Damn bro I had to turn the lights on to listen to this.This is a scary tune.I like the production on this, and where everything is sitting in the mix, real nice use of that reverse effect too.nice work
lol is it really that scary? eh, sorry. ha I'm numb to scary stuff because of all the horror and creepy pastas I've watched. Plus a couple of other life experiences...really glad you liked this bro. I got you're message too. I did thought you was addressing me but I understand what you're saying. I'm just so critical over all my music that I don't ever think it's enough. Maybe I should stop pushing that ideal over other's work tho. Anyways, thanks for clearing that all up and appreciate you stopping by. stay tuned
I think I've got it!
This great sounding track and the comments have inspired me and opened a little door on my learning curve me thinks.
I've downloaded quite a few pellas but cannot for the life of me get them to fit no matter what I do.
It never dawned on me ... lay the pella down first ... work on it a little set some kind of scene and space and then .... build around it ... build around the vocal instead of trying to shove the vocal inside beside on top of underneath something else!
I'm rambling.
Great little number and thanks for the inspiration.
One of your best works yet! U are awesome at your style .U always seem to have no problems giving me new tracks to fav. Gonna keep a copy for my personal library. Ps thank u for the mention in the forums! What a swell guy u are keep up the great work, and thanks for sharing . -EazyBeatz
This is awesome. I love the minimalism but it directs the listener to the voice and the music is just a background. Which is what you would be aiming for in a remix contest like this. 3 thumbs up (might be one too many?) Great work
hey neo
looks like this was uploaded way back...i hope that the full version will be out soon (if it isn't?)
exciting mix...
the drums though could be introduced by some riser(just an idea)
anyways thanks for the listen
I love what you have done here. I think your interpretation of the music behind such a gorgeous vocal is just perfect. I like in particulary the half time feel of the handclaps that punctuate the track very well. The dynamics are nice too and drift in and out in a very relaxed way. Top job sir!!
Beautiful song Neo. Love the atmospheric build, that pad is really special. The mix on this one is really nice, with this great big spacial feel to it. Vox are off the chain good....nothing to critique here my friend. Another great track that illustrates your talents my friend. I hope all is well.
hi gramo
really liked the vibes in this track
real strong vocals , nice laid back drums with little variants there and the synth movements deep
hit of the fave me thinks
ez gramo photek is a master imo , and some of metalheadz finest releases been delivered by the man , bit of a geek for all things headz goldies label , timeless defo one of my fave lps but a lot of the good work was done by rob playford owner of moving shadow
if ya get a chance check out my dnb more to by added in coming weeks
peace n light
Really appreciate that Orlando, glad you enjoyed. And I actually did nothing to those vocals, I kept as is. They sounded that good already. Glad I wasn't the only one who thought so. Except for the other contenders. Too bad I didn't place though. Maybe I'll win the next one. Sorry, just talking to myself. Thanks again!
ez gramo
very kool idea , like the expansive feel
the reversed elements , reminded me a bit of photek one of my all tyme fave producers two sword technique
i like the eerie synth lines ,
Favorited for sure
Glad you like it man! I'm going to listen to Photek, never heard of him. Someone on a mix vid of his said one of his albums is better than Goldie's Timeless album. Which is a bold statement so I said I'd check it out. I'm a big fan of Goldie and he's influenced alot of my music, especially in dnb. Stay tuned for another track like this. appreciate the comment and fav. peace
I think music is capable of some amount of control. Mentally...physically.... a very real hypnotism may be my next track. Thanks again Orlando! an honor. peace
Intro is spooky. I don't think this is a chill-out track. It's kinda scary!! :D
Although good work!! That reverse hat effect is kinda loud. Rest all is good and spooky :D
Yea, I switched the genres. It's more abstract hip hop/trap. Maybe a bit cinematic. I edit the track a bit so maybe the reverse is a lil better for you. Maybe not, I may need to add some compression. Im a very critical perfectionist so saying things like that just makes me go to tweak it quickly lol But don't worry, it's not you. This is just how I am. I must become better and continue. Thanks again. peace
love that hauntingly eerie vibe. Would like to hear more of this kind of stuff kinda motivates me to jump on that music and want to make horror track not only a track for movies but something that can be felt also through music. keep up the fantastic work! -EazyBeatz:)
Thanks man, really appreciate the feedback. Would be interesting to hear a horror type of track from you. I watch too many creepy pastas and scary stuff so it's practically most of my day sometimes. ha peace
That's one dark soundscape you got here 3:D> I only played the first Silent Hill game on ps2 Never saw the movies, but this nails the dark vibe I remember from being in that old decrepit school. I found that game more creepy than the Resident evil games, at least in those you had some idea what the hell was going to attack you. *plays again :p If you've never seen this enjoy ;) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wkiaJDtt4II Your track here makes a great soundtrack!
Thanks. And yea Silent Hill is by far the scariest horror for me. You need to only see the 2006 one. The sequels to follow are mockery to the series. Resident Evil loses it's grip because of Capcom's decision to turn Resident Evil into a more action based game. Ruined the series completely. No atmosphere. And I haven't watched that vid, I'll check it out. Thanks again
This track very good, creatively laid out to the point.
One thing I am not sure of is it a remix or it’s your work entirely.
It’s great job though.
on Tamashi To Geijutsu by GramoChopin
on Eliza Smith- High Gramo Remix by GramoChopin
on Eliza Smith- High Gramo Remix by GramoChopin
This great sounding track and the comments have inspired me and opened a little door on my learning curve me thinks.
I've downloaded quite a few pellas but cannot for the life of me get them to fit no matter what I do.
It never dawned on me ... lay the pella down first ... work on it a little set some kind of scene and space and then .... build around it ... build around the vocal instead of trying to shove the vocal inside beside on top of underneath something else!
I'm rambling.
Great little number and thanks for the inspiration.
on Eliza Smith- High Gramo Remix by GramoChopin
on Eliza Smith- High Gramo Remix by GramoChopin
This is awesome. I love the minimalism but it directs the listener to the voice and the music is just a background. Which is what you would be aiming for in a remix contest like this. 3 thumbs up (might be one too many?) Great work
on Retrospect by GramoChopin
looks like this was uploaded way back...i hope that the full version will be out soon (if it isn't?)
exciting mix...
the drums though could be introduced by some riser(just an idea)
anyways thanks for the listen
on Eliza Smith- High Gramo Remix by GramoChopin
vocal,percs,beats,everything fits well together.
good rnb feel to it
thanks for the listen
faved and downloaded
on Eliza Smith- High Gramo Remix by GramoChopin
I love what you have done here. I think your interpretation of the music behind such a gorgeous vocal is just perfect. I like in particulary the half time feel of the handclaps that punctuate the track very well. The dynamics are nice too and drift in and out in a very relaxed way. Top job sir!!
on Eliza Smith- High Gramo Remix by GramoChopin
on Eliza Smith- High Gramo Remix by GramoChopin
on Eliza Smith- High Gramo Remix by GramoChopin
really liked the vibes in this track
real strong vocals , nice laid back drums with little variants there and the synth movements deep
hit of the fave me thinks
on Tamashi To Geijutsu by GramoChopin
if ya get a chance check out my dnb more to by added in coming weeks
peace n light
on Eliza Smith- High Gramo Remix by GramoChopin
Atmospherical chill with those brilliant house like vocs are a top duel this time...
Congrats and handshake, Danke
on Eliza Smith- High Gramo Remix by GramoChopin
Excellent work!
on Eliza Smith- High Gramo Remix by GramoChopin
Hello mate,
I love this track mate.
It’s just a brilliant track…….favs it goes
Well done
on Tamashi To Geijutsu by GramoChopin
on Tamashi To Geijutsu by GramoChopin
Hello mate,
I love this track mate.
It’s just a brilliant track…….favs it goes
Well done
on Tamashi To Geijutsu by GramoChopin
very kool idea , like the expansive feel
the reversed elements , reminded me a bit of photek one of my all tyme fave producers two sword technique
i like the eerie synth lines ,
Favorited for sure
on Tamashi To Geijutsu by GramoChopin
and almost scary but in a good way ofcourse...:)Well done!
on Tamashi To Geijutsu by GramoChopin
Although good work!! That reverse hat effect is kinda loud. Rest all is good and spooky :D
on Chapters by GramoChopin
on Chapters by GramoChopin
on Chapters by GramoChopin
It is like what it has to be!
Scary and cool tunes...
on Chapters by GramoChopin
on Chapters by GramoChopin
This track very good, creatively laid out to the point.
One thing I am not sure of is it a remix or it’s your work entirely.
It’s great job though.