You've got some nice phat synth sounds going on there. I like the swell and pans too. The tune sound really good as it is, but I would lean towards making it a little longer and gating the synths now and again to add a groove. Well done! Keep up the good work!
Brate, brate :) Dobra ti je stvarcica....svidja mi se mix i morph-ovanje synth-ova ( koje si koristio? ), pre svega ideja....jedina zamerka je to sto su zvukovi ne definisani, zamuceni... i kick ne dolazi do izrazaja....sve u svemu svidja mi se!
This is so cool! I love how the synths morph together! Great progression! Nice filter work! The drums could be a little stronger, but it doesn't ruin the track because it sounds intentional. Good mixing otherwise! Well done!
on VMC Djole - Wireless love by VmcDjole
on VMC Djole - Wireless love by VmcDjole
keep with good work ;)
on VMC Djole - Wireless love by VmcDjole
on VMC Djole - Wireless love by VmcDjole
on VMC Djole - Music is my life (ElinaMilan Vocal) by VmcDjole
on VMC Djole - Music is my life (ElinaMilan Vocal) by VmcDjole