Thanks for all of your support Allen. I just hope your ears can recover from the marathon session over here at my place, haha. Greatly appreciate you taking the time to listen and comment. I hope you are well.
PERFECTION!!!! The two of you are nearly that! I Love this version over the other one I've heard here. This version is more earthy , more authentic in character. I could see myself turning on my radio and hearing this play.
Thanks Leahcim. It is easy to sound good when working with someone who can sing like an angel :) She's amazing. All I had to do was get out of her way and let her do her thing. Thanks so much for stopping to listen and comment.
man, this sounds very very professional!!!
nothing to criticize here, just something to listen and enjoy ...
perfect all around and simply a brilliant song ...
Thanks so much Rei. It's great to get such kind feedback from a Looperman legend. I hope all is well on your side of the world. Thanks for taking the time to listen and comment.
Wow...what a great song. It should be on the radio! You did a nice arrangement with this one, and MuzicIzMee4Ever's voice is just great on it. I picked this song here as I wanted to see what she sounded like on this song with you here.
She also did a country song with me called, "Walkin Shoes" on my page not too long ago. First time she ever did country...and it came out great. Doing all the lyrics and vocals/harmonies. So she can sing anything I feel.
Anyway's, Barry, good to hear your playiung again and that your still putting quality songs out.
Are you on 'Facebook' by chance? I am as 'Randall Miller'.
Bye and thanks for shaing this beautiful song.
Thanks Randy! Your kind words mean a lot, especially when they come from someone I really respect as a musician. It's easy to sound good when working with someone as talented as Ms. Edwards. Thanks for stopping by to comment and listen.
Such a very thoughtful and sensitive arrangement and it all fits perfectly with the vocal (she is amazing). Nice job Bear and great to be back on Looperman.
Thanks Richie. It is hard to sound bad when working with such flawless vocals. She IS amazing and we are all lucky to have her on the Loop. Good to be back up and running again. I hope the time off treated you well. I'm off to see what new goodies you might have posted since the return.
mmmmmmmmm yeah - this is really really nice - i listened to it last night and now again today - everything about it is very beautiful - in particular the vocal phrasing and melody - and then the production by short bus is just spot on and also crystal clear - this should be a hit.
Mostly I am so impressed with the production in the sense that it perfectly matches the mood of the vocal - the drums are just absolutely perfect for it.
Great job muzicizmee4ever and shortbus!!
Thanks Haven, the credit on this one all goes to Mz. Muzic. It's pretty hard to fail when working with one of her vocal arrangements. Thanks so much for stopping by and giving this one a listen.
Short, you know how insanely awesome and talented I know you are, this is so cool on so many levels brother. You have a great ear for music and incorporate such cool ideas into all of your music. Love this man. Great job to the both of you!
Thanks my friend. Your comments mean a lot. I think you are one of the most talented creators on this site, so your words of encouragement keep me inspired (as does your work). Thanks for stopping by and spending a bit of time.
Just great and wonderful. One of the best designers music I ever heard here. Dress the songs you know really well. Wonderful job with a wonderful voice.
Thank you Vicen :) The credit on this one all goes to MuzicIzMee4Ever. She is a gifted singer and a huge talent and it was an honor to be able to work with her vocals. I'm sure she will be happy to see you enjoyed her work. As always, thanks for taking the time to stop and listen and comment.
A great moment, with outpouring of musical images of very good quality and voice of an angel ....
You have done here my friend a musical feat. All close to perfection, and I never tire of listening.
The choice of this beautiful voice brings the element indicative of your talent
I am impressed by this performance.
And continue to impress me, and thank you for sharing this magic moment .... Respect.
I hope all goes well for you .....
Thanks Dan. Your kind words mean a lot, especially coming from someone I respect and admire. Thanks so much for taking the time to listen and comment. I hope the weekend is going well for you. Thanks again for taking the time to listen and review.
Mate this just pure brilliance, right from the very first drop of rain, vocals are brilliant, what a stunning voice, first time have heard her vocals, totally blown away with the freshness of MuzicIzMee4Ever vocals, notice possible couple of clicks in vocals, but listening to track on laptop, so could poss be that, only noticed it twice, as to the rest of the track my friend, up there with your very high standard, great guitar work, everything sounding so good and in place where it should be, massive fav for this very good collab my friend...Peace n much Respect Bear...Estefano...
Thanks Estefano! Mz. Muzic is a huge talent and we are so lucky to have her and her gifts on the Loop. I listened to the track carefully on headphones and can't hear a click on the vocals. There is some drum brush high hat work going on and a step pad as well, so maybe that is what you hear. Anyway, thanks so much for the listen and the great commentary. Greatly appreciated my friend.
Wow.....I`m not usually lost for words but this is such a great track I`m struggling for the right ones...Its just superbly done in every way and beautifully produced...Kudos on those harmony the acoustic...super piano...and being just a great uplifting song to start with sure doesn`t hurt....Absloutely a fav.....More please....Ed
Hey Ed, I hope all is going well for you. Thanks for the kind words. It is not every day I get a chance to work with a singer this talented. She could sing the phone book and make it sound good, so all I had to do was get out of the way. The final product is a direct result of her generosity with her time and advice. Thanks so much for taking the time to listen and comment.
you have taken a wonderful song and made it wonderfuller [um hm, thats a is now]. i could listen to this all day. the atmosphere is so soft and gentle, and you made the music compliment the vocals so wonderfully! great job mr. bear! and thank you for asking for my input, i appreciated that very much.
Thank you for sharing not only your marvelous voice, but also being so generous with your time. Getting the vocals in the "right" spot really made a huge difference. Your patience is appreciated.
The Looperman family is lucky to have you as part of this community. Again, my thanks for allowing me to work with your vocals. You are the best.
wow! Good job bear; this one is a classic. It's obvious you really took your time in making this track; every instrument is on point. You did justice to "MuzicIzMee4Ever's" great voice. Keep it up buddy!
Thanks brother. This was such an honor and privilege to work on. Mz. Muzic is as talented as any I've heard in a while. The Loop is lucky she has graced our presence with her genius. Thanks for stopping by to listen and comment.
Michael, thank you so much. Mz. Muzic is such a huge talent it is hard not to sound good when working with her. It was also extremely helpful to have her assist with the timing of the vocals. She's a real genius. Thanks for taking the time to listen and comment. I hope all is well.
Thanks so much Serge. The credit all goes to Mz. Muzic....she is the real talent here. Thanks so much for stopping by and giving a listen and comment. It is greatly appreciated.
So excited to see this, a track from two of my favourite loopers :) Absolutely wonderful Bear, love the acoustic guitar, very well done on the drums.. perhaps the best use of a Muzic pella i've heard so far.. Loved it :)
Brent my friend, you are too kind. The credit on this one goes to MIM4E....she is absolutely one of the best vocalists I've heard in a long, long time. We are really lucky to have her on the Loop. She gets all the credit...most inspiring I have to say. Thanks so much for the kind words. I hope all is well.
on My Heart by ShortBusMusic
on My Heart by ShortBusMusic
on My Heart by ShortBusMusic
nothing to criticize here, just something to listen and enjoy ...
perfect all around and simply a brilliant song ...
respect, rei
on My Heart by ShortBusMusic
Wow...what a great song. It should be on the radio! You did a nice arrangement with this one, and MuzicIzMee4Ever's voice is just great on it. I picked this song here as I wanted to see what she sounded like on this song with you here.
She also did a country song with me called, "Walkin Shoes" on my page not too long ago. First time she ever did country...and it came out great. Doing all the lyrics and vocals/harmonies. So she can sing anything I feel.
Anyway's, Barry, good to hear your playiung again and that your still putting quality songs out.
Are you on 'Facebook' by chance? I am as 'Randall Miller'.
Bye and thanks for shaing this beautiful song.
on My Heart by ShortBusMusic
on My Heart by ShortBusMusic
on My Heart by ShortBusMusic
Mostly I am so impressed with the production in the sense that it perfectly matches the mood of the vocal - the drums are just absolutely perfect for it.
Great job muzicizmee4ever and shortbus!!
on My Heart by ShortBusMusic
on My Heart by ShortBusMusic
on My Heart by ShortBusMusic
You have done here my friend a musical feat. All close to perfection, and I never tire of listening.
The choice of this beautiful voice brings the element indicative of your talent
I am impressed by this performance.
And continue to impress me, and thank you for sharing this magic moment .... Respect.
I hope all goes well for you .....
on My Heart by ShortBusMusic
Mate this just pure brilliance, right from the very first drop of rain, vocals are brilliant, what a stunning voice, first time have heard her vocals, totally blown away with the freshness of MuzicIzMee4Ever vocals, notice possible couple of clicks in vocals, but listening to track on laptop, so could poss be that, only noticed it twice, as to the rest of the track my friend, up there with your very high standard, great guitar work, everything sounding so good and in place where it should be, massive fav for this very good collab my friend...Peace n much Respect Bear...Estefano...
on My Heart by ShortBusMusic
on My Heart by ShortBusMusic
The Looperman family is lucky to have you as part of this community. Again, my thanks for allowing me to work with your vocals. You are the best.
on My Heart by ShortBusMusic
on My Heart by ShortBusMusic
on My Heart by ShortBusMusic
on My Heart by ShortBusMusic