

imma make a pop filter
Lake Elsinore, United States
Joined : 8th Oct 2010 - 14 years ago
Comments on Luckyfeatherstudios tracks

Other users have posted 33 comments on tracks by Luckyfeatherstudios

Comments 1 - 25 of 33
chinoloc187 4th Aug 2022 06:12 - 2 years ago

on bound (orignal mix) by Dj Elment by Luckyfeatherstudios
Need this beat
kriebel17 5th Mar 2011 07:49 - 14 years ago

on Form Of Art Prod By MplustT by Luckyfeatherstudios
Dude i dig this song, i like the beat,style, and the sound of it.
Luckyfeatherstudios replied Unknown
dude means alot bro thanks for comment. means alot sorry it took so long to reply. i have been a bit busy with my training into truck driving. ill hit your page up and see if you got any new jams
NeonStrawberry 1st Feb 2011 12:26 - 14 years ago

on Form Of Art Prod By MplustT by Luckyfeatherstudios
totally rocks, lucky you're onto something here. I like the matching of the beat and intonation, sort of a suddent twitch of desparation which adds intensity to the track, and I agree. Very nice production man,
Luckyfeatherstudios replied Unknown
dude.. the man of the beat was mplust.. he did a hell of a job... thanks for the love and the listen.. would not of been able to get this track out with out mplust.. neon man means alot ill hit up a few of your songs
GEOram 19th Jan 2011 01:29 - 14 years ago

on Winter Ice Feat Lucky Feather by Luckyfeatherstudios
This track is very unique.. i couldnt quite catch your flow, but still i caught your words and the meaning you put into them...The mixing and quality are real good...its' a very nice track bro i really enjoyed listening to it....
Luckyfeatherstudios replied Unknown
dude i feel ya bro.. means alot.. i am working allot on my flow.. a very back breaking chore, but i am having fun.. i am glad you dug this track
zapho 27th Dec 2010 08:09 - 14 years ago

on Form Of Art Prod By MplustT by Luckyfeatherstudios
thanks for the insporational words
Luckyfeatherstudios replied Unknown
hahaha anytime brah.. music is in us all brah and we have to let it ot.. to show the world what we got in us
theHumps 25th Dec 2010 10:44 - 14 years ago

on Winter Ice Feat Lucky Feather by Luckyfeatherstudios
I think you did alright on this track. You need to keep working and working at it and things will keep improving, that rule applies to everyone including me. You have your own style and approach to lyrics, some people may criticise you but keep expanding and working on your style.

The music, vocals and mix were decent, you should be proud of what you've done here!!

Happy holidays, doughi boy!

DJSchmeeJ 7th Nov 2010 12:09 - 14 years ago

on rest in peace by Luckyfeatherstudios
Dude I'm going to be honest cause I like what you do, but kill the auto tune and don't use it ever again! J/K ... (but I hate those freakin things) You got a good voice when you flo, but the singing is ... not so much! You need to get a better mic/pop screen and focus on the straight flo that you have and do some accapellas on here. I bet you'd get a lot of downloads. I'd use them if it was nice and clean and smooth cause your voice sounds that good to me... use what ya got man, and foget about the American Idol auditions!
Luckyfeatherstudios replied Unknown
hahaha yea i hear ya man.. i am not much of a singer lol but i hear ya brah.. thanks for the kind words and such. i plan on hitting up your music and i am trying to make a pop filter untill i get paid haha.. but wat you say is truth man thanks bro
DJSchmeeJ 7th Nov 2010 11:55 - 14 years ago

on Form Of Art Prod By MplustT by Luckyfeatherstudios
Yeah man- this is really nice. Alividlife gave you some really good tips, this is great but you can hear the vocals are off (sound quality wise), when compared to music... and you got a dope voice and should play your voice like an instrument. I can hear it in there and I think you're gonna do some really good stuff, and I'd be really interested in hearing this if you redo it and just flow! Impressed fam! Checkn more out
Luckyfeatherstudios replied Unknown
yea he did man a d so did you.. i am going to remake this track really soon. and by that i mean the vocals and maybe my buddy will tune it into some music haha.. haha any way my man thanks for stoping by.. ill check out your music man
JohnBoutilier 7th Nov 2010 03:12 - 14 years ago

on Sloppy Intro by Luckyfeatherstudios
Very well done guys and gal, the first thing music should be is fun and you definitely got that down

Luckyfeatherstudios replied Unknown
haha thanks man.. means alot yea. music is really fun and i am glad i am here just as much as i am glad to play my tunes. thanks a ton
Sunkizz 1st Nov 2010 12:45 - 14 years ago

on Winter Ice Feat Lucky Feather by Luckyfeatherstudios
You hit some wrong notes. But good work with the vocals!
Luckyfeatherstudios replied Unknown
haha i a sure i hit allot of the wrong notes, but thanks buddy for this listen and for leaveing a few lines. means allot bro
StrikingDaggers 25th Oct 2010 20:49 - 14 years ago

on Winter Ice Feat Lucky Feather by Luckyfeatherstudios
Dope track Luckyfeatherstudios. Broken Scythe came through with an ill beat. Your lyrics are tight man. And with time the flow will get better so stick with it. Nice work man.
Luckyfeatherstudios replied Unknown
yea broken scythe has mad skills. thanks for the props man i am hopeing in time ill will do a bit more justice to the music haha : ) thanks for your listen and more so for leaveing a few lines
alividlife 23rd Oct 2010 09:11 - 14 years ago

on Form Of Art Prod By MplustT by Luckyfeatherstudios

I likey!!!!

Can I be brutally honest?
Wanna point to two things.. and I do not want you to think "I suck"
because it's quite the opposite.

Compressor on yer vox, or .. well notice how like when you are given full attention at the mid section? And how your voice get's obviously louder?
But if you look at your DAW, what do you use btw?, but how no volume changes are going up or down?

The bass in the initial track is really really prominent, as it should be in hip-hop, but that "sucks" the mids and highs slightly.. .. just ranting for a moment, I kinda trip why it doesn't work conversly.. It's kinda counter-intuitive in a way. Bass will suck mids, but treble won't. Anyway.. humn.. you got me thinking ...

I am a nerd lol..

But ok, on your vox, if you throw a compressor on there, you will be given a balanced line of volume within that take. So everytime you say somethin' and it doesn't sound as loud as the last syllable -- it will sound just as loud. Which is great. I think almost every pro track vocal needs good compression, with very few exceptions. (It would get compressed in mastering anyway)

Oops, forgot, IF YOU can, I would sidechain the mix to your vocal take. Sidechain is... it sounds complicated, but it is like someone is riding the fader for you and pulling down the mix ever soo slightly soo you sound out over the mix.
If I had your take of vocals, and I had the awesome mix from MplusT, I would sidechain, with a narrow bandwidth focused on the frequency range of your voice. I would probably put a really easy knee on that compressor and make it very subtle, but with the compressor on your voice, and the sidechain to the mix (NOT FROM-- very important) you would sound better I would think.... Dunno for sure lol...

But yeah..
Now I want to say something, and this is coming from an artist to an artist. So do not think I am talking trash.
Practice your lines sooo much, that you don't have to think. That it becomes like... this statement you would tell anyone. You could look someone in the eyes, and just spit it.
Because It "felt" a little like you were reading it.

There's almost a comparison to acting in a way. You gotta kinda put yourself in a mental state where nothing matters. NOTHING. Not even the beat lol. Seriously, I have seen rappers Become almost someone else in the studio I haunt when they really get down to the emotional level. All the little things of their reality are stripped away man. All they have is this ONE moment to prove they are worth a damn.


Little did they know they could go buy a good software and do the whole thing for free lol

You got something man, just keep at it.
Do not get discouraged.
Luckyfeatherstudios replied Unknown
wow dude most awesome review.. umm i am running sony acid pro 7 at this moment.. umm if you could tell me where i could find the compression ratio stuff on there that would be awesome. i have been looking for days and trying to watching you tube vidz to find out where just not having in luck. i am really glad you liked it and i am touched that you gave me the time of day and showing how im improve my art in to a masterpiece.. i know it takes time and for the most part i am willing to stick around. umm what you said about me just reading i am feeling that becuz your right i was just reading the line of a my screen.. there was one track i was working on for a few days and it is by far my best vocal track called bound.. and i just listened to it and you can hear the more skill put in to em.. thank you deeply for your listen and more importantly thank you for the advice you gave me to improve.. haha : )
BrokenScythe 22nd Oct 2010 20:02 - 14 years ago

on Form Of Art Prod By MplustT by Luckyfeatherstudios
Whoa Lucky! my bro, I dig this a lot! spoken word or rap, who cares this thing is so perfect for a interlude type track bro. Hold this for when you drop a mix tape or something, because its got a great message.

Excellent track, different and has heart.
Telling you bro, its only a matter of time for you, time and inevitable practice.
Luckyfeatherstudios replied Unknown
haha you are far to kind. maybe one day ill be great, haha. allot of thanks goes to MplusT for both mixxing the music and creating the beat.. but i am glad you like it bro means allot to me brah.. thanks for listen and i am looking forward to are future projects.. go with peace man and i hope your girl like that track you made for her manz haha
Becca 22nd Oct 2010 20:02 - 14 years ago

on Form Of Art Prod By MplustT by Luckyfeatherstudios
This is cool. The beat is hot, and I like your voice alot. It sounds different, and its unique for real u got talent.
Luckyfeatherstudios replied Unknown
haha thanks so much means allot to me coming from you. i have heard of your greatness and all, but i have been a bit busy working on colabs to give you a listen, but i will do so right after this message.. thank you for dropping a few lines on my music, but also thank you for how kind and nice they are. i hope this song in some way gave you a slight smile.. btw you are to kind : ) haha.. ill hit up your track right now!!
Fayz 21st Oct 2010 05:47 - 14 years ago

on Winter Ice Feat Lucky Feather by Luckyfeatherstudios
first off id just like to say, all the people that posted negitive reviews, it doesnt really matter. i would agree that yeah theres almost always more work to be done on any track its not just yours.

Personally, i kinda liked it, your vox really remind me of Icp. i guess my biggest suggestion, is less effects on the vox. bout the only thing i really know about rap, is that you want it to come out crystal clear, but there are songs that do have lots of effects that make it work, but just while your getting into the feel of making music, try to keep it simple. another thing is that with any kind of vox, you want to put alot of emotion into it to connect with the listener. but i think that for only a few uploaded tracks your doing pretty good for yourself! and dont let peoples negitive words get to you
Luckyfeatherstudios replied Unknown
i could not agree more in what you said other than me sounding like icp they. they have a far better sound than i, if you get the time, broken scythe lower'd some the vox on the track he just reuploaed.. you could always check it out. maybe be more to your likeing.. haha any way fayz always good to hear from you buddy, thankes for the listen and i wont let any one get me down haha. later pro. go with peace man
DJUnderTheInfluence 20th Oct 2010 21:07 - 14 years ago

on Winter Ice Feat Lucky Feather by Luckyfeatherstudios
I think you need a better mic it sound really muddy and muffled but the beat is hot I like this joint sounds really sinister.Joint is hard hell.
Luckyfeatherstudios replied Unknown
haha yea dude i really do need another mic haha, and a pop filter right now my brokeness is jamming off a old rock band mic.. but yea the beat is wicked haha.. well bro thanks for the listen and glad you took the time not only to play my song, but to leave a few words thanks playa
theHumps 19th Oct 2010 21:56 - 14 years ago

on Form Of Art Prod By MplustT by Luckyfeatherstudios
Dude, whaaaa? Where did this come from? haha This is well done! You got something working here, keep this positive flow going. I like the music track as well. Nice collab!

Luckyfeatherstudios replied Unknown
well this is from a vocal track i made and i got a buddy who likes my style so he mixed in some music, so he did all the work. i simply wrote a song and spit it and he master'd it and produced it thanks for the listen my man.. go with peace man and for the kind words haha
King2Face 19th Oct 2010 18:50 - 14 years ago

on Form Of Art Prod By MplustT by Luckyfeatherstudios
spken word and a lil of rap keepo it up bro like the break too keep it up
Luckyfeatherstudios replied Unknown
haha dude thanks man. means alot ill hit ya back and check out ur work as well
donmega 19th Oct 2010 15:26 - 14 years ago

on rest in peace by Luckyfeatherstudios
mrbillionx is a hator,
he only likes rapper like marshell
or east coast hip hop, i like the track just because
i feel
the bigger pic stay kool dough boy
Luckyfeatherstudios replied Unknown
hahaha thanks man.. i am remakeing this song, same feel and vibe just trying to to get a cloab with a buddy of mine who is a pretty good rapper.. so a better one with up 12 bars on each verse.. dude you to kind thanks for the awesome reply and for hearing my music
donmega 19th Oct 2010 15:24 - 14 years ago

on Sloppy Intro by Luckyfeatherstudios
Luckyfeatherstudios replied Unknown
man thats what we were aim for.. glad it made you laugh man.. imma hit your music when i get back from work haha.. go wiff peace man
donmega 19th Oct 2010 15:20 - 14 years ago

on Winter Ice Feat Lucky Feather by Luckyfeatherstudios
im a little confused but
maybe cause im high, could u explain the style
cause mabe it should be in spoken word genre
Luckyfeatherstudios replied Unknown
ummm i have no idea about the genre.., but dude thanks for the listen to my music.. means alot.. maybe i should put this one under spoken word haha.. thanks for the time day
donmega 19th Oct 2010 15:18 - 14 years ago

on Form Of Art Prod By MplustT by Luckyfeatherstudios
over all the track is hot
way to spit on a offset beat
checking out more
Luckyfeatherstudios replied Unknown
haha thanks my man. my i am still getting into my own style.. thanks for the listen and the time of of your day.. gof with peace man
djzee86 19th Oct 2010 07:01 - 14 years ago

on Form Of Art Prod By MplustT by Luckyfeatherstudios
ish i like it man good job...
Luckyfeatherstudios replied Unknown
haha well this track was made by MplusT.. haha nd thanks man means alot haha
Bioscape 17th Oct 2010 17:18 - 14 years ago

on rest in peace by Luckyfeatherstudios
Very cool phrasing with your rap...poetic style. I think the chorus would sound alot better if it where just on point...the timing seemed off a little. Its a little off-key as well, just adjust those things and it'll sound alot better. Peace
Luckyfeatherstudios replied Unknown
wow means alot coming from some one with as much soul as you. yea i was takeing this track back to the studio.. just doing a few colabs right now. but yea thanks man.. for the advice.. when i reuplaod it.. ill hit you up so you can hear what you help me make wiff your words of advice man.. : ) thanks brah
BrokenScythe 17th Oct 2010 08:34 - 14 years ago

on Winter Ice Feat Lucky Feather by Luckyfeatherstudios
We tried man, now we see what people think. Part of the process is having a lot of growing pains, and a lot of flinches lol. Beyond if you could give some pointers for whatevers wrong thatd be great. Appreciate the listen.
Luckyfeatherstudios replied Unknown
tis a waiting game now. time to push on to the next track bawhaha lol
Comments 1 - 25 of 33