


creative mode
Canoga Park, United States
Joined : 16th Sep 2010 - 14 years ago
Comments on GSUS tracks

Other users have posted 4 comments on tracks by GSUS

Comments (4)
Mrbillionx 28th Nov 2010 20:41 - 13 years ago

on Insane Sane by GSUS
This is a real nice one here.
Bump this up a bit and you got a winner.
ECKSjoe 28th Nov 2010 15:52 - 13 years ago

on Insane Sane by GSUS
Really liking this one. The stuttered robotic voice is awesome but as the others have said you need some more punch in your drums. Rather than making them louder make everything a bit quieter so they kick through the mix a bit.
GSUS replied Unknown
yeah i still need work with mastering and all that stuff
Jolita 11th Oct 2010 06:33 - 13 years ago

on Bipolar Skies by GSUS
interesting, I liked when the beat kicked in, I noticed you have those cartoon rabbits logo, my friend loves them ill send him your track :)
DjKokroach 4th Oct 2010 07:20 - 13 years ago

on The Last Thought by GSUS
Very interesting actually. The only criticism I have is that alot of instruments overlap each other's frequencies, causing distortion. Not sure if that is what you were going for, but I can see some improvments in mastering making this a stronger tune. Keep it up, that bass is kickin'.
Comments (4)