to get in a studio man n get the quality up! i pay for professional studio time & it improves the track so much. Also id say work on ur breathing & pronunciation so you can get the full force of your voice out without bein short breathed. big track though great work
wowwww that's excelent, best track i've heard on looop so far.
Great work all round , maybe a bit much rverb on the beat , but hey that's just me
love it and faved
Thanks for the responses Vortexsurfer and SeparateProductions! Im still learning how to recordand edit the songs...haven't really figured it out yet...not a producer by any means! Just messing around with this audacity!
Thanks for the advice. I pulled them a little and it does sound better. not technical with this..just get a beat and record over audicity 4 fun. can always use some advice!
yo i dig yer style ever think about joing a crew? if so i think u should join mine we r called "doomsday" and if u r intersted hit me up at cool? thanks for yer time... djzee...
thanks for the love. I really only do it for fun and in spare time....used to rhyme back in the day..thanks for the offer thou...always looking to do some collab's thou!
on Voodoo by BonusG521
on Time To Shine by BonusG521
on Dance a Little Closer by BonusG521
on If Only I Could by BonusG521
That's my two cents..Bro this track, the words being spoken and the message is owe it to yourself to put your all in this one.
on Rock Bottom by BonusG521
Vance B.
on If Only I Could by BonusG521
on If Only I Could by BonusG521
on If Only I Could by BonusG521
on If Only I Could by BonusG521
Great work all round , maybe a bit much rverb on the beat , but hey that's just me
love it and faved
on Rock Bottom by BonusG521
on Rock Bottom by BonusG521
on Old School Love by BonusG521
on I Go Hard by BonusG521
on I Go Hard by BonusG521
on Dance a Little Closer by BonusG521
on I Go Hard by BonusG521