

2 work per chance 2 yawn.
Houston, United States
Joined : 23rd Sep 2010 - 14 years ago
Comments on Aprilshelby tracks

Other users have posted 24 comments on tracks by Aprilshelby

Comments (24)
TuneDef 30th May 2014 05:17 - 10 years ago

on UPDATED TRACK I love you by Aprilshelby
Ran across this oldie but goodie, and was amazed at the skill of this couple, whom from the song is a perfect match...I kept try'n to stop the track but couldn't!

Nice...very nice!

Tune D
Aprilshelby replied 10th Apr 2015 - 9 years ago
Thank you again. xoxo
larrybarrow31 6th Jan 2011 02:35 - 14 years ago

on still in love by Aprilshelby
you have the best vocals ive heard on here so far. great work
cLEVELANDcALICO 4th Jan 2011 23:01 - 14 years ago

on Invisible by Aprilshelby
yes. a new mic and some quality production and you could be something girl. i LOVE the harmony's. ver good!!! get at me.
JamesDavies 4th Jan 2011 15:34 - 14 years ago

on Invisible by Aprilshelby
Nice voice but it sounds hollow, however that might just be an interesting effect to show the emotion of the song. Before I worked with Jamstudio. It's a super sight to help make music with.

P.S. If you're still on Jamstudio check out my track "Just Rock The Town". It rocks according to me.
RoyaleMuzik 19th Dec 2010 18:28 - 14 years ago

on UPDATED TRACK Insanity by Aprilshelby
I really really really love your harmonies!! It's like what makes a song so worth while...beautiful vocal work!!-Dave!
Vicen 17th Dec 2010 06:50 - 14 years ago

on still in love by Aprilshelby
Great song with a beautiful melody and music and wonderful voices.
SpellJammer 10th Dec 2010 11:42 - 14 years ago

on UPDATED TRACK I love you by Aprilshelby
This track is sick! Agree that it would sound better if you brought your vocals out abit. Other than that top notch production. Well done to yourself and your hubby on a great track.
BigCedBeatz 3rd Dec 2010 08:07 - 14 years ago

on UPDATED TRACK I love you by Aprilshelby
Nice song....I can here that you got a voice. If I were you I'll go into a professional studio and record this. It can be something, Real talk.
sbridgest 2nd Dec 2010 04:05 - 14 years ago

on In the night by Aprilshelby
Absolutely wonderful track and vocal arrangement!! Can't stop bobbing my head to this!!

Instrumental is top notch. Any chance of posting the instrumentals?
theHumps 20th Nov 2010 12:26 - 14 years ago

on UPDATED TRACK I love you by Aprilshelby
Very nice track! I would maybe push the music a little farther back in the mix to hear the vocals out front a little more. They are battling it out, maybe too much compession on the final mix or master. It is a nice recording actually, don't be so hard on yourself, cheers to both of you! You have a nice voice!!

Hypnozizz 20th Nov 2010 08:10 - 14 years ago

on UPDATED TRACK I love you by Aprilshelby
Not professional sounding? Wrong. I'm groovin' this song. Excellent vocals. Amazing beat. This is R&B at its best. I wanna hear more from you two. You could go big. =)
Aprilshelby replied Unknown
Hey I changed it up a bit. Hope you like the remake and we're working on some other tracks at the moment as well. Love and respect, April
Gbenga 9th Nov 2010 11:56 - 14 years ago

on Invisible by Aprilshelby
Nice sing beautifully,nice melody,nice arrangement and i got sentimental when i litsened to the track,it's a superb job.
Thethanx 6th Nov 2010 20:26 - 14 years ago

on Invisible by Aprilshelby
You really do have a great voice, but I feel the recording makes it sound... hollow? I totally can feel the fullness of it, but your mic however you recorded this does NOT do YOU justice. Great piece, but if you could rerecord the vocals to get a cleaner, crisper sound it would be incredible! Once you do that you could even afford to bump the vocals a little higher. You're voice is really what makes this piece, let it shine through!

Great bit of RnB though.
Manzet 5th Nov 2010 09:01 - 14 years ago

on Invisible by Aprilshelby
Man You Have A Tight Voice Yo... Nice Take On This Tune...

Becca 3rd Nov 2010 03:12 - 14 years ago

on UPDATED TRACK Insanity by Aprilshelby
very pretty girl, u did a nice job on this
Salook 31st Oct 2010 03:14 - 14 years ago

on UPDATED TRACK Insanity by Aprilshelby
another good example of your vocal skills, hopefully we will see some pellas up soon, dig those deep ranges...good work with the looking out for those MINORtoGO collabs..sweet.
Salook 31st Oct 2010 03:09 - 14 years ago

on Invisible by Aprilshelby
Yeah very nice voice you have, not usually the type of track i would listen to but gotta appreciate, its great having another top vocalist on this site...good stuff.
TonyRay 31st Oct 2010 00:14 - 14 years ago

on Invisible by Aprilshelby
Thanks for the Fav!! Yes like this tune..can tell you are a singer and lyrics are fresh!Looking forward to more....

Much Love!!
anchor 30th Oct 2010 21:33 - 14 years ago

on Invisible by Aprilshelby
You have an excellent voice! First and foremost.

I think the effect or whatever mic you're using is squashing your expression. I think the effect works for the first part of the song but I think you should open it up after say the first few lines and let your voice shine. It makes your voice very quiet in the track (which is something people tell me all the time...that they can't hear me). Now, if you just really like the effect, you might wanna try adding a bit of compression to just your vocals. However, please don't squash your voice with effects because you have power and the voice to push this song through.

BTW: This isn't a typical style that I listen to but I can't stop myself when I hear talent!!! Keep up the good work. Very impressive. Powerful and moving!

KIESERSAUCER 30th Oct 2010 18:58 - 14 years ago

on Invisible by Aprilshelby
Very nice voice enjoyed very much!!!
Aprilshelby replied Unknown
;) You aren't so bad yourself! Will be reviewing your stuff soon!!
djzee86 30th Oct 2010 05:46 - 14 years ago

on Invisible by Aprilshelby
i like it good job keep it up...
Aprilshelby replied Unknown
I will do my very best. At this moment I LOVE Minor2go's music so I'll be uploading some of his work..with expressed permission oooooooof course!
adamms 30th Oct 2010 05:37 - 14 years ago

on Invisible by Aprilshelby
nice song and was liking the lyrics and you have a very nice voice.. good work !
Aprilshelby replied Unknown
A thousand thank you's! =)
yeshintae 29th Oct 2010 22:20 - 14 years ago

on UPDATED TRACK Insanity by Aprilshelby


Luv yo voice!

although the beat itself
needs some mastering to polish
up, the VOCALS are PERFECT!

yeah just get someone to master
this track, and you'll have
a nice real laid back deep track!


Much Respect from LA
ruff_trak 29th Oct 2010 00:59 - 14 years ago

on UPDATED TRACK Insanity by Aprilshelby
top stuff, youve got a great voice and i really enjoyed listening to this. very smooth.
Aprilshelby replied Unknown
I thank you..I really wanna learn how to master or just pay one of you guys lol but I got plenty of work ahead of me...
Comments (24)